Chapter 82

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K so I know I killed of Sirius but hopefully I can redeem myself...? Yes? :)

Auriga landed in the back garden of Tonks's parents house, her heart hammering in her throat as her stomach twisted into knots that she would never be able to undo. She knocked on the back door and it opened to reveal a fifty-something year old man, wand pointed directly at her. "Who are you?" he demanded. Auriga had expected this, as they certainly hadn't been expecting her.

"I'm Auriga Malfoy," she promised. "I know that Remus Lupin was here before last Christmas, and he kept repeating 'What've I done?'." He frowned at her, apparently only paying attention to her surname. "I'm a good friend of Tonks's," she explained. "We work together."

Finally, the man nodded, lowered his wand, and stuck his hand out. "Ted Tonks," he said with a warm smile. "I'm Dora's dad."

"Really?" said Auriga, taking his hand as he let her inside. "I'd never have guessed." Ted chuckled at her sarcasm. She looked around, and saw a pair of deep black eyes looking at her from across the room. "And you must be my Aunt Andromeda?" said Auriga, offering her hand. She looked almost exactly like her Aunt Bellatrix, except her cheeks were warmer and she looked less crazed.

"That's right," she said warmly, taking Auriga's hand. "You're the spit of your mother." Auriga smiled at her. "How is she these days?"

"Oh, so so," said Auriga. "I've not seen her in a while." A groan sounded from the next room over.

"He's waking up," said Ted, stepping through the door that led to a living room. On the sofa lay Harry, looking small with his bandaged head laying on a cushion.

"What happened?" asked Auriga, her eyes frowning wide.

"You-Know-Who happened," said a grim voice from the other doorway. Auriga looked through and saw Hagrid crouched over in the hallway. Evidently he wouldn't fit in the living room with the rest of them.

"He found you?" asked Auriga. Hagrid nodded grimly.

"They crashed into our pond," explained Andromeda as Ted leaned over Harry. Auriga watched as Harry's eyes peeled open, immediately landing on Andromeda.

"You!" he spat, clearly mistaking her for Bellatrix.

"It's alright, Harry," said Auriga, and his eyes landed on her. "It's just her sister." Harry looked again at Andromeda, eyes narrowed, before nodding and silently sitting up.

"Where's Sirius?" he said eventually.

Auriga steadied herself with a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, Harry," she said, the knots twisting even tighter. "He fell."

She watched as Harry's eyes welled with tears, and his hands rolled into white-knuckled fists. "No," he said eventually. staring into the cracklings fireplace, tears shining down his face. "No, no." His eyes were haunted and pained in a way no child's should be, and it took all Auriga's strength to keep herself together and not cry. Instead, she sat down next to him and wrapped her Marked arm around his shoulders, rubbing his back and hoping it made him feel slightly better. "Hedwig died too," he whispered to her. In truth, Auriga had no idea who Hedwig was.

"I'm so sorry, Harry," Auriga repeated again, her tears still stinging her eyes. She looked around the room. Hagrid was silently sobbing, and her Aunt Andromeda had her fingers pressed to her lips with watery eyes, while Ted stood next to her, looking solemn. Uncle Ted, she supposed.

There was a sudden pounding at the door, and Ted left to answer it. The next moment, there was a great clatter. They heard Ted yell, "Expelliarmus!" followed by a shout of, "I want to see my Godson!"

Auriga jumped up and fled into the kitchen, Harry shortly behind her, but she made sure she was directly in front of him. They entered to see Sirius, back against the cabinets with Ted's wand to his throat. "Sirius!" exclaimed Harry, relieved. He tried to push past Auriga but she stopped him.

"Harry, no!" she warned, turning her attention back to the imposter. "Sirius Black fell to his death," said Auriga. "I saw it happen."

"Sirius Black," said the imposter with a smug smile, "is a fantastic quidditch player, and caught himself on his broom before he hit the ground."

Ted looked uncertainly at Auriga. "It's possible," said Auriga. "But highly improbable."

The imposter clicked his tongue. "I'm offended, dear Auriga," he said, still smiling. "And hello, Andy," he added over her shoulder, where Andromeda had appeared.

"Prove it's you then," said Auriga.

"Oh, bloody hell," said the imposter, screwing his face up in concentration. "Your patronus is a wolf," he said eventually, biting his lip nervously.

"Wrong," said Auriga, "It's not him."

"Am I wrong?" the imposter said quickly. "You should check."

"I know what my patronus is," scoffed Auriga.

"The portkey's leaving!" said Aunt Andromeda, placing a hairbrush on the kitchen table.

"Just bloody check, Malfoy," said the imposter.

"Fine," said Auriga, thinking of Draco. "Expecto patronum." And there, when she had expected her Scops Owl, was a wolf, bounding around the room. Ted looked at her and she nodded, releasing Sirius.

"Portkey!" cried Andromeda, and the four of them lunged forward, each placing a finger on the hairbrush and spiralling into oblivion.

Auriga landed on her feet, as did Sirius and Hagrid, but Harry was not so fortunate. He landed face down in the dirt of the yard, spluttering when he inhaled some of it. Sirius quickly pulled him to his feet and embraced him tightly. Harry returned the hug, and Auriga was sure she heard a sob into his shoulder. She smiled at Sirius, who smiled back.

Eventually they pulled apart. "You get inside," said Sirius. "Don't trust anyone until you know for certain who they are." Harry nodded and obediently drew his wand, heading towards the so-called building with Hagrid, which really just looked like rooms stacked on top of each other. Sirius looked to Auriga with a smug smile.

"How did you know my patronus had changed?" asked Auriga with a frown. "Even I didn't."

Sirius shrugged, but he still had a knowing glint in his eye. "It probably just means you've changed as a person. What was it before?"

"A scops owl," said Auriga. "They like being alone and avoid confrontation."

"Oh, no," said Sirius looking amused. "That is certainly not you." Auriga frowned, offended. "I'm not saying that you go looking for fights," he explained. "But wolves are fiercely loyal to their pack. They'll fight at any cost to protect each other. Sounds to me like you and your brother."

Auriga frowned. "But how did you know it would be a wolf?" She asked. "Specifically?" Sirius shrugged again, and tapped the side of his nose. Merlin, he was infuriating!

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