Chapter 31

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This is my favourite chapter so far omg :)

"You!" spat Auriga drawing her wand. "Have you any idea how long I've been looking for you?" She stepped forward, raising her wand, and Sirius Black took a few steps back. "I've had the French completely up my arse asking me where you are, as if I had any idea! The Americans have been the most difficult bastards in the world and have tried to exploit this country at every turn. You single-handedly shattered the economy - and the paperwork! Hours upon hours I've been sat at my desk, filling in forms and writing reports about you! I had to work eighteen hours on Halloween just because you showed your face!"

Auriga finished her rant, looking around at the shocked faces before her. The numbers had depleted slightly. The matron was no longer there, nor was McGonagall. But everybody else was stood there calmly, as though there wasn't an escaped murderer in the room.

"Miss Malfoy," said Snape, somewhat calmly. "Black is...innocent." It looked as though it were very painful for him to say it.

"Are you all in on this?" she hissed, glaring at the room.

"Yes," said Potter. Merlin, he was arrogant. Why was she doing this again? Ah, yes.

"Innocent?" she repeated, looking at Dumbledore for some reason. He nodded. Auriga sat down on the end of the bed, her knees giving way. "All that paperwork..." she muttered to herself, "All for nothing..."

"I'm sorry, Malfoy," said Black with a smile, "I'll come by and help next time." Auriga didn't say anything.

And then she stood up again. She presumed all the people in this room were trustworthy, given their reaction to Black. "I can help you," she said, trying not to fidget. "I'm very high in the Ministry, and Fudge trusts me immensely. I can help."

Everybody looked surprised at this. "Why the change of heart?" asked Dumbledore.

"Fudge lied," Auriga said simply, "He had every intention of doing what he did to Crouch. And Crouch should've at least been tried first. I can see that now." Dumbledore nodded. "I ask for only one thing in return."

"Helping out is never enough for you Malfoys," said Black. Auriga shot him a filthy look.

"My family need protection," she stated, "If the Dark Lord is back, then they will be asked to join him. I want to give them the chance to refuse-" Snape snorted, "-especially my brother."

Dumbledore considered this for a moment. "I will do everything I can." Auriga gave him the most grateful look she could muster. "I suggest you visit them now."

Auriga gathered her cloak around her. "Yes, that would be productive," she said, "I suppose you want these back." She offered him the letters.

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, you ought to take them to the Aurors. Else it would be suspicious." Auriga nodded and departed once more, hoping she'd done the best thing.


Auriga swept straight through the front door of Malfoy Manor and into the drawing room, where her mother was sat, legs crossed and fingers intertwined. She gazed into the fire, deep in thought. "Mother," Auriga breathed, rushing forward into a wave of relief. She had half-expected the Dark Lord to be in their home, but now she realised that was absurd. Her mother looked up and embraced her. Auriga sat opposite her.

"You've heard?" said Narcissa Malfoy. Clearly it took her tremendous effort to keep her voice from trembling.

Auriga nodded. "Where's Father?"

"I'm just here," came a voice from the door. Auriga looked up and saw her father in plain black robes. His face looked just as haunted as her mother's.

Auriga embraced him too. "What happened?" she asked. Her parents exchanged a look.

"My mark burned," explained Lucius. "I had to go." For the first time in her life, Auriga thought she might see her father cry.

"He is back then?" she asked.

"I saw him," said her father. His voice was oddly hoarse. Auriga almost asked to see his mark, but then decided it would be too sensitive for him to share.

"There's still hope for us," said Auriga, standing to make her announcement. "Dumbledore has offered us protection. Our whole family." Instead of the relief she'd expected, Narcissa Malfoy frowned, and her husband swallowed nervously.

"We cannot abandon the Dark Lord," said Narcissa. "He would find us. And most likely destroy our estates."

"Material possessions can be replaced," argued Auriga. "Think about it. You'd be safe."

"And of what use would we be?" Narcissa pushed. "We cannot desert him. It's impossible - he's too great."

"Perhaps not Father," said Auriga, understanding. "But you could."

"I will not abandon my husband," said Narcissa, also rising from her seat.

Auriga swallowed and nodded. "I understand. You've made your decision." There was complete silence in the Manor. "What about Draco? May I protect him?"

"Draco is in no danger," said her mother, re-taking her seat. "He will continue as usual."

"The Dark Lord will show no mercy!" protested Auriga.

"He will as long as we follow his rules," retorted Narcissa. Lucius remained quiet, staring into the fire.

"And if I don't?" asked Auriga. "If my actions endanger all of you?"

Her mother looked at her with a strange expression on her face, one of confusion. Eventually it returned to its usual neutral stone. "Then that is your decision to make. But we will always be here for you."

Auriga nodded, picking up her cloak and fastening. "Tell Draco I came," she said quietly, before heading to the door. "I love you."

"We love you too," said her father. Auriga mustered a small smile, before heading out the front door and apparating back to Hogwarts.

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