Chapter 78

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When I tell you I've given Remus some damn good dialogue... :)

"Bombarda!" shouted Sirius again, but the spell was only absorbed by the barricade, making the walls quake around them.

"It's no use, Sirius," said Remus, sounding resigned. "You'll just knock the castle down."

"At least it'll kill them," growled Sirius.

"I'm going to take Longbottom to the hospital wing," said McGonagall, stepping quickly over to the feebly stirring figure.

"No, wait," said Auriga with a frown. "They've got to come back down and we can't spare you, Professor. Just stabilise him and take him round the corner."

"What with Carrow?" said Remus, listening in and looking grumpy. "I don't think so. There's an alcove behind that tapestry, we can put him there."

Auriga scowled. "What's he doing here?" asked Sirius. Remus shrugged.

"Actually, he came to warn us," said Auriga matter-of-factly. "We wouldn't have known you were here without him."

"Oh don't kid yourself, Malfoy," said Remus. Ron shuffled uncomfortably at the use of her surname. "He just wanted to get out of harms way."

But before Auriga could retort, a cascade of footsteps tumbled down the barricaded stairs towards them. They readied their wands. And they waited.

Moments passed. The air itself felt like it tingled with magic. And then the barrier disappeared as soon as it had appeared, and the Death Eaters poured out, spells flying. Auriga battled against Alecto Carrow, a whirlwind of blazing passion as she dodged and cast.

Out the corner of her eye, she saw Remus battling against Greyback, the werewolf. She hadn't seen him before, but she'd certainly heard of him. Remus flew back through the air towards a staircase, wand clattering to the floor away from him. Without any hope of protecting himself, he surely wouldn't survive the fall...

Auriga dropped to the floor to dodge the next few spells and cast a cushioning charm on the stairs. Remus landed and looked around, co fused about his lack of injuries. He met eyes with Auriga, and she mustered the tiniest smile before moving her attention back to Carrow.

It wasn't long before she was distracted again. Distracted by a blond head and a pointed face being pulled through the battle by Snape. Draco. What was he doing here? But he was with Snape. He'd be safe. He was fine.

Auriga focused back on the battle and saw Harry pushing through as well, his face stained with tears as he tore off in the direction of Snape and Draco. She heard a yell of, "It's over!" and, "Let's go!"

The spells began to subside, and soon they began to focus on their attacking spells, forcing the Death Eaters down the corridor and away.

Auriga looked around in breathless silence. She could hardly hear a thing, apart from Ron, Hermione, Luna Lovegood and Ginny mumbling, and everyone else looked around. "Bill!" she heard Ginny gasp, and looked over to see a body surrounded by a puddle of blood.

"It was Greyback," Remus informed them grimly. "He needs Madame Pomfrey."

McGonagall nodded and conjured a stretcher. "I need to check on the students," she said, looking fidgety. "You should all go to the hospital wing."

"What about Harry?" Ron piped up.

"What about him?" asked Sirius, frowning.

"Didn't anyone else see him?" Ron asked.

"I did," said Auriga. Her voice was strangely hoarse, so she cleared her throat. "Someone should go and find him."

"I'll go," said Ginny. Ron began to protest, but at a glare from her sister he subsided. Ginny jogged off down the stairs.

"Come on, you three," said Sirius to Hermione, Luna and Ron, holding his wand out so Neville floated on a stretcher in front of him. Remus was doing the same with Bill, and Tonks was stood next to him.

"I'll be right back," said Auriga. She saw Remus's frown, but shrugged it off as she jogged off to find Augustus and check he was safe. He was a civilian, she told herself. He was her responsibility. And why did she have to justify herself anyway? What she did was none of Remus's business.

She was cut off from her musing when a body collided with hers and she found herself in a tight embrace. "Oh," she said, caught off guard. "Augustus! Are you alright?"

He quickly released her, looking apologetic. "Yes. Sorry. I was just...I was worried." Auriga smiled at him. "I'm glad you're OK."

"Come on," she said. "We're all going to the hospital wing."

"So the others have gone then?" asked Augustus as they began to walk. "The other Death Eaters?"

"Yeah," said Auriga. Something was off about him, but she couldn't quite grasp what. Maybe it was because he'd hugged her? Or blown his cover? She couldn't quite pinpoint it. "What are you going to do now then?" she asked as they walked up the stairs, nearing the doors. "You can't go back to them."

Augustus shrugged. "I'll manage," he said. "But I won't be able to pass on any more information."

They reached the hospital doors and the others looked up as they walked in. Neville and Bill were in beds, with everyone gathered round them. Tonks narrowed her eyes. "What's he doing here?" she asked.

"I was about to ask that," said Sirius, drawing his wand.

"He's with us," Auriga promised them. "He's been passing us information, remember?" Augustus stepped up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"We've had anonymous tips that have been more helpful than he has!" protested Tonks. Auriga shifted uncomfortably. That was true...he'd only really helped with the un-brainwashing part. But he was trying.

"I'm really not comfortable with this," said Remus, also drawing his wand and stepping forward. "I suggest you wait elsewhere until we're done here."

"And what's it got to do with you?" said Augustus stepping forward.

"You tried to kill her!" protested Remus, wide-eyed and looking semi-crazed. Tonks and Sirius had similar expressions, Hermione looked uncomfortable, Luna wasn't paying attention and Ron looked perplexed.

"Could you just leave it, Remus?" asked Auriga, growing tired. "Please?"

Remus opened and closed his mouth, looking like a fish. It would've been comical had the mood not been so grim.

"Could you explain how you know him, please, Auriga?" asked Augustus.

"It's a long story," she said again.

"Is it?" asked Remus, raising his eyebrows and crossing his arms. "A long story? I'd be happy to tell it if you can't recall all the details." Auriga didn't say anything, her heart pounding in her chest. "Let's start with the multiple occasions where you told me you loved me-"

"Remus-" began Auriga. But it was too late.

"You did what?" said Augustus, retracting his hand from her shoulder and stepping back in disgust.

"Oh, yes," said Remus, stepping forward and now in some angry form of madness. "And let me tell you all about what we did in my room-"

"OK," said Ron loudly while Hermione shifted to look out the window. Sirius looked very smug.

"Stop it, Remus!" cried Auriga, desperation growing in her mind.

"I can't believe this," said Augustus, looking stressed. "You and...the werewolf?"

"Augustus," said Auriga feebly. "Please."

"Can I talk to you?" he asked, not meeting her eyes. "Outside?"

Auriga could hardly breathe, but she nodded and followed him out nonetheless, without a backwards glance.

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