Chapter 90

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Happy Saturday!! :)

It had been a week since Auriga and Remus had moved into Oakenmore Way, and with Remus there, Auriga felt a little too ashamed to steal more food, and a little more comfortable digging into the long term food supplies. He raised his eyebrows at her as she began heating some soup on the stove for their dinner. "Those robes look really big on you," he said.

He was right, they were big on her. But there were only six sets of spare robes in the store room, and these were the smallest ones. Evidently the auror department had a sexism problem. "Oh, they are," said Auriga with a wave of her hand. "But I've only got these and the ones I came here in."

"Why don't you just go and get your things from Tonks's?" he asked with a smile.

"What like I can just waltz in-" Auriga began, but she stopped herself with a little gasp. "I can just waltz in!" Remus nodded with a smile as Auriga put out the flames of the stove and hurried into the living room, chucking a handful of floo powder into the fireplace and half-shouting, "Nymphadora Tonks." She plunged her head in and waited expectantly before Tonks came striding in, grinning from ear to ear.

"And what do you want, Malfoy?" she asked playfully as Sirius poked his head round the living room door.

"I left my stuff here!" Auriga exclaimed. "Can I come and get it, please?"

"Honestly, you expect us to drop everything and let you in at a moment's notice?" said Sirius from the doorway. Auriga grinned expectantly.

"Come on, then," said Tonks, and Auriga stepped into their living room. Before she could take another step, she had the life squeezed from her chest as Tonks embraced her. Auriga winced at her shoulder and focused on not falling over, before hugging her friend back. "Oh, it's so good to see you," said Tonks over her shoulder. "It's all upstairs." Auriga gritted her teeth at the pain, which didn't go unnoticed by Sirius.

"What's going on with your shoulder?" asked Sirius, once Tonks had released her. "Some snatchers get you?"

"Oh," said Auriga. "No." She paused for a minute while Tonks and Sirius looked at her expectantly. They weren't backing down. "I was bitten. At Remus's."

Their faces immediately fell. "It's going to be OK," said Sirius quickly.

"Yeah, we'll be right here for you," Tonks said. "I read about this potion when I was doing my NEWTs-"

"Merlin's beard!" exclaimed Auriga. "I'm going to kill him. Wolfsbane, isn't it?"

Sirius looked blankly at the two of them. "I have literally no idea what you're talking about," he said.

"It's relatively new," said Auriga. "Very tricky, very expensive-"

"Well within your abilities, though," said Tonks brightly. "You were the best in our class. Probably in the whole school."

"Well that was because Snape used to tutor Draco and me in the holidays," said Auriga dismissively. "But I've got loads of money saved up because I didn't have any expenses for two years."

"You're welcome," said Sirius. Auriga smiled at him sarcastically.

"Right," she said, clapping her hands together and significantly happier than she had been. "I'm going to get my stuff, murder Remus, and then place an order at the apothecary. Do you mind if I address it to yours?"

"Not at all," said Tonks. "Just make sure you stock up."


Auriga stepped out the fireplace at Oakenmore Way, clutching her trunk with all her belongings in it. All the ones she had left, anyway. Merlin, she'd been shunted around the last few years.

Remus was sat of the sofa, deeply absorbed in a book he'd probably read before, and only shifted a little at her arrival. "I was starting to worry," he said lightly, not looking up.

"Good," said Auriga, putting her trunk down and crossing her arms. Remus looked up, alarmed at her tone, and closed his book, gently placing it next to him.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a frown.

"Oh, yes, perfectly fine," said Auriga. "Until Tonks and Sirius found out about my bite."

Remus's expression grew thunderous. "Did they have a problem-?" he began.

"Oh, no, no problem," said Auriga, seeing the confusion growing. "Just me with the problem. See, Tonks reminded me of a certain potion we studied at NEWTs. Wolfsbane potion?"

"I've heard of it," said Remus bitterly, looking away.

"Well within my brewing capabilities," Auriga continued. "I've actually done it before, with Snape. And money isn't really a problem, for now. So what I'd like to know, is why you've never asked me before?"

"I don't accept charity," said Remus quietly, looking small. "I couldn't ask you for that."

Auriga swept down to sit next to him, moving his book and placing a hand on his knee. "Why in Merlin's name not? We've known each other for years. And especially after I've been bitten for a week!" He sighed and looked at the floor again. Auriga rested her head on his shoulder. They sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the fire crackle and spit. "I'm going to brew it for the next moon," said Auriga. "And Tonks is helping me get the ingredients."

Remus didn't say anything, just silently opened his book back up and began to read.


"MOTHERFUCKER!" A voice that wasn't Remus's echoed through the house and Auriga jumped up from the sofa, drew her wand, hurtled down the corridor and thundered down the stairs, storming into the downstairs living room at the same time Remus burst through the kitchen door.

"Stupefy!" Auriga cried. The invader blocked the spell, but Auriga didn't fire any more at the look of Tonks's horrified, blood-covered face. Blood-covered because she had a huge gash that tore through her cheek, that was still bleeding heavily.

But that wasn't Auriga's main concern right now. Tonks was only just supporting Sirius's weight, who was unconscious and also covered in blood. "Merlin's beard, Remus," said Auriga. He pushed her roughly aside, taking his friend from Tonks and laying him on the floor, desperately trying to find the source of his injuries.

Auriga, turned back to Tonks, raising her wand. Tonks identified herself by turning her hair from pink to blue. Auriga nodded, and led her through to the kitchen, sitting her down and beginning to heal her cut. "What happened?" asked Auriga quietly as she worked.

"My house was raided," said Tonks, her voice hoarse. "We only just got out, and Sirius would've been fine, but...well, he insisted." She indicated the large cardboard box that they'd brought with them. Auriga frowned, pulling it towards her. She'd assumed it was their belongings.

But inside was Auriga's apothecary order, in perfect condition. She sighed. "He shouldn't have done that."

"I know," said Tonks, wincing as Auriga applied a dressing.

"Remus is going to be so mad," said Auriga.

"I know."

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