Chapter 72

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Auriga hadn't had a chance to talk to Draco about Katie Bell yet. Yes, he was home now, but she still had to guard Hogwarts and work the case by herself. In truth, the whole department was being overworked.

But now it was the night before Christmas Eve, and she had the next three days for just her and Draco. She might even take him out for lunch.

Auriga had just drawn back her duvet when she heard the click of her bedroom door behind her. She turned around, suspecting that it was just a draught, but to her great surprise saw a pair of golden-flecked brown eyes looking at her. She stood up a little straighter at the appearance of the shabby-robed werewolf, but her mouth hung slightly open nonetheless, and her heart rate quickened. More scars than usual littered his face, and he was thinner than ever. Yet somehow, his appearance captivated her, and she found him more handsome than ever.

But Auriga couldn't be left behind again.

"Hi," said Remus, his voice little more than a whisper. Auriga didn't respond, but felt as though her knees may give way at any moment, so she sat down heavily on the edge of her bed.

Remus stepped quietly through the room and followed suit. Auriga didn't look at him, but felt the mattress sag next to her. She felt his hand graze her shoulder as she stared at her carpet. "Please don't," she whispered, feeling her eyes prick with tears. The hand retracted.

"Auriga-" Remus began.

"You left me," sniffed Auriga, not raising her voice. "Again."

"What do you mean, again?" asked Remus, as gentle as ever.

"It feels like every time I take a step forward, you take two steps back," said Auriga, the first of the tears dripping. "You didn't even say goodbye."

"You'd have tried to stop me," argued Remus.

"I thought you were dead," said Auriga, her words not quite firm, as two more tears fell. "And without you...I'm not anything."

"That's not true," said Remus's soft voice.

"Isn't it?" pushed Auriga, finally having the nerve to look him in the eye. "I lost everything, Remus. My title, my money, my family. With the possible exception of my brother. I had nothing.

"And then I had you. And for one brief second, I thought I would always have you. And then you left."

"I'm sorry, Auriga," said Remus, "But I had to..."

"I think you should go," said Auriga quietly, resuming her stare at the carpet.

"Do you want me to?" asked Remus.

Auriga hesitated. "No," she said truthfully, "But that doesn't mean you should stay."

Remus paused, and Auriga smelt the chocolate and soap from him. What would she give to be in his arms right now? But that wasn't how you got over people. "I see," he finally said. She felt as his hand cupped the side of her face, feeling like pure sparks of magic filled the space between. His fingertips gently brushed a few strands of her hair. Remus kissed her on the top of her head, one last time. And then he left.


Auriga made her way to Robards' office on the twenty-seventh, feeling somewhat nervous. She was sure she hadn't done anything wrong, but she also hadn't done anything particularly right. "Morning, Auriga," said Robards as she entered. He looked like he hadn't slept in about a week, and his hair was now flecked with grey.

"Good Morning, Sir," she said, closing the door lightly behind her. "What can I help you with?"

Robards sighed heavily. "It's come to my attention that your investigative skills might not be up to scratch." Auriga made to protest but Robards stopped her. "It's no fault of your own. You've just not had the right training or experience. I'm passing the Bell case on."

Although annoyed, Auriga couldn't help the relief she felt. That was a dead end as far as she was concerned. "Right, Sir," she said.

"Good," said Robards, also looking relieved that she'd taken it well. "I'm putting you back in un-brainwashing those kids. Dumbledore's finally agreed to a meeting with the Minister, so that's huge progress. I understand you know Augustus Carrow?"

"Yes, Sir," said Auriga.

"He's given us some very valuable information that we hope to put to use soon," said Robards. "And he's agreed to help you with all the propaganda and speeches and things like that. Not my forte but it certainly seems like it's yours."

Auriga grinned. "You can say that again."


"So," said Tonks, stabbing a piece of chicken as Auriga sipped her soup. They were currently both on their lunch break, this being the only one they had together all week. "How was Christmas?"

Auriga shrugged. "This and that," she said. "Quiet one with Draco. How was yours?"

"I spent it at my parents'," said Tonks with a mock shudder. " popped by. In a dreadful state."

"Well he would be after that long wherever he was," said Auriga nonchalantly, looking determinedly at her soup.

"No," said Tonks, "I mean all shook up. Couldn't get a word out of him, tears running down his face." Auriga dropped her spoon and soup splattered into her robes. Fortunately they were black. And she was a witch.

"Really?" she asked, trying to sound uninterested as she cleaned up the splatters.

"Honestly, Auriga, he was a mess," Tonks continued. "He just kept asking us 'What've I done?' while my Dad went to get Sirius from the Burrow. He calmed him down enough. And then he wouldn't stop apologising. Obviously my folks were fine with it, said he was welcome any time...mad though isn't it? What d'you think Dumbledore's got him doing to make him like that?"

"Oh," said Auriga in her best bored tone. "It beats me."

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