Chapter 95

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"So," said Fred as he and George joined everyone else in the war room. "An Order meeting?"

"What's happened?" George added quickly.

"Nothing's happened," said Auriga quickly, casting a nervous glance around. "We're just out of food."

"Completely?" asked Sirius, eyes wide.

"We've got two days," said Molly. Sirius and Tonks exchanged a glance, looking like they might pass out.

"What's the plan then?" asked Lee.

"We'll go and get some?" suggested George, and Lee scuffed him round the back of his head.

"Obviously," said Lee. "Where from? How?"

"We should all go," said Remus, looking around. "Strength in numbers."

"Yeah, but remember what happened the last time we all went?" said Tonks. "I got arrested, and Sirius got attacked by two teenage girls."

"Well he is irresistible," said Fred with a wink.

"Fred!" snapped Molly. "Be serious!" Everybody looked down at the table in silence, each not wanting to be the first to laugh when Molly was mad. Tonks lost, and there was a faint wheezing sound from across the room, soon joined by Sirius.

"Siriusly," said Auriga, struggling to keep a straight face as she said it. Remus let out a laugh that he turned unsuccessfully into a cough. "Two of us should stay here. Lee and someone else."

"Why me?" protested Lee.

"Potterwatch," Auriga said.

"I don't mind staying," said Tonks. Auriga and Remus exchanged a knowing look. So Tonks and Lee? Interesting combo. But as much as Auriga wanted to support her friend's relationships, they needed to be focussed while the others were out.

"No, Tonks, we need skilled wands out there," said Auriga. "Molly or Arthur, it'll have to be one of you." Everyone looked to Molly. "What because she's a woman?" asked Auriga, raising her eyebrows.

"No!" protested Remus and Sirius.

"Mum always stays," added George. They all looked guilty.

"I personally think Molly would be perfect for this," said Auriga. "Seeing as she has the most experience in running a house. She'll know what we need to buy."

"Why can't Fred or George stay?" asked Molly with a frown.

"You want to leave one of them alone with Lee?" asked Arthur, ignoring the protests from the three boys. Molly nodded eventually.

"So we know who's going," said Remus. "Now where?"

"Gringotts first," Auriga said.

"Diagon Alley?" asked Tonks. "That's going to be a nightmare. We're all wanted."

"What if we took polyjuice potion?" suggested Fred.

Sirius shook his head. "Takes too long to brew."

"Well Tonks can disguise herself," said Arthur quickly. "Why don't you just send her in?"

"We can use my vault," Sirius offered. "I can give you my key. There's too much shi-stuff in there anyway."

"I don't think Tonks should go alone," said Lee. "It's too risky."

"I'll go too then," said Auriga with a shrug.

"What?" asked Remus, looking aghast. "No! Why you?"

"I can just transfigure some of my features," said Auriga. "I'm the only other Auror here."

"There's one more problem," said Fred.

"Diagon Alley is crawling with Snatchers," George said.

"You'll be stopped-"

"And they'll want evidence of Blood status."

Auriga didn't say anything, just pulled up the sleeve of her robe and presented her Dark Mark. Lee flinched away in horror, having not expected it. "Wh-what?" he stammered, unable to tear his eyes away.

Auriga pushed her sleeve back down. "That's how the snatcher's will react," she said. "We'll get in and out smoothly and meet you at a side alley on Charring Cross road."


Auriga peered round the corner and into the bustling muggle street. Yes, she and Tonks would stick out like phoenixes in a chicken run, but they had to wear the robes on Diagon Alley, so that took precedence. "Right," she said to Sirius. "Do you have the mirror?" He handed her a little handheld mirror, and she pulled out her wand.

She charmed her hair to a dark brown, thickened and arched her eyebrows and made her lips thinner. She also flattened her nose out, making it less pointed. Tonks (looking like a balding middle-aged man) handed her a tube of red lipstick, which she carefully applied, before rolling her sleeves up so her dark mark showed. "Good enough?" The group nodded. "Are we all clear on the plan?"

They nodded. Fred and George would disapparate with Molly to the Burrow, Remus and Sirius to some woods near the old Potter house, and she and Tonks to a park near Tonks's parents' house. That way if one group were traced, no one would lead them back to Oakenmore Way. "Right," said Auriga, taking a breath to steady herself. She forced a small smile at Remus, but it didn't do anything to a reassure him. He looked pale and clammy, and like he may have a heart attack.

She and Tonks made their way down Charring Cross and straight into the Leaky Cauldron. Tom looked up, and Auriga forced herself not to smile, instead putting on her best Malfoy sneer. He looked away, and Auriga and Tonks found themselves in the back courtyard. Tonks took a deep breath as they drew their wands. "It'll be fine," said Auriga as the bricks shifted. "I've practiced this for my whole life." Tonks smiled at her, but like Remus she didn't look convinced.

The street looked completely transformed, and for a moment Auriga wondered if they had the right place. The once bright shop fronts were now peeling and smashed in, and the shops had been looted. Wanted posters were everywhere, with one of Harry, Ron and Hermione on every wall. There were a fair few of Remus and Sirius, and a couple more of Tonks that said, "WARNING: METAMORPHMAGUS." Auriga only spotted one of of her the whole time, presumably to protect her family name, but this didn't ease her nerves. Her heart still hammered in her chest, feeling like it would burst out, and her hair was sticking to the back of her neck.

They turned the corner, Gringotts in sight, and were stopped by a group of five, dirty-looking wizards. Auriga inhaled the smell of dog. One of them was a werewolf, and it seemed like the one closest to her. But he wasn't one she recognised. He sniffed the air too, and frowned. Evidently Auriga's perfume masked her own scent just well enough.

"Blood status?" asked the werewolf as his friends blocked the street. Tonks shifted next to her uncomfortably.

"I beg your pardon?" asked Auriga, trying to sound like her mother.

"He said," said another, stepping forward menacingly. "What's yer blood status?"

"I'll give you one chance to get out of my way," sneered Auriga, stepping forward. "Or you can feel the wrath of a servant of the Dark Lord." She flexed her arm a little and their attention was drawn down to her Mark.

The werewolf took a shaky breath. "Right you are," he said, looking around for backup. The others moved out the way. "What about him?" he pointed over her shoulder.

"You believe I would consort with filthy mudbloods?" Auriga spat. The werewolf visibly paled.

"N-no, Madam," he said, retreating. "Our apologies." Auriga looked him up and down, peering down the end of her nose out them. She nodded once, before stepping along down the street once more, Tonks following quickly behind her.

"You were brilliant!" Tonks hissed, looking back at the group.

"Stop looking," Auriga hissed back. "It makes you look weak." They swallowed as they reached the front steps of Gringotts, where they were scanned quickly before being admitted. Evidently, Auriga's Mark was a fast track pass for them. "Look for one away from a wizard," Auriga said quietly. "The goblins don't care for wizard quarrels." Tonks nodded, before leading the way to the far corner.

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