Chapter 43

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Sorry for the late update, but you're going to love this one :)

Auriga was observing the NEWT charms class, as instructed by Fudge, and making notes on Flitwick's teaching style. He seemed to do much the same as Auriga, with more practicality to it. He set them to work, and Auriga took the opportunity to ask him some questions: how long have you been teaching?, what are your thoughts on Dumbledore?, would you say your students are of a high standard? Blah, blah, blah. She also asked Alicia Spinnet how she found the lessons, and was told they were 'very good'. She confidently passed him.

That afternoon she had fifth year divination - a woolly subject if she ever knew one and not one that she'd taken. Unsurprisingly. She avoided Draco's group of friends, and Potter, who Draco was shooting odd glances at. Instead she went over to two Gryffindor girls, Brown and Patil, and asked them what they'd learned. "Oh we can do all sorts," said Brown excitedly, "Palm reading, and-"

"Can you read my palm?" asked Auriga, feeling like an idiot as she held her hand out.

"Oh, well, um," said Brown, looking at the lines on her hand, "This line - your head line - says you're practical, and this one...the heart line, says you're invested in a loving relationship." Auriga snatched her hand away, and was about to comment, but then realised that she shouldn't be stomping on students dreams...or whatever. She wasn't bothered by it anyway - what kind of loving relationship could she ever have?

Trelawny set them to work, and began to speak with Auriga about what she taught. For sixteen years. "And could you predict something for me, please?" Auriga asked, still feeling like an idiot. Merlin, she hated doing these inspections.

"I...uh," stammered Trelawny. Auriga was secretly hoping for her to do it, because then she wouldn't have to fire her. "You...will have a complicated...marriage!"

"Oh for Merlin's sake," said Auriga, to much giggling, "Anything more specific?"

"To...a...tall man," she finished. Auriga nodded, and sighed as she put a cross on the form she had to fill out. Draco and his 'friends' were sniggering in the corner.

"Five points from Slytherin," she called on her way out, "Focus on your work."


While the fifth years were very behind, they were certainly not stupid. Well, most of them. In fact, seventy-five percent of the class passed the test on third-year dangerous creatures. Both Potter and Draco had got Exceeds Expectations, Granger had got an Outstanding, most of the class had received Acceptable and everyone else had got at least a P. Which was a fail, but it wasn't bad. At least no one in this class had received a D. "If you got a P, you will be attending my Tuesday and Thursday revision sessions," she said to the class, "Until you are consistently getting As. That applies to my sixth and seventh year classes too, so don't feel too hard-done-to. This month we will be doing the rest of the class four dangerous creatures, and the list is on the board."

The class, who was now used to Auriga's teaching style, copied it down. "Demiguises and erumpents today. Who can tell me a feature of demiguise fur? Weasley?" She called on Ron, who turned pink.

"Uhh..." he stammered, looking to Granger, who refused to help him. "Invisibility?"

Auriga was surprised. "Exactly, five points to Gryffindor. Demiguises can be found in the far east..."

She spent the rest of the lesson lecturing while the class took notes, and they had begun their essays on each of the creatures before the hour was up. "I want two rolls of parchment this week, please! And read up on griffins for the next lesson." Auriga had, thankfully made it through most of her staff inspections and sent off the reports. Now all she had to do was await the results. Which would be coming from Umbridge.

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