Chapter 4

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Auriga followed her mother through Diagon Alley, shielded from the bitter winter wind by her thick grey cloak. They carried three large bags full of presents for Draco and Lucius, having finally finished their Christmas shopping with a handsome set of dress robes for Draco.

The door to Snidget opened before they'd even reached it, and they were greeted by two waiters in burgundy robes, who took their cloaks and bags pleasantly. "Mrs Malfoy," one of them said, "Miss Malfoy."

Snidget was a lovely French restaurant that the Malfoys often went to for lunch. It had all the right sorts inside, and they were always treated with the utmost respect by the staff. Normally, Narcissa and Auriga would meet Lucius and Draco here, but not today. Today they were meeting the Carrows for lunch. Well - two of them anyway.

Tamara Carrow was a slender woman in black and silver robes, with curly, shoulder length, chestnut hair, high cheekbones and clear olive skin. She was married to the cousin of the infamous Amycus and Alecto, but they were hardly ever heard of and none of Auriga's concern. Sat beside her was a young man that Auriga believed to be Augustus Carrow. He had inherited his mother's brown hair and olive skin, but his eyes were a pale green - presumably like his father's.

They both stood up to meet the Malfoy women. Tamara embraced her mother and introduced them to Augustus, who took each of their hands (Narcissa then Auriga) and kissed them lightly. Auriga took her seat next to her mother and opposite Augustus.

They chatted politely amongst themselves, discussing Auriga's NEWTs and internship at the Ministry and Augustus' job on the stock market for Gringotts. It sounded very important and difficult, but he spoke about it with passion and interest, and Auriga found it very easy to listen to him.

Soon their food arrived, and Auriga ate her duck daintily, as she had been taught to. They laughed over a few bottles of elf-made wine about various current events. All too soon, it was time for them to part ways, and the Carrows paid the bill. As the two parties bid goodbye to each other, Augustus turned to her, "Will you write to me?"

She smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth, "Of course. I will see you at the Greengrass's for New Year's Eve?"

He smiled at her, "Of course."


The three elder Malfoy's were sat in the drawing room sharing a bottle of red wine and sat dotted about on the various sofas and armchairs. "So," Narcissa began, "What did you think of Augustus?" Her father leaned in, apparently interested in what she had to say. Not that it mattered too much - she'd be marrying him anyway.

"He was very gentlemanly," she said, "And handsome. And, of course, he was intellectual. I think we're a very good match for each other."

As she took a sip of her wine, she peered over the glass at her father, who smiled at her, apparently satisfied, "Good," he said slowly, "That is excellent. We shall continue to remain in contact with the Carrows then? Perhaps we could invite them for boxing day dinner?"

"That's a good idea," Narcissa said, also smiling at her daughter, "And I expect you will be dancing with him at the Greengrass's?"

"Of course - I'm actually quite looking forward to it," Auriga told them, smiling happily.

"Well," Lucius said, getting up from the sofa, "I'm pleased to hear it. Your mother and I put a lot of work into securing this for you."

"And I'm exceedingly grateful, Father," she said, getting up to hug him goodnight, before heading up to her bedroom.


Auriga kicked Draco under the table and he instantly shoved the bit of ham he'd been playing with into his mouth. It was Boxing Day, and as arranged previously, the Carrows had gone to dinner at the Malfoys'. Auriga was sat opposite Augustus, and between her mother and Draco. She was talking about Arithmancy with Augustus and his younger brother Benjamin, who was a fifth-year that also took the subject. Obviously Draco was getting bored.

"Why don't you tell Benjamin about the knew broom you got for Christmas, Draco?" Auriga suggested, successfully silencing him and allowing some time to talk to Augustus on her own.

"I hear you're the Hogwarts duelling champion?" Augustus asked her, before placing a piece of carrot in his mouth and taking a sip of wine.

Auriga laughed, "Well, yes. It's a highly underrated sport, in my opinion." He looked interested, so she carried on, "I think Quidditch dominates too much of the wizarding view, and doesn't allow room for the finer, more skilful sports, like duelling. Some would argue that duels aren't as good to watch, but I think if the opponents are talented enough it can be very entertaining."

Augustus nodded, taking in what she had said, "I was never one for quidditch myself," he confessed, "I used to hang around in the castle during Hogwarts games and take advantage of the peace and quiet." He chuckled and Auriga joined in.

The Carrows stayed a little while longer, talking with the Malfoys about various things and getting to know them. Auriga watched fondly as Augustus played chess with Draco and taught him some tips and tricks.

When Draco's eyes began to droop, it was time to bid them goodnight. "It was lovely to meet you, Auriga," Ceaser Carrow, Augustus's father, said, before the four of them departed into the night.


"I must say," Augustus whispered to Auriga as they danced in the Greengrass's ballroom, "that you look very beautiful tonight." She laughed as he twirled her three times in perfect synchronisation to the music.

"And you very dashing," she replied.

They spun around the dance floor for a little while longer, until Ceaser pulled her away for the next song and Augustus danced instead with Narcissa. "You are a very good match for Augustus," Ceaser said to her as they waltzed around the room, "He's very fond of you already."

"I like him very much too," Auriga said, flashing her charming smile, "We've had some wonderful conversations."

"I hear you're popular at the Ministry," he said, "A high-riser by the sounds of it. Do you plan to continue your career after Hogwarts?"

"Of course," Auriga told him politely, "I have a keen interest in politics, and one can never be too well connected." He smiled, but it looked false, and she knew just what he was thinking. "That is until I have children though," she added, and he looked down at her, interested in what she had to say once again, "Then my sole priority will be with them, as it was with my own mother."

The music came to a halt and the pair turned to each other and bowed. "A pleasure talking to you," Ceaser said to her, "as always."

"And the same to you," Auriga replied, "And thank you for the dance."

Narcissa rushed over to her with a glass of champagne in her hand, "What did you say?" she asked, trying to keep the panic out her voice. She failed in that aspect, but her face remained as calm and still as ever.

"That I'm interested in politics, well connected at the Ministry and plan to have children one day," she listed. Her mother did not look satisfied. "It went smoothly, Mother," she said with a smile, "Now why don't you dance with Father. He looks like he's itching to get on the dance floor."

Narcissa cracked a faint smile at that, "You always were a funny one." She departed to find her husband, leaving Auriga to stand and watch the higher class mingle. What an odd bunch.

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