Chapter 80

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The ONLY acceptable reason for She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named killing off Sirius was to stop him singing We Will Rock You at the battle of Hogwarts. :)

"We should go, Auriga," said Tonks, patting her on the shoulder and drawing her from her musing. McGonagall and the Weasleys had come, and her tears had long since dried. Now Harry had gone with McGonagall and the kids had gone back to their dorms.

"No," said Auriga, standing up anyway. "No, you go. I need to go and see someone."

She made her way to the door unprotested but then someone called out. "Where are you going, Auriga?" Their voice sounded dangerous, like they already knew. She turned and saw Remus making his way over.

"It doesn't matter," she said quietly.

"Where are you going?" he repeated. Tonks and Sirius were frowning at him, wondering why he was behaving so oddly. But Auriga had drawn her wand.

"I have to," she said, her tears starting up again. "You don't understand. I need to protect him."

"And how will you find him?" Remus challenged, his words not harsh. Auriga's arm twitched a little. "Ah," he said. "I'd forgotten about that."

"Lucky you," said Auriga, the Dark Mark blazing in her mind. She hesitated, and then said, "Don't follow me."

"You're not leaving," he said.

"Look who's talking," Auriga retorted with a scowl. She instantly regretted her words. "Sorry," she mumbled, still not lowering her wand.

"It's OK," said Remus. "You're right. But surely that means you know how it feels?" Auriga took a breath and hesitated again. "Why don't you wait until tomorrow?" he suggested.

"You can stay at mine," Tonks volunteered.

Sirius frowned at her. "Why not mine?"

Tonks narrowed her eyes. "I mean I don't know how the fidellius charm works..."

"We're all secret keepers now," explained Auriga. "Including Snape and Draco." She took another breath. "We can't go back to Grimmauld Place. Not for long anyway."

"Fantastic," said Sirius, sounding bitter. "Really great."

"Well you can stay at mine, too," said Tonks. "One of you'll have to take the sofa though."

"I-I have to go," said Auriga, but her feet wouldn't take her.

"No you don't," said Remus. His voice alone soothed her, and he stepped forward, his hand enclosing round hers. She felt a shiver go down her spine at his touch, but she lowered her wand. And she retracted her hand.

Nobody moved. And then Tonks stepped forward. "Come on," she said, placing an arm around her shoulders. "Let's go."

They walked ahead of the others out of Hogwarts and down the drive, and neither could hear the other pair's conversation. "What was that about then?" asked Tonks, her voice only lightly seasoned with weight. "With Carrow?"

"Oh," said Auriga. They walked in silence a little while longer. "I just...I really thought I could trust him. Like he'd changed." Tonks nodded in understanding.

"And with Remus?" she pushed.

"What about with Remus?" asked Auriga with a frown.

"Well, we'll start with him calling you Malfoy-" Tonks began.

"I don't know why he did that," said Auriga quickly.

"Alright," Tonks said. "And when you defended Carrow when Remus pointed out he wanted you dead?" Auriga didn't answer. "Do you want to know what I think?" Auriga remained quiet again, knowing she'd find out anyway. "I think you're scared."

"Of course I'm scared," snapped Auriga. She steadied herself before speaking again, but found she couldn't without her voice cracking. "I still love him, Tonks," she said, crying again and surprised she had any tears left. "And it's unbearable being away from him...but I can't...I can't. I don't want to feel broken again or left behind. I can't do that to myself." She sniffed as Tonks rubbed her back.

"But you love him," said Tonks.

"Yes," whispered Auriga. "I do."


Auriga sat down at Robards' desk the following day, not uttering a word. He looked just as haunted, just as grim. It took a while for either of them to speak. "I understand you've had a difficult few days?"

Auriga swallowed. "Yes, Sir," she said, meeting his eyes.

"Well, I've got some good news for you," he said, but he wasn't smiling. "You're not losing your job." That was a relief to Auriga. She'd thought being related to her brother would set her back after the night before last, but apparently not. "And I've been asked to promote you to the Minister's guard."

At an honour so high, Auriga should've been jumping for joy. But she really didn't care. She just wanted her brother back. And safe. "Thank you, Sir," she said.

"You're to report to the Minister's office immediately," he added. Auriga nodded and stood, leaving and shutting the door behind her.

She saw a peek of her desk as she passed, and a peek of Draco in his frame, smiling and cheery. She knew now that he'd never be the same again. Knew that she'd failed him.

She wondered for a moment if it had been worth it, joining the Order. She'd still be at her old job for one. She wouldn't have been a Death Eater. Maybe Augustus would've killed her by now. She certainly wouldn't be such good friends with Tonks. But was all that worth it, for Draco's innocence? Auriga didn't think so.

It didn't take her long as she walked through the Ministry, receiving more odd looks than smiles. One thing hadn't changed: people still knew her face.

Auriga knocked on the Minister's door and was greeted by a, "Come in."

She obliged, shutting the door behind her as she did. "Minister," she said. Her voice was still slightly hoarse from crying.

"Malfoy," he said, producing a small, temporary smile. "As you're most likely aware, I've requested you for my personal guard."

This was for one reason and one reason only. Auriga knew the Death Eaters better than any other Auror. She didn't smile. Mostly because she couldn't bring herself too. "Thank you, Sir."

"You'll start today," said Scrimgeour, pushing a thin file towards her. "These are all the events and meetings I'll be attending, along with your shift timetable."

"Yes, Sir," said Auriga. Scrimgeour nodded, indicating that she could leave, and Auriga headed back down to the Auror office to make her way through the file.

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