Chapter 37

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Dudes, sorry for the late update :)

Auriga was sat in a very boring Order meeting. She wasn't easily bored, mainly because she was used to trading with Americans and Professor Binns's droning voice. But she was bored today because they were discussing Harry Potter. Again.

"I really don't see why we have to spend so much time deliberating over Potter," said Auriga. "He is only one boy after all."

"He's my Godson," said Sirius, his teeth gritted. Most of the other people at the table were looking at her very coldly too.

"I understand that Siri-Black," Auriga said, "I really do. But he is only one person-"

"How could you possibly understand that?" demanded Sirius.

"I have my brother upstairs who I am currently responsible for, because our parents abandoned us!" said Auriga, "I understand perfectly."

"You kidnapped him!" Black said.

"Only because I was smart enough to do it before anyone told me not to," said Auriga.

"You'd think it would go without saying," said Arthur Weasley. He was ignored by all parties.

"Are you saying I'm stupid?" asked Black.

"No, she's not, Sirius," said Lupin. Auriga offered him a small smile, which he returned.

"I'm just saying," Auriga said, "That we should be focusing more on the whereabouts of the Dark Lord? His plans, perhaps?"

"Why do you say that?" asked Mrs Weasley. "The Dark Lord?"

"Force of habit," said Auriga coolly. "And its irrelevant what I call him. Because apparently, nobody here wants to talk about him."

"We are focusing on Harry, Auriga," began Dumbledore, "Because his fate very much determines that of the wizarding world. And Voldemort is hunting him down as we speak."

"How?" asked Auriga with a frown. "What - if he dies we do too?" Sirius suddenly looked very pale.

"In a sense," said Dumbledore. The topic was left there, much to her dismay.


"Goodnight , Greengrass," said Auriga to her assistant as she left her office to go back to Grimmauld Place. Aurora Greengrass was very promising, and Auriga was sure that she had a sister in Draco's year.

Speaking of Draco, he wouldn't be very happy with her. The mudblood, Granger from his year, had arrived the previous evening, so he'd had to spend the day in Grimmauld Place with her and the Weasleys for company. And Auriga was going to be late because she had a last-minute meeting with Dumbledore at Hogwarts. She flooed straight from the Ministry to his office, as the wards had been temporarily opened so she didn't attract too much attention at the gates.

Auriga stepped out into the office, looking round. She hadn't ever been up here, as most students didn't interact with the headteacher. Dumbledore was waiting at the desk, and looked up with a pleasant smile. "Ah, Miss Malfoy," he said, "Please, have a seat."

Auriga obliged, admitting to herself that she was rather curious to see what he had to say that couldn't wait until the next meeting. "Auriga's fine, Professor," she said, and was surprised to hear herself.

"Well, Auriga," said Dumbledore. "I've noticed you've had a little trouble settling into the Order."

Auriga chuckled, but then realised there was no shadow if a smile on Dumbledore's face. "I wasn't aware it needed settling into?" she asked, furrowing her brows.

"Perhaps not," said Dumbledore, "But I'm sure you've been told before that you have much potential?"

"It's been mentioned, yes," she said. She couldn't quite see where he was going with this.

"You're a very gifted young witch," continued Dumbledore, "Politically aware and powerful, an intellectual, and you have displayed that you have the ability to love. Your family, at least." All of this Auriga already knew. "I had known since Professor Snape made you a prefect that you would be Head Girl. And I had hoped in making Thomas Smith Head Boy you would see a picture of the wider world outside of your own house. As I understand it, you and Thomas remain in contact?"

Auriga didn't know how he knew that. "Yes, Professor," she said, somewhat stiffly.

"I'm pleased to hear it," said Dumbledore. "And yet, he hasn't changed your perspective of the world?"

It sounded like a question, but Auriga hadn't known there was an answer. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean?" she said.

"I have tried to help you, Auriga," said Dumbledore. "I thought placing you in a house with Remus Lupin might help-"

"What's he got to do with this?" said Auriga defensively. Something flashed in Dumbledore's eyes, but despite her uncanny ability to read people, she had no idea what it was.

"Nothing, I'm sure," said Dumbledore, shaking his head and suddenly far more relaxed. "No. I only hoped that you would allow yourself by now to form your own views."

"I have my own views," Auriga muttered.

"Just," began Dumbledore, "Just let yourself think more freely. You have cut yourself off, and joining the Order...well, let's just say it's the chance to build a bridge. And to set an example for Draco."


Auriga wasn't sure how it had happened, but she was currently on a mission for the Order. To collect Potter from his relatives. Dumbledore had asked her to go, and given her a knowing look and somehow...somehow...she had agreed. He was currently interrogating Moody as to what was going on and why he was being snuck out, and Auriga was hovering at the back with Nymphadora.

"Oh for Merlin's sake," she muttered, and then said loudly. "If you don't want to come, Potter, we'll leave you here. Some of us have places to be."

Auriga heard a mumbled 'What's she doing here?' to Lupin, but it seemed it had worked, because they were out the house no more than three minutes later. "Maybe be nice to him?" suggested Lupin as they mounted their brooms. "He's been through a lot."

"Haven't we all," said Auriga dryly, before they took off. It took them well over an hour to fly back to Grimmauld Place, and it was freezing, but they got there in the end. The group packed into the hallway, warming up their hands and their cheeks as they took off the cloaks.

"The meeting's just started," Mrs Weasley told them as she greeted Harry.

They passed Draco, who was at the bottom of the stairs, and looked at Harry with a similar expression to that which Auriga frequently found herself looking at Lupin with. She found this odd, as it was only now that she realised Lupin had his own expression in her facial vocabulary, and her brother had mimicked it perfectly. "Potter," he spat, "Got your own entourage now, have we?"

"Would you look at that?" said Potter, glancing over his shoulder at Auriga, "I've stolen your babysitter." She was sure if they'd been allowed to use magic they'd have to have reported two murders that evening.

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