Chapter 30

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This one's a little bit late today, folks :)

There was a knock at Flitwick's office door, and it opened to reveal Flitwick stood there, his hands folded behind his back. "We're happy to speak with you now, Minister," he announced, looking solemn. Auriga stood as well. "Just the Minister," said Flitwick. She promptly sat back down. The two men left the room, and Auriga was left alone, trying to think. How had that poor boy died? And where had he and Potter gone? Clearly the cup was a portkey, most likely made by one of the correspondents in the letters she'd found at Crouch's house. But who was the correspondent? And where was Crouch? Was he dead?

These questions flew around her head like a never-ending carousel, until finally the Minister returned half an hour later. Auriga sat up expectantly. "They've caught the culprit."

"Oh, thank goodness," she said. "Who was it?"

"Barty Crouch Junior," said Fudge, a grim expression carved into his face.

"But...he was in Azkaban," said Auriga, knitting her brows. "I thought he died or something."

"So did I," he said, "But it seems we have another Azkaban escapee." Auriga's stomach dived. "If the Prophet finds out...I think it's best we keep this hushed up. Until there's more evidence."

"More evidence?" Auriga asked.

"All we have thus far is an account from Dumbledore, who has since gone to bed," explained Fudge, now standing again. Auriga followed suit. "I'm permitted to interview Crouch myself. And I've sent for a dementor."

"A dementor, Sir?" asked Auriga, frowning further, "I'm afraid I don't quite follow."

"Standard procedure for an Azkaban escapee is to perform the Dementor's kiss," he said, lowering his voice.

Auriga nodded, "Best to do it as soon as possible to avoid a scene like last year's." She referred to Black escaping. Again.

"We should start heading down to the Entrance Hall to meet it now," said Fudge holding the door open for her. "You don't mind showing the way, do you? Only, it's been a while since I came here." He chuckled lightly, despite the grim mood.

"Of course, Minister," she said, and led the way down. When they arrived, there was a single dementor on the front steps, accompanied by one of the Aurors Auriga had seen at the World Cup, and Snape too. She quickly conjured her scops owl patronus. "Did they say where he was being held?" Auriga asked as they made their way back upstairs, the Auror having joined their party.

"The office on the third floor," said Snape, as Fudge took up a long stride, as though he were excited for the events to come. Auriga quickened her pace.

They turned the corner and saw McGonagall stood outside a door, who conjured a patronus, looking horrified. "What is that...that thing doing in the castle?"

"I require protection while performing interviews, my dear Minerva," said the Minister looking smug. This was not what he had told Auriga, and she almost pointed it out, but McGonagall spoke again, blocking his path inside.

"Professor Dumbledore will not allow this!" she protested, seething with clear rage.

"I wish to conduct an interview is all, Minerva," said Fudge, rather calmly.

"But, Minister-" Auriga began, but McGonagall had already huffed to one side, and the door flung open. The dementor swooped in with the Auror, followed closely by Fudge, then Auriga. McGonagall and Snape hovered disapprovingly in the doorway.

As soon as the dementor sensed Crouch's presence in the room, it swooped down and clamped its jaws around his. McGonagall gasped and Auriga's hand flew to her mouth. She watched, unable to tear her eyes away, as the dementor sucked so forcefully that Crouch's back arched as he was dragged from his seat and into the air. The colour drained from his hands and face, turning from the pink colour they had been to a clammy grey. The dementor dropped its prey to the floor, and Crouch lay there, twitching, his eyes lifeless but his chest heaving.

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