Chapter 76

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If Auriga had gone through the hospital wing doors any faster, she'd have taken flight. She rushed over to the only occupied bed, throwing back the curtains around it. She'd expected to see Draco, lying alone and sickly. Instead she saw something far worse.

Her mother was there, clutching his hand and bent over in her chair, crying. No, sobbing. Auriga had never seen another person shudder so violently, and it was enough to bring tears to her eyes again.

Hesitantly, she stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on her mother's shoulder. Narcissa looked up, mascara stains running down her pale face, hairs flying and out of place. She hiccoughed a little, still wailing, before launching herself from her seat and embracing Auriga tightly. Auriga returned the hug, holding onto her mother and telling herself it wasn't for her sake. But it was. Auriga needed her mother right now.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered into her mother's shoulder, who was now stroking her hair. "I said I'd protect him."

"This wasn't your fault," Narcissa said quietly, her sobs subsiding temporarily.

The two of them stood there a little while longer, holding each other and crying, before breaking away, mopping their faces, and taking their seats. "Has he said anything?" asked Auriga.

"No," said Narcissa, her voice hoarse. "No. But Madame Pomfrey is confident he'll recover."

Auriga sighed with relief. "I never gave you this kind of trouble," she joked.

"There wasn't a war happening when you were at school," her mother reminded her, clearly not in a joking mood. "And if I recall correctly, you were in a similar state not six months ago."

Auriga swallowed. "Yeah," she said. "About that raid..."

"I got off," said her mother stiffly. "After I told them I hadn't been there in years. But they're tailing me now, you see?"

"I see," Auriga said, still staring at Draco's peaceful face.

"And you're an Auror?" said her mother, sounding very much like she didn't approve. But she was trying. "Congratulations."

"It's not as rewarding as the office," Auriga admitted. "But at least I'm doing something." They sat in silence for a while longer, listening to the sound of Draco's raspy breathing and the occasional babble of students. Auriga was the first to leave, when the sun had long set, and she'd begun to yawn.


Auriga was milling around the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, chatting to Charlie Weasley while they waited for the Aurors and Professors to arrive for the meeting. "Oh," she said, a thought occurring in her head. "Did you sort your contract?"

Charlie laughed. "That was ages ago! But yes, I did. Twenty days holiday a year."

"That's great, Charlie," said Auriga with a smile. The flaring of the fireplace caught her attention, and out stepped Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape. "Just give me a mo," she said, before easing her way through the crowded kitchen.

"How is he?" she asked Snape as she reached him, bumping into Mundungus Fletcher as she did.

"He's recovering well," Snape promised as Dumbledore and McGonagall went to talk to Arthur and Molly. "Poppy says he'll be out soon."

"Oh," said Auriga, sighing with relief. "Oh, that's brilliant."

Snape looked around before speaking again. "Would you like to know what Potter's doing in detention?"

Auriga raised her eyebrows. She really couldn't care less. Surely almost killing someone was punishment enough? "You're clearly dying to tell me," she said, crossing her arms with a smile.

"He's re-writing old detention cards," said Snape with a smug sneer on his face. "All the ones with his beloved father on them." He stood back, waiting for her response.

At first Auriga had thought he was joking. And then she realised he wasn't. "His...his dead father?" Auriga asked, not realising how loud she was at first. Several people looked over, Sirius and the other professors included. Snape didn't say anything. "And you don't see anything wrong with that? Professor." She put in her best Malfoy scowl, and Snape shifted a little.

"Potter deserves some punishment-" began Snape, now drawing the attention of the room. But neither Slytherin cared.

"Surely not psychological torture, though?" asked Auriga, feeling her face grow hot as she clenched her fists. "Surely you can see that's a little bit fucked up?"

"What is this?" hissed McGonagall, rushing over. "Severus, what's going on?"

Auriga answered for him, but elected to lower her voice. "Harry's detentions?" Auriga began, and McGonagall nodded. "Re-writing his father's detention cards."

McGonagall gasped, and looked at Snape with a mixture of fury and disgust. "Severus!" she exclaimed, looking horror-struck. Auriga had only ever seen her like this when Auriga had been rude to Lupin that one time in front of her. Her stomach churned at the thought of him. He wasn't here, was he-?

"I-" Snape began, drawing Auriga's attention back to the moment at hand.

"Get out of my house!" said Sirius, storming through the crowd who parted like first years, and setting off the portrait of his mother. "And I expect to see some action taken, Professors." He whirled between McGonagall and Dumbledore, unable to decide who to put his fury onto. Eventually he decided on McGonagall. "This is downright abuse, and I will not stand for it!"

"I know, Black," said McGonagall, placing a hand on his elbow. "I'll be in charge of Potter's detentions from now, and I will personally see to it that he hasn't suffered too much." She eyed Snape with venom.

"Severus," said Dumbledore from where he stood, unmoving. "I suggest you go back to Hogwarts. I will deliver your report for you."

Snape opened and closed his mouth a few times in protest, before scowling. He sent one last scathing glare Sirius's way, before nodding and stepping back into the fireplace.

"My apologies," McGonagall said to Sirius as the hum of chatter pricked up again. She went to join Dumbledore at the table.

"Thank you, Auriga," said Sirius quietly. "Really. Thank you."

Auriga shrugged. "You would've done the same for Draco."

Just then, the door burst open and in tumbled Tonks, followed by Shacklebolt and Moody and a few others. "That portrait was going haywire," she said brightly with a grin. "What've we missed?"

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