Chapter 1

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Welcome to my FanFiction! I hope you enjoy it. It might take a while for the romance part to kick in, but hopefully I can manage to keep the plot going until then. If I don't update, feel free to check out some of my other work, including Alexandra Dursley, a story about Harry Potter's Slytherin cousin that goes to Hogwarts with him :)

Auriga Malfoy smiled to herself as she boarded the empty Hogwarts Express, a shiny green Head Girl badge pinned to her robes, having just bid goodbye to her parents. She checked her gleaming silver watch; it was exactly ten o'clock. She was an hour early, as was expected of her.

She stashed her trunk into prefect compartment one and sighed. The head boy wasn't there yet, so he was late, so he was probably a Gryffindor. So much for a peaceful year. After waiting for five minutes, Auriga got up and decided to do a sweep of the train herself - it was ten minutes until students could board, and the check had to be completed before then - with or without the head boy.

Satisfied that all was well, Auriga went along the train and opened all the doors. The first few students arrived with their families shortly after, but few decided to board the train. She smiled at them sweetly, showing her perfectly straight, gleaming white teeth. At twenty-one minutes past ten, a boy burst through the barrier, looking dishevelled and panicked.

Auriga hurried forward from her position at the front of the train to help him, but stopped herself when she saw the scarlet badge gleaming on his robes. He saw her and flashed her a toothy smile. "Hi," he said sticking out his hand, "I'm Thomas Smith. Head Boy? I-"

"I know who you are," Auriga said coldly and not taking his hand, "And I know that you are now twenty-two minutes late. I suggest that you go and put your trunk away, and then come and help me greet everyone." Thomas' smile faltered and he slumped a little, before stalking off to the compartment.

He returned 4 minutes later and stood next to her on the platform. Auriga ignored him and stared around the platform, looking for anyone who might be lost or require help. "So..." he began, "Auriga Malfoy, right? I think I'm in your charms?"

"You are," she told him, "And if I were you, I'd straighten out your tie and tie your shoelaces properly. You look scruffy."

"Right," Thomas said, doing just that, "Do you ever smile?" He was joking, of course, but out of awkwardness, and not because he was funny.

"When appropriate," she said simply.

"Do you ever do anything fun?" he asked, rocking backwards and forward on his heels.

"With the right sorts," Auriga said with a sneer, "And at the right time."

"What do you mean, with the right sorts?" Thomas asked nervously.

"You're a mudblood, aren't you?" she said. Before he could reply, though, a nervous-looking eleven-year-old approached them with their mother pushing a trunk.

"Excuse me," the mother said, "Do you think you could help Elijah onto the train? He doesn't know anyone."

Auriga smiled charmingly, "Of course, Thomas here will take his trunk." Obligingly, Thomas picked up the trunk and beckoned for Elijah to follow. Once they were gone, Auriga turned back to the mother, "I'll keep an eye out for him," she promised, "And make sure he settles in well."

The mother beamed at her, "Thank you ever so much - you've been very helpful. Dumbledore made a good choice this year." Auriga chuckled with her until she went away. Merlin, her cheeks were hurting.

Thomas returned, scowling, and made no further effort to talk to Auriga, which she was grateful for. Nothing else really happened until nine minutes to eleven, when a crowd of orange-headed scumbags burst through the barrier two at a time. The tallest and eldest glanced around, saw Thomas, and hurried over, a huge grin on his face.

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