Chapter 29

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The Hogwarts gates weren't open, but after much clamouring and a patronus sent into the grounds, the gamekeeper appeared and let Auriga in. "I need to ask what you're doing here," he said, after introducing himself as Rubeus Hagrid. "There's a Triwizard Task being held at the minute-"

"I'm well aware of that," said Auriga, walking quickly up the lawn. "But I need to speak with the Minister for Magic immediately. And Percy Weasley and Dumbledore. It can't wait."

As they got nearer to the Quidditch pitch, the hum of a large crowd grew louder and louder. "Well they're in the top stand watching the task," said Hagrid rather helpfully. Despite her attending Hogwarts, she couldn't recall ever having a conversation with him. They finally reached the maze, and Auriga peered round. "Just up there," said Hagrid, pointing at the nearest stand.

Auriga nodded her thanks and sprinted up the stairs, losing her breath. She never had been one for athletics. When she reached the top she was confronted by rows and rows of teachers and visitors, who looked very unimpressed by her arrival. "Excuse me," she said as she pushed through, desperately trying to reach the spot where the judges were sat. "Sorry...thank you...sorry..."

"Auriga!" said the Minister, grinning as she approached. "What a pleasant surprise!"

"How may we help you this fine evening, Miss Malfoy?" asked Professor Dumbledore. By now most of the eyes in this stand and the neighbouring stands were on her.

"Weasley!" Auriga hissed, and the ginger head to the headmaster's right whipped round, looking surprised at her appearance.

"Au-Auriga!" he said, frowning.

"How did you not notice Crouch's handwriting change?" Auriga demanded, keeping her voice down. "Have you got any idea who you've been corresponding with?"

"Is everything alright over here?" asked one of the professors who had a magical spinning eye, a scarred face, and a wooden leg.

"I believe so, Alastor," said Dumbledore.

"No it isn't," said Auriga somewhat desperately. "I must request a private place to speak with you, Professor. And you Minister, and you ought to come too Weasley."

"But Auriga," said Fudge jovially, "Can it not wait until the end of the task?"

Before Auriga had the chance to respond, there was a great gasp from the crowd. The group collectively turned just in time to see Potter and some other champion lunge and grab the cup. They twisted in mid-air and disappeared. "Was that...supposed to happen?" asked Fudge.

"No," said Auriga and Weasley in unison.

"What's going on?" asked one of the parents, who Auriga recognised to be Amos Diggory. She supposed that the other champion had been his son.

"I must insist that we discuss this elsewhere," Auriga said. Dumbledore finally nodded and swept to the exit, followed shortly by Auriga, the Minister and Percy. He conferred briefly with McGonagall and Hagrid, who nodded and proceeded to sit everyone back down. Then, he led them up to the castle in silence, where they found an empty classroom. The three men all looked at Auriga, who tipped the contents of the satchel onto the table.

"Those are Death Eater robes," said the Minister. "Wherever did you find them?"

"I'll explain, Minister," said Auriga, "I found a note that Mr Crouch sent to Mr Weasley here - he's been off sick for months now, communicating through Mr Weasley. It didn't match his handwriting, so I went to his house to find it completely deserted. For months by the looks of it.

"The first things I found were these letters," she continued, handing them to the Minister, who read them and handed them to Dumbledore. "And then I went into Mr Crouch's son's room and found these robes in the wardrobe."

"And those boys just took a portkey to an unknown location," mumbled the Minister, looking horrified.

"I presume that's the plot mentioned in the letters," said Dumbledore grimly. "Do you mind if I keep these?" He indicated the evidence before them.

Fudge and Auriga exchanged a look. "I suppose," she finally said, "But the Auror office will need them upon request." Weasley, who had been silent the whole time, nodded in agreement.

"Of course," said Dumbledore, "For now we'll head back to the maze, and await their return."


The waiting had been agony. And then there was a crack and a thud, as the portkey reappeared, with Potter clutching it in one hand, and holding onto the Diggory boy with the other. Neither of them moved, and for a moment the whole world was silent.

Then Dumbledore rushed forward to Potter and turned him over, and Auriga and the Minister followed shortly behind. Potter was alive and moving, just about, but the other boy...

"Dumbledore..." said Fudge, "Merlin. Diggory's dead!" The words echoed throughout the stands and Auriga silently cursed the Minister for being so tactless.

"Voldemort's back," murmured Harry thoughtlessly, and Auriga couldn't help but gasp. She exchanged a shocked look with the Minister. "He killed Cedric. Cedric told me to bring his body back..."

"That's right, Harry," said Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore," said Fudge, clearly panicking, "The boy's parents are here. You need to tell them...before they see..."

"Stay here, Harry," said Dumbledore, and he and Fudge rushed off into the stands. Potter swayed uneasily on his feet, and Auriga quickly grabbed his arm to hold him up. She despised the boy, but it seemed he'd just watched his classmate be murdered. And she wasn't that heartless.

She peered around into the stands for her brother, but he was nowhere to be seen. Someone came up behind her - the Professor with the magical eye - and tapped her on the shoulder. "Dumbledore told me to take Potter up to the hospital wing," he said. Auriga nodded, grateful that someone else could take the responsibility.

She allowed herself to be caught in the flurry once more, still looking for Draco, but she wasn't sure why. Maybe it was for her comfort more than anything else. Nearby there was a first or second year crying and Auriga smiled comfortingly before someone grabbed her arm. "Where's Harry?" Dumbledore demanded. McGonagall and Snape were right behind him.

"He went to the hospital wing with that other Professor," Auriga said, angrily pulling her arm from his grip.

"Which Professor?" demanded Dumbledore. He looked very panicked.

"The one with the wooden leg," she said quickly, "Is everything-" But they were already off, headed towards the castle.

Auriga peered around for a few moments more, before finally seeing the Minister again. "What are we to do, Minister?" asked Auriga.

"I...don't know," said Fudge, "Potter was deluded, clearly. Been through a great ordeal...nasty shock..." It sounded to Auriga as though Fudge had been the one that went through the nasty shock.

Flitwick came up to the pair of them a minute later with Weasley in tow. "Professor Dumbledore says you can wait in my office until he's dealt with his students," said the charms Professor. Auriga nodded, but Fudge addressed Weasley.

"You can go home," he said. "My office will contact you in the morning." Weasley paled and nodded, before rushing off and down the lawn.

"I'll show you the way," said Flitwick, and the pair of them followed, leaving the panicked crowd behind.

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