Chapter 106

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Aside from Molly, Remus, and Auriga, the residents of six, Oakenmore Way were rarely caught out of bed prior to eight in the morning. And even then, that was early. But that day, everyone was up at four, (mostly in their dressing gowns), ready to face the day.

Auriga stood at the end of the full hallway, being fussed over by Molly. Remus was stood next to her, his arm around her waist, looking as though he wasn't going to let go. Sirius was stood behind him with Tonks, and Lee was behind her, with the other three Weasleys making up the rear. "Do you have everything?" pressed Molly.

"You mean my broom, my wand, the letter...?" Auriga listed, pointing at each thing in turn.

"Food!" Molly said suddenly. "Arthur, fetch her some food! I left it on the side." Auriga smiled at Molly, having forgotten herself. She'd be very surprised if she managed to keep anything down today. Arthur returned moments later with a rustling paper bag that was passed down the line to the front door. Molly tapped her wand once and it shrank, before handing it to her.

Auriga put it in her cloak pocket with the letter, before picking up the broom they'd found in the storeroom. "Thank you, Molly," she said warmly. "I'll see you all later." She tried to sound jovial, like she was just off to work, but her voice wavered a little and it came out more like she was off to war. She shifted and Remus gripped her tighter, his lips pressed in a firm line.

She stood in her tiptoes and kissed him gently. "I'll see you later," she promised, more firmly this time. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said quietly, his brown eyes staring intently down at her. "Are you sure I can't walk you down the lane?"

"I'm protected by wards all that way," she told him, again, as she smoothed down the shoulder of his robes. "I'll be fine." Remus didn't speak again, just pressed his lips to her forehead before finally letting go. Tonks let out a little squeak and rushed forward, embracing Auriga.

"Merlin, I'm not going to die," she said, forcing a chuckle that no one returned. "See you later," she said forcefully, stepping outside into the early morning air. It was biting and fresh, and the trees sheltered the road completely from any moonlight. If it wasn't for her wolfish senses, she doubted she'd be able to see fifty metres ahead of her.

Auriga didn't look back as she made her way down the road, nor did she hear the door close until she was well and truly out of sight. Finally being alone scared her a little, and she gripped her wand and broom tighter as she felt herself move beyond the wards.

She wasted no time in apparating to the track that framed the wall of Hogwarts. She was made aware at once of the abysmal weather, with the rain pouring down from the inky black sky, pattering heavily on her hood. There was also a screeching sound filling the air, sounding like a Caterwauling Charm of particular strength. Clearly an alarm had been placed on the village. But no matter, because Auriga had been up on the broom and over the wall in a matter of seconds. The wards around Hogwarts shuddered as she went through them, but as Lee had said, she was unopposed, her Mark tingling.

She flew quickly and silently across the lawns, looking up at the castle. Only the odd window had light emitting from it, and she was certain she couldn't be seen in such dark night. She flew right the way to the greenhouses, over the edge of the lake, before landing unceremoniously on the sodden mud around the greenhouses. The rain still pounding, she squelched over to them, crouching in a sheltered patch near one of the walls and waiting.

She waited, and she waited. The rain did not cease, but at one point she watched as a pack of great winged horses flew over the treetops as the sun began to lighten the sky. Thestrals, if she wasn't mistaken. She didn't even know Hogwarts had them.

Footsteps caught her attention once the sky was completely light, with dark grey clouds covering it. Auriga checked her watch: seven-thirty, right on time. She peered round the corner and saw Sprout wandering through greenhouse four. Checking that no one else was watching, she crept forward and into the warm, humid air, finally sheltered from the rain, although she was already soaked to the skin. She shook her hood down and raised her wand. "Pomona Sprout," she called out.

The bumbling witch started and looked up, jumping again when she saw who it was. "Oh forgive me, Malfoy, I thought you were your mother."

Auriga remained steady. "Identify yourself," she said, but she did trust it was her.

"Oh, yes," said Sprout, beginning to water the row of plants lining the windowsill. "I believe you got an O in your Herbology NEWT?"

"It was an E," said Auriga bitterly. Herbology had always been her worst subject. She only took it to help with potions.

"Was it really?" asked Sprout, unfazed. "What about that conversation you had with Dumbledore? About why he made you Head Girl?"

"What about it?" she asked. If she recalled correctly, Remus had been brought up at one point, although Merlin knows why.

"He hoped you'd change your views on muggle-borns," said Sprout, finally standing still in front of Auriga's wand. "If I'm correct, it's worked?"

Auriga finally lowered her wand and smiled. "It's good to see you, Professor," she said warmly. Sprout beamed. "But, how-?"

"Our staff meetings were as much a meeting as they were a cozy catch up," said Sprout with a smile. Auriga couldn't fault her appointment. Even in a war, she was still so warm and passionate. "I really should be heading to breakfast..." she said, clearly wondering why Auriga was there.

"The Order needs you to pass on a letter," said Auriga, withdrawing the thick envelope from her pocket with a gloved hand. "We need you to pass this onto Ginny Weasley. I'm afraid her life depends on it." Sprout looked down at the parchment, reading the addressee.

G. Weasley
Open in private

She nodded. "I'll see that it gets to her," she promised, stowing it inside her robes. "How did you get in?"

"The wards don't apply to people with the Dark Mark," Auriga informed her. Sprout raised her eyebrows fractionally, unaware of Auriga's Mark. "Idiots," she added with a small smile, that the professor returned. "Stay safe," she said, casting the disillusionment charm on herself before checking for any unwanted visitors. She cast one last look at Sprout, who raised her hand in a wave, before setting off and into the sopping mud once more.

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