Chapter 67

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"...and you should be out by Thursday," concluded Healer Smith, the witch in charge of Auriga's care. At the appearance of a blond head outside her door, Auriga had zoned out a little and now snapped back to reality.

"Thursday?" she repeated as Smith packed away her blood test, "Brilliant. Thanks."

"I'll leave you and your visitors to it," Smith said with a knowing smile. Auriga nodded and watched as she held the door open for a smiling Draco. As soon as the door was closed however, his smile fell.

"Are you trying to get yourself bloody killed?" he said, raising his voice and scowling as two pink spots flushed his cheeks. "I've been sat at Hogwarts...worried sick...getting all my news at the same time as every other bloody person!"

"Draco," said Auriga, frowning, "Listen-"

"No, you listen!" he said as he tore his cloak off. "You're all I have, Auriga! You and Harry and that's it! Mother and Father have made it clear that they don't give a damn, but I still can, and you should too. You weren't even going to take the job until your so-called boyfriend left!"

"He didn't leave," protested Auriga, "He went on a mission. You know that."

"He left to go on the mission," pushed Draco. Auriga looked at the wall opposite her, trying not to let the words sink in. "Sorry, Auriga," Draco said.

"You don't need to be sorry," she said.

"No," said Draco, "No, if it was Harry..." he trailed off, looking regretful. Auriga knew what he was thinking. He was thinking the same thing Auriga was thinking all the time. Remus was most-likely dead by now.

"How's school?" Auriga said, just wanting to change the subject.

"Oh, fine," said Draco, caught by surprise. "NEWTs going fine, training going well. We've got this new potions professor but he's not all that fond of me."

"How come?" asked Auriga with a frown. She'd never had any problems with winning over a teacher. Maybe McGonagall, but that was more later in life.

Draco shrugged. "Comes with the family, I suppose. Zabini tried to call me a blood traitor in the common room. I hexed him before he could finish his sentence." He cast a nervous glance Auriga's way, as if he thought he was going to get told off.

"Did you get caught?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," he scoffed.

"What did you use?"

"This fantastic combination of a bat bogey hex and a reductor curse," he said with a childish grin. "You should've seen it - not pretty."

There was a knock at the door, and Draco opened it to reveal Snape, looking as bat-like as ever. "Good afternoon, Miss Malfoy," he said with what she thought may be an attempt at a smile. "We need to be going," he said to Draco.

Draco nodded in understanding. "See you at Christmas," he promised with a smile.

"See you, Squirt," Auriga replied with a grin. "Stay out of trouble."

"You're one to talk," he retorted as the door swung shut behind them.


Sirius followed behind Auriga as she walked slowly from the entrance of Grimmauld Place holding his hands out as if she was going to fall at any moment, having insisted on carrying her bag for her. Yes, she was still a little bit stiff and weak, having spent a month in bed, but as long as she took it steady, she'd be fine.

"So I was thinking we could set you up in this drawing room-" Sirius began as Auriga made her way into the kitchen.

"How am I supposed to get any work done in there?" said Auriga, taking a seat at the empty table.

"You're meant to be resting," said Sirius, sounding patronising. "Not working."

"Oh it's just paperwork," Auriga said with a wave of her hand.

"What paperwork?" He was starting to sound just like Molly Weasley.

"Well, they've not sent it yet-" she began.

"And they won't be," Sirius said, banishing her bag to her room.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" Auriga said, feeling triumphant at her fool-proof argument.

"You can help me plan my Halloween party," said Sirius, grinning as he took the seat opposite her.

"I thought you were joking about that," said Auriga. "Who are we inviting?"

"Well," said Sirius. "I thought a few Order members, some of your friends-"

"I don't have those," said Auriga.

"It shows," Sirius said, fast as lightning. "Are you sure you don't have any? Not even from Hogwarts?"

"Aside from Tonks," Auriga said, "There's Thomas and his wife, but I've not seen them in years. Some people from my old office, maybe? But that was pre-arrest."

Sirius let out a low whistle. "I mean, I don't have friends because they died and then I spent thirteen years in prison," he said, "But you just sound sad."

"Charming," scoffed Auriga.

"Well, invite them anyway," he said with a wave of his hand.

"" Auriga asked with a frown.

"Yes," said Sirius, not quite thinking clearly apparently.

"To the top secret Order headquarters?" she pushed.

Sirius's face dropped into a scowl. "Damn," he whispered to himself. "But Tonks can come? She's a laugh."

"I'll ask her," Auriga promised, as Sirius got up to wander off somewhere else.

"And you'll have to figure out your costume!" he called over his shoulder, before sweeping from the room.

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