Chapter 69

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Noice :)

Auriga was filling in some details in a report that someone else had made a poor attempt at. Honestly, it was like they didn't even care about the bloody dementors of Azkaban. Was that...was that mustard? On the summary? She was going to murder whoever-

"Malfoy?" asked a quiet voice. Auriga looked up and saw an Auror she didn't know the name of hovering by her desk. "Do you have a minute?"

"As long as you're not the person who filled this in," she joked, indicating the stack of parchment. He didn't smile. "Oh, Merlin, it wasn't actually you, was it?" she hissed, her heart rate increasing.

The Auror grinned. "No, I'm messing with you. You've got a visitor." He indicated over his shoulder.

Auriga frowned. "I've not got a meeting..." She trailed off when she saw the green eyes of Augustus Carrow. Right there. In her office, her place of work, her safe place.

Faster than a racing broom on crack, Auriga had her wand in her hand, pointing directly at his throat. Several other people in the half-filled office jumped, and more raised their wands. Augustus didn't move. He barely even breathed. He just let a small smile cross his face, and raised his hands in mocking defence. "Easy there, sweetheart," he said calmly. "I just want to speak with you."

"Get the hell out," spat Auriga, unable to keep the venom, the loathing, the complete lack of respect, out her tone.

"I came to talk," said Augustus. "Look, I'll even give you my wand." He held his wand out, holding it between his thumb and his forefinger, pointing it at the wall.

Auriga stared at it. As if she would ever touch that foul instrument. "Put it on the desk," she growled. He obliged.

"Maybe someone else could speak with you, Sir," said the Auror that had shown him to Auriga.

"No," Augustus said quietly. "Thank you. I must speak to Auriga and Auriga only."

The Auror looked at Auriga for guidance. Auriga glanced fleetingly around the office. There were only a handful of them, with everyone else in meetings or on missions. And there were no Order members, save for her. But there would only be one way to get rid of him for good. "Sit down," she commanded, keeping her wand trained on his chest, and not sitting herself. He obliged, and with an instructional look from Auriga, the other Aurors stood down, still on their guard. "Now what do you want?"

"Well I hardly expected you to welcome me with open arms-" Augustus began with a smile.

"Get on with it," snapped Auriga. "The less I have to hear your voice the better."

"We are feisty," said Augustus, leaning back. Auriga narrowed her eyes, and adjusted her grip, drawing attention back to her wand. It sent a clear enough message. "Right," said Augustus, his eyes flicking between Auriga and her wand. "I'm here to help you."

"Help me how?" asked Auriga.

"Not just you," said Augustus. "The Aurors. Look, after what I did to you...I saw the papers almost died. And it would've been my fault."

"Yeah," said Auriga, her voice bitter. "It would have."

Augustus's eyes began to well with tears, catching Auriga momentarily off guard. Momentarily. "The mere thought of live in a world without made me realise that-that...I still love you."

"Still?" challenged Auriga, her wand firm.

"I always have," he sniffed, a tear dripping down his face.

Auriga scowled, the cogs turning in her mind. Was this a trick? It seemed genuine. But after all he'd done...

"Doesn't change anything," decided Auriga. Another tear fell into his lap.

"I know," he whispered, sounding haunted and horrified. "I know. And if I go to Azkaban-"

"When," corrected Auriga.

"I would deserve it," he admitted. But at the moment he was only stating the facts of the case. "But don't let that happen until I've done all I can. I can name and shame. I know locations, meeting times, plots and plans. I can help, just like you have, just like Black has."

Auriga felt her eyes narrow again. There was no way she was falling for this. He had a one way ticket to Azkaban. But he was crying. And what if he was being truthful, and she passed up on this opportunity? She could be to blame for hundreds of deaths.

And apart from that, how could she stand here and judge him? She, who had been given countless chances, countless times to prove herself and her loyalty. This was his chance to redeem himself. And who was she to take that from him when she had already been given so much?

It was hardly like she was doing a fantastic job. She lost her position at the Ministry for the Order, and lawfully so. Yes, she'd made a few arrests, but they were no closer to swaying the young purebloods than they were when she started. And here was the perfect informant, ready made and willing. Apparently.

Auriga sighed. "I need to think about it," she told him. "Speak with my supervisor. I'll owl you if we want a meeting." Augustus stood and reached out to touch her arm, but she moved back and away, raising her wand higher. "Don't touch me," she warned.

Regret filled his eyes, confusing Auriga as a line formed between his brows. "Right," he said, his voice a whisper. "I'm sorry, Auriga. And thank you." And then he left, fastening his cloak as he did.

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