Chapter 114

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The moment you've all been waiting for... :)

The door opened behind Auriga and she turned to see Draco stood there, in his smartest dress robes. She offered him a nervous smile. "So far so good," he said, closing the drawing room door behind him, "You've not run away yet." Auriga forced out a nervous chuckle. "Lupin's shitting himself," Draco continued. "I told him about your last wedding yesterday."

"Why would you do that?" exclaimed Auriga, eyes wide.

Draco shrugged, a mischievous smirk on his face. "I wanted to see if he'd stick it out."

"You little runt," she muttered, smiling to herself.

There was a knock at the door, and Auror Woodburn poked his head around. "Five minutes, Minister," he said, and Auriga nodded gratefully. She turned to look at herself in the mirror, listening to the light patter of the November rain on the windows. Her dress was beautiful. She'd forced Molly to shop for it with her, having no Maid of Honour to help. That was Tonks's position. It was slim fitting, but not tight, made of white stain with long sleeves that had little, buttoned cuffs on the end.

Draco handed her a bouquet of red and white roses and offered her his arm. "You look beautiful, Sis," he promised, giving her a warm smile. She nodded and stepped outside into the  corridors of Malfoy Manor, following an Auror to the ballroom, with another just behind. Draco had well and truly transformed their childhood home, and now Auriga hardly recognised it. Gone were the cool blacks and greys she had once known. Now there was warmth and bright colours everywhere she looked. She was grateful, and she knew Draco was too. They didn't need to be reminded of their time there.

There had been a lot of debate over where to have the wedding. Auriga had suggested Oakenmore Way, but there simply wasn't enough room. Remus had suggested Hogwarts, but had failed to think about the students that lived there. An outdoor wedding had been dismissed immediately, both by Draco when he mentioned November weather, and by the Auror Office when they said it was 'too exposed'. So Malfoy Manor had been the solution, with promises to Ron and Hermione that it would be nothing like the last time they were there.

The Auror opened the doors to the ballroom, where there were rows upon rows of chairs, filled with Order members, old co-workers and Hogwarts alumni. And, of course, an Auror at every window. It was a relatively small wedding compared with those Auriga had attended. And of course, there were people who weren't there that she wished would be. But they were watching, she knew it.

Her eyes landed on Remus, who was at the front next to Harry, the best man, beaming at her. She felt as a blush crept up her cheeks, and she smiled back. He looked relieved more than anything, and Auriga cursed Draco for telling him about the Carrow blunder.

"If you still want to run," muttered Draco from next to her as they smiled at the people they passed. "I'll cover you."

"Shut up, Squirt," she mumbled, squeezing his arm as they reached the alter.


Auriga gave another hug to Molly, who had had rather a lot of mead, before Arthur shook Remus's hand again and took her by the arm. "Goodbye, Lupins!" she called as they made their way down the front steps. Auriga thought she quite liked the sound of that.

"Have you seen Harry anywhere?" Ron asked her as Remus engaged in conversation with an old Order member. He noticed Hermione was holding his hand rather tightly, but smiling all the same.

"I'm sorry, I haven't," said Auriga, wondering if she could spot him. She lowered her voice. "Was everything alright for you? Was it different enough?"

"It was wonderful, Auriga," said Hermione with a smile, but Auriga spotted a hint of a lie behind her eyes.

Ron cast one last look around before heading out with Hermione. "Congrats again, Professors," they called as they left, making Remus chuckle.

"I never thought I'd see the day," said a familiar voice as it approached. Auriga turned around to see Thomas and Freya, hand in hand. "Auriga Malfoy, marrying for love," he teased, making Auriga smile.

Remus cleared his throat, eyebrows raised. "Lupin now!" said Freya with a playful smack on her husband's arm. Remus wrapped his arm around Auriga and pulled her close. Auriga felt comfortable there, like it was her place. Like it had always been her place.

"Well, congratulations," said Thomas with a smile, heading out the door. "I'm proud of you."

The Lupins waved them away until they disapparated. Auriga closed the door gently, peering round. "I think...that's everyone..."

"Well, let's get that dress off you, then," said Remus, quickly stepping forward and planting kisses on her neck.

"Remus!" Auriga gasped, as his hands snaked around her, caught off guard. "There's Aurors-"


"And Draco-"

"Fussing over the mess of his house." He stopped trying to undo all the buttons and pulled his wand out to undo them instead. Auriga didn't blame him; they led all the way down the back of the dress.

He smiled, pleased with himself, before picking Auriga up, resuming the neck kisses, and carrying her up the stairs. Auriga pulled him by the front of his robes into her room, practically tearing them off him as he pinned her roughly against the wall. "Seven years I've waited for this," he muttered as they kissed each other greedily and breathlessly.

"You've wanted to marry me for seven years?" she challenged, quirking an eyebrow.

"I've wanted to tear a dress off you for seven years," he said. "And I'm not sure how snarky you want to be right now with what I'm about to do to you."

"OK," someone else said loudly.

"We'll just go," said another voice.

Auriga gasped as Remus picked his robes up from the floor, covering himself up as he shielded Auriga. "Draco!" Auriga exclaimed.

"Harry?" asked Remus, wide-eyed.

"This is my room!" said Auriga hotly over Remus shoulder.

"Can you stop looking?" Draco demanded, covering himself with what looked like Harry's shirt. Auriga hastily squeezed her eyes shut.

"You were going to have sex in my bed?" said Auriga, using her teacher voice.

"But we didn't!" said Harry's voice.

"It was the closest one to the stairs-" Draco began, not defending himself.

"So you were!"

"It's my house!"

"We're leaving," said Harry firmly. Auriga heard footsteps and a door close before she opened her eyes again.

"Merlin's beard," she muttered, placing her forehead on Remus's chest as he turned back around, looking down into her eyes.

"Never mind them," he murmured soothingly. "Where were we?"

Auriga bit her lip, grinning before leaning up to kiss her husband once more.

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