Chapter 7

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Thanks for reading! Also, little trigger warning here, we've got some domestic abuse. Just a heads up :)

Song Recommendation:
Head Above the Water - Avril Lavigne

Auriga watched as her fiance crossed the drawing room of Malfoy Manor to fill their glasses with more wine. "I apologise for my parents' tardiness," Augustus said to her father, who was sat near him, "I expect they'll be here soon."

There was a shuffling from upstairs and a bang. "That'll be Draco trying to move his trunk by himself," Narcissa sighed, getting up, "I'll see to it." She left the room, green robes billowing behind her.

A knock at the door caused Lucius to get up, "That will be Ceaser and Tamara," he said, "I'll let them in." He walked purposefully to the drawing room exit, but as he reached the door he turned around, a look of worry crossing his face. It only lasted a moment, and soon he was gone too, leaving only Augustus and Auriga in the room.

The former crossed back to the sofa Auriga was sat on, and handed her a glass of wine. "Will you come to King's Cross to see Draco off tomorrow?" she asked as he took a sip of wine, "It would mean a great deal to him."

Augustus shook his head, "I'm afraid I have meetings all day."

"It's a Sunday!" Auriga protested lightheartedly.

"I said no, Auriga!" he snapped, standing up and crossing the room to get away from her.

Auriga was surprised at the sudden outburst. Was he drunk? It was very out of character. But he'd only had two glasses of wine - she'd seen him drink more than that before. She slowly placed her glass on a coaster and walked over to stand behind him. Hesitantly, and shaking slightly, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "I-I'm sorry," she said in a half-whisper, "I just thought it would be nice. Something to do together. We could go for lunch after?"

Suddenly, and without any warning, he spun around, raising his hand, and it collided with her face. A sharp clapping sound echoed through the room and Auriga's face burned, feeling hot. Her eyes welled with tears of shock and hurt as she stumbled backwards into a table. The candelabra sitting on top fell to the floor and snapped. It was a strange feeling; she hadn't been hit since she was little and disobedient.

Auriga glanced up at Augustus as he stepped towards her, her hand massaging her cheek where she felt it had grown hot and a few tears dropping down her face. He gripped her arm tightly and she looked up at him, his eyes full of fury. "You will listen to me," he told her through gritted teeth, "And you will do as I say. Are we clear?" She nodded quickly and silently.

Augustus waved his wand and the candelabra mended itself and sat back on the table where it had been before. He then turned back to Auriga, who hadn't moved, still shocked, and pulled her hand away from her face. His grip, now, wasn't rough or tight, but gentle, almost caring. He raised his wand and she felt the soreness lift off and the tears of her face dry. "Thank you," she whispered, and he nodded, before sweeping round and sitting back down on the sofa, just as the Carrows and her Father appeared in the doorway.


"Level five. Department for International Magical Co-operation." Auriga stepped off the lift with a crowd of witches and wizards, her satchel flung over her shoulder and her cloak folded neatly over her arm. She wore a mulberry coloured pantsuit to match her cloak and a floaty white shirt. Everything was crisp and clean-cut and her hair was in neat waves. Her first day was going to be perfect.

"Good morning, Mr Crouch," she said as she passed his open office door to sit at her desk.

"Morning, Malfoy," he called, engrossed in a report as he took a sip of coffee, "Anything important in the prophet this morning?"

Auriga glanced down at the front page where there was a picture of Gringotts bank. "Yes actually," she said, now standing in the doorway, "A break in at Gringotts. Nothing taken but no suspect has been apprehended. I worry that trade will decline if the British branch doesn't improve security."

Crouch looked up at her, placing his coffee on a nearby book. "Rightly so," he said as he walked around his desk to where she stood in the doorway. "I'd like you to investigate further and write me a report that will reassure any country that may want to cut down on trade."

"Will do, Mr Crouch," she said, now picking up her cloak and bag to head back out the office, "I'll talk to the Gringotts manager, the aurors on the case and the Minister's spokesperson?"

"Yes please, Malfoy," he said in his usual grumpy manner before sitting back at his desk.


Auriga stepped back into the Gringotts lobby, stuffing paperwork into her bag, and heading towards the doors when a familiar voice called out to her from behind, "Auriga!" She turned around to see Augustus heading towards her in grey robes and forced a smile. "Hey," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "I didn't know you'd be coming?"

"Oh-uh...yeah," she stammered, surprised to see her fiance but not sure if she was glad. "I'm here on Ministry business. Apparently there was a break in last night?"

"Well, it's top secret but the stocks have plummeted," Augustus confided.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here. I'm putting together-" she began but he interrupted.

"Let's get some lunch," he said, flashing his pearly whites.

"I-what?" Auriga said, a little flustered, "Sorry, I can't. I really need to do this report."

"Oh, come on," he said, grabbing her hands, "Let's have some fun! Just the two of us!"

Auriga yanked her hand out of his grip and took a step back, "I'm sorry, Augustus. Not today - I'm just too busy." She turned to go, but he grabbed her shoulder and squeezed it hard. It took all her willpower not to squirm.

Augustus turned her around, his face very close to hers. She wondered why people weren't staring - it was a very busy lobby. "Not even for your future husband?" he asked quietly and menacingly.

She placed a hand gently on his and then gripped it tightly and removed it. "No," she said quietly, smoothing down her cloak, "I'm afraid not."

And she turned on her heel and swept away. "Goodbye, sweetheart," she heard Augustus call after her from where she was stood.

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