Chapter 91

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Auriga shut the door gently behind her, crossing her arms and biting her lip. Tonks looked up expectantly, her eyes full of terror. Auriga shook her head. "Remus is going to stay with him tonight," she said. "If Sirius makes it through, it's likely he'll recover..." She trailed off, feeling sick at the alternative. "I suppose we should get you bunked up," she said, trying to sound lighter but her voice still heavy in the air. "There's the room next to Remus and me, just down-"

"No way," said Tonks quickly, smiling for the first time that day. "I'm not going next to you two. I'd actually quite like some sleep."

Auriga couldn't help but return her small grin. "You dirty cow," she muttered, giving Tonks a playful shove. She led Tonks up the stairs to the second floor and pointed at the first door. "You can have that one then," she said. "And help yourself to any of my robes. There's some in the storeroom, but they probably won't fit."

Tonks nodded with a small smile, opening her bedroom door. "Thanks Auriga," she said. "I really appreciate it."

Auriga smiled back at her before heading back downstairs. She was going to floo the Burrow and update them, and then unpack the potions ingredients. She had absolutely no intention of telling Remus that was why Sirius was so badly hurt. It was enough to kill him where he stood.

"Molly!" she called as she stuck her head through the fire. She could see the living room of the Burrow that she was only vaguely familiar with. The plump witch came hurrying through and gasped when she saw Auriga.

"Arthur!" she called. "Come quick! It's Auriga!"

"What?" came the voice of Arthur Weasley, shortly followed by his disheveled appearance. "Oh, thank Merlin," he said. Auriga smiled; she hadn't been expecting a welcome so warm.

"Thank you, Auriga," said Molly, tears forming in her eyes. "For your message. We managed to get everyone to safety in time and without you...well, I dread to think."

"It's no bother, Molly," said Auriga, her heart swelling at their gratitude. "Look, I've been at a Ministry safehouse - it's wards are unmatched and it's not monitored on the floo. I'm thinking about making it headquarters for the Order - it's got a war room and everything."

"That's wonderful, dear," said Molly warmly.

"There's plenty of room," Auriga continued. "So you're more than welcome to stay. And Bill and Fleur, Charlie, and Fred and George if need be. There's been more raids recently. Remus's was recently - he's OK, he's with us. And then Tonks's. She's a bit roughed up, but alright, but Sirius...he's not woken up yet..."

She trailed off, feeling pitiful at Molly Weasley's quietness and look of horror. "That's not a bad idea," said Arthur nodding. "I'll let Fred and George know. Charlie's safe in Romania and Bill and Fleur are in full hiding. Thank you, Auriga."

"It's no problem," she said with a smile. "The address is six, Oakenmore Way. Let any other Order members know if you see them." Arthur nodded and Auriga bid them goodbye, before retracting back into the living room.


The silence of number six, Oakenmore Way was crushing them. Nothing could be heard. No shuffles, no cries, no ticking or dripping. Just the scraping of forks against plates. Auriga looked up from pushing her vegetables around the plate as Remus entered the kitchen. He looked worse than he usually did, even on a full moon, with dark rings under his puffy eyes. He looked well and truly defeated.

He'd been in Sirius's room since the day before. He'd skipped dinner, and not come to bed with Auriga that night. It had been cold and lonely without him, and she'd already become so used to having him there. She'd had another nightmare, imagining the raid on Tonks's house, and she'd put it down to his absence.

And now it was almost seven o'clock the next night, and he'd finally emerged from the room on the first floor. Auriga uncovered a hot plate of tinned vegetables and beans and pushed it towards him. He began to eat it slowly.

"Well?" asked Tonks, eager for news. Auriga knew better than to ask, by the look on his face.

"I think he'll recover," said Remus, his throat sounding sore. "He's stable for now. Unless I've missed something he'll be OK." Remus looked very much like he thought he'd missed something.

Tonks audibly sighed with relief, but Auriga knew better than to let her guard down. "Do you want me to take a look?" she asked quietly, peering at him for his response. He shook his head and she nodded, taking her dish over to the sink and charming the scrubbing brush. She ducked to avoid Tonks's dish flying her way, and glared at her friend who mouthed, 'sorry!,' before leaving to go upstairs.

Auriga sighed and walked over to behind Remus, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head against his shoulder. Her shoulder had healed rather well so far, and was free of its bandage. It still felt stiff, but it no longer twinged.

She breathed in his comfortable and familiar scent, his hair soft as it brushed against her cheek. "I have something I need to tell you," she whispered, knowing that it might be her he blamed when he found out. "About how Sirius got hurt."

Remus put his fork down and swallowed, and Auriga took the seat next to him, clutching his hand desperately. Her heart pounded vigorously in her chest, and everything felt shaky. "He went back to get the ingredients," she said quietly, hoping to soften the blow.

Remus didn't say anything, his eyes widening in horror and filling with tears. "He almost died," he whispered eventually, his voice breaking as a tear fell. "He might die...I'm not...f-for us!" He seemed horrified with himself, as though he'd ordered the ingredients, or he'd pushed Sirius back into the fireplace to go and get them.

"I know," said Auriga, wrapping her arms around him again and holding him, feeling her chest dampen as she did. He made no attempt to embrace her, just sat and leaned into her as she rubbed his back soothingly, his plate of dinner forgotten and cold.

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