Chapter 79

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Have a fantabulous day :)

Augustus looked at Auriga, looking like he could see straight through her, like he was analysing her thoughts. Her breath was so heavy it was all she could hear as she waited for him to say something. He didn't.

"Augustus-" she began.

"Don't," he said, cutting her off. He took a step towards her. "I really thought we had something, Auriga," he said, looking like he was about to cry. "I thought we had it back."

"W-we did," Auriga stammered, but he held his hand up.

They didn't speak. Neither of them said a word. And then, before she could register what was happening, he'd rammed her against the wall, knocking all the nervous breaths out of her as his hand found her throat and squeezed.

Auriga made some foul noise as she tried to find some air. Her head began to pound and she tried to speak, but all that came out was gurgles. She clawed at his hand, but it wouldn't budge, and her wand was all the way in her pocket. Black spots began to crowd her vision as she heard the final words.

"You are nothing," said Augustus, his voice low and spitting. "Nothing, but a filthy blood traitor." She felt as a single tear dripped down her face.

And then, faster than it had all started, it was over. Auriga felt her knees give way and she crumbled to the floor, screwing her eyes shut and gasping for breath, her fingertips still grazing the sore part of her neck.

She felt as a pair of hands found their way to her arms, and she shrank away from them. But the touch was light, and with them came a comforting voice. "Auriga," said Tonks. "Auriga it's OK."

Auriga peeled her eyes open and met Tonks's brown ones. Her friend nodded, and helped a shaking Auriga to her feet.

Auriga looked over to the floor, where an unconscious Augustus lay, blood dripping from a gash near his temple. She really thought he'd changed. She'd thought he'd deserved his chance.

Her eyes flicked up to see a breathless Remus stood there, looking at her intently while he massaged a bruised fist. It looked like he'd been the one to punch Augustus. He'd been the one that was right. "I'm sorry, Auriga," he began.

"Excuse me," she said, furrowing her brow and trying, trying so hard not to shatter where she stood. She shrugged Tonks off and made her way back into the hospital wing, where she sat on a bed, looking determinedly at Bill. She heard footsteps coming back in, but no one approached her.

"Professor?" asked Hermione tentatively, and Auriga realised she was talking to her. "Are you alright?"

Auriga forced a small laugh. "You don't have to call me that, Hermione," she said. "Auriga's fine." She nodded and went back to sitting next to Ron. Shortly after that, she felt a sag on the bed next to her, and looked up to see Tonks giving her a meek smile. Sirius and Remus stood on the other side of the bed. Far away.

They heard footsteps echoing through the room, and looked up to see that Ginny had returned, accompanied by Harry. His tears had dried, and now he just looked tired and worn like the rest of them.

"Harry," said Remus's relieved voice.

"Are you alright?" Sirius asked, frowning at his Godson. Harry issued a small nod.

"Did you see where Draco went, Harry?" asked Auriga, standing up and stepping forward until she was next to Sirius. Harry opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. "Harry?" she pushed. He shook his head. Auriga nodded and bit her lip, crossing her arms.

"Is Bill going to be OK?" he asked, looking to Remus.

"I think so," he said. "He won't be a true werewolf."

"Where's Dumbledore anyway?" asked Ron, furrowing his brow. "Bill was fighting on his orders. He should be here!"

"Dumbledore's dead."

Tonks gasped, her hand flying to her mouth, while Auriga and Sirius both cried, "No!"

Remus had let out a great howl of pain and collapsed into a chair, his hands covering his face and his haunted eyes peeking through. He looked despaired, as though he would never rise again, as though there would be no point. And in that moment, all Auriga wanted to do was hold him. Hold him as he had held her. Comfort him, soothe him. Help him. And her heart swelled to bursting.

But she couldn't.

"How did it happen?" asked Tonks, her voice barely more than a whisper.

"Snape killed him," Harry began. Something clicked in Auriga's mind.

"Draco," she whispered, feeling her eyes grow wide and the air go hot. "Draco," she repeated, louder and catching Harry's attention.

"Auriga, I'm sorry," he said, his eyes pleading not to be blamed. "He was there...he-he disarmed Dumbledore before Snape..." He stopped as Auriga let out a wail and stumbled back, back until her legs found a bed to sit on.

She breathed heavily, tears streaming from her eyes, an unstoppable river of pain and anguish. How could she let this happen? This go unchecked? And she couldn't breath, and she was far too hot. And the tears were still falling, fat droplets of misery as her chest heaved and she cried out. She wanted more than anything to undo it. She'd tried so hard to protect him.

And eventually, her cries subsided, allowing her mind to come to terms with what had happened. "And he went with them?" she asked, her voice hoarse. "Voluntarily?"

Harry swallowed and nodded. Auriga's tears still fell, but she no longer wailed, and she could breathe and the air felt cooler.

"How did it happen?" asked Sirius, looking confused and angry and miserable.

Harry began recounting a slow and painful tale of how Draco had been the one to let the Death Eaters in, and Draco had disarmed Dumbledore. He spoke about the Death Eaters climbing the stairs followed by Snape, who had then killed Dumbledore.

Everyone else told of how they'd come across the Death Eaters, and how the fight had broken out, and about the barrier. "There was a body outside," Harry said, suddenly remembering. "Is that one-?"

"Of ours?" finished Sirius. "No." He looked at Auriga, and Harry and Ginny followed suit.

"That one's on me," she said, her voice hollow and emotionless. "I thought we could trust him and...we couldn't." They nodded, somehow understanding, even though she didn't. Auriga sniffed again and looked to Remus, to find he was already looking at her, rather intently. He offered her the smallest of smiles. Auriga mustered one in return.

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