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I guess it's time guys. Happy reading :)

Auriga Lupin tapped her finger impatiently on the Ministry Archives front desk. Moments later a stout, greying witch reappeared, a smile on her face and a thick file in her hand. Auriga's face lit up as she placed it on the desk in front of her. "I just need you to fill this out, stating you've personally approved it, and this one here saying you're withdrawing it."

"Thanks, Margie," said Auriga, picking up a quill and filling out her details.

"How is Mr Lupin?" Margie asked, tidying her desk up.

"Oh, he's fine," said Auriga. "At home with the girls."

"How lovely," said Margie fondly. "When was it you last brought them in?"

"Oh, a couple of years ago at least," she said, signing her name neatly at the bottom. "Not since we passed the Dementor Extermination Act. Quinn's four now!"

"Oh, you're making me feel old," chuckled Margie, stamping the file and placing one of the forms inside. "You say hello to them for me."

"I will do," said Auriga, retrieving the file. "Bye, Margie!" She clutched the file tightly as she stepped back through the Ministry corridors and into the lift, down to the floor of Law Enforcement where her office was located.

"Hiya, Lupin!" said someone cheerily. Auriga vaguely recognised them as one of the International Confederation of Wizards seat holders. "I was just wondering if you could write me a little piece for the next meeting? Just a statement on your new legislation."

"Oh," said Auriga. "Is that going to the International Level?"

"We think so," he said. "It had a lot of interest when we've mentioned it. We're thinking that the States might want to do something similar."

"Absolutely," said Auriga, beaming at him. "Would you just pop a memo to Charlotte? She'll sort it out."

"Of course," he said, looking cheery. The lift pinged open and Auriga stepped out, walking a little way down the almost abandoned corridor to the door that read Wizengamot Administrative Services.

Auriga stepped inside and was surprised to see a young witch still scribbling away at her desk. "Merlin, Charlotte!" Auriga exclaimed, rushing through to her office and collecting her cloak and bag, stuffing the file hastily inside. "What are you still doing here?"

"I just wanted to finish off this agenda for Wednesday's meeting," Charlotte said quickly. "What are you still doing here?"

Auriga laughed. "I was approving this," she said, indicating her bag with the file in it. "But it's almost seven o'clock - you should be heading home. That can wait." Charlotte bit her lip uncertainly. "If you've got too much work we can get another pair of hands to help you-" she began.

"No, no," said Charlotte, also jumping up and grabbing her cloak. "It's alright, Mrs Lupin."

Auriga laughed as they walked together down the hall and into the elevator. "I've told you to call me Auriga." Charlotte mumbled something along the lines of 'Yes, Mrs Lupin'. "Have you got any plans tonight?" she asked as they walked to a pair of fireplaces across the atrium.

"Oh," said Charlotte, turning pink as she always did when she was asked about her personal life. "My boyfriend's taking me to the Three Broomsticks."

"Oh, lovely," said Auriga with a smile. "Have fun." Auriga smiled at her before she stepped into the fireplace and disapparating away. Auriga followed suit and apparated to just down the lane of six, Oakenmore Way. She walked briskly up, the sun setting low in the sky and streaming through the treetops.

Blood of the Moon {Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now