Chapter 25

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Whoo look at her go....update time! :)

 "You're trying to tell us that Black is...innocent?" Auriga asked, sneering at the idiot boy in front of her. This was the Boy Who Lived? He defeated Voldemort? Were they sure?

"Yes!" Potter insisted, attempting to stand up again. "You've got the wrong man!" Auriga was becoming very impatient now. She wanted the kiss over with. Done. Finished. If there was even a chance he was right, the whole case would have to be reopened. And who would have to deal with the repercussions of that? Her.

"Clearly," Snape began, "Black's done a very good job of confunding the pair of them."


"There's no need to behave like that, Mr Potter," Auriga said, looking upon him distastefully. "What you're suggesting is a very serious allegation. Are you implying that the Ministry has made a mistake?"

"Yes," said both Potter and his friend. Green? Grant? Auriga wasn't sure.

 The hospital wing doors opened once more and in walked Dumbledore. Auriga resisted the urge to pack up and leave. "I suppose Black's told you the same fairy tale that he fed to these?" Snape asked, eyebrows raised. "Something about a rat, and Pettigrew-"

"That is indeed Black's claim," Dumbledore said. "Now, I would like to speak with Mr Potter and Miss Granger." Ah, that was it. Granger.

"Oh, this is ridiculous," Auriga said, growing more frustrated by the minute. Very rarely did she behave so unprofessionally, but this was a matter of life and death. Almost. "Professor, I suggest you conduct your interviews with your students, and we shall deal with Black."

"He's innocent!" insisted Potter.

"And do you have a single shred of evidence to support your claim, Mr Potter?" Auriga asked calmly.

"Professor Lupin will tell you in the morning," Granger said.

"The werewolf?" Auriga asked slowly, raising her eyebrows. "Hardly a reliable source."

"He's our Professor," Potter said coolly. Auriga had to admit, the child could be quite intimidating when he wanted to be. But not so much that she would back down.

"And yet here is another Professor," Auriga argued, indicating Snape, "Who was also present, and has taught at this school a far sight longer than Mr Lupin, and who is also present now." Potter opened his mouth to speak, but Auriga continued. "I suggest you hold your tongue, Mr Potter. You have made some very serious allegations here tonight, with insufficient evidence, and counter witnesses. You may only be an under-aged wizard, but perverting the course of justice is still a crime and you will face intervention if it is taken any further."

"If he killed my parents, why would I defend him?" Potter pushed.

"Why, a confundus charm," Fudge said as though it were obvious, which it was.

"We're not confunded!" Potter protested.

"Miss Malfoy?" said Granger tentatively, and Auriga politely turned her attention. "Surely if there's even a small suspicion that we're telling the truth, you should investigate it further? Isn't that the point of a justice system?" Auriga narrowed her eyes. What the girl said was true, but the fact remained that Black was guilty. There was evidence and witness accounts against him. Even Dumbledore had said he was the Potter's secret keeper. He was guilty. So instead of answering the question, she turned back to the minister, speaking quietly.

"We ought to get this over with," she said to him, and Fudge nodded slowly, still looking at Potter. "Too much fuss over something so obvious. And we want to reach the morning addition of the Prophet."

"Quite right, Auriga," Fudge said. "Severus, perhaps you can lead the way to where you're keeping Black?"

"Of course, Minister," said Snape, looking slightly too pleased with himself. Auriga made a mental note to warn him of that. The Prophet would want to interview him, and it wouldn't be any good to look happy or boastful; better to look solemn and regretful and...good.

 They made their way from the hospital wing and through the corridors of Hogwarts in silence, leaving Dumbledore with his students. Auriga felt at home in the empty corridors, reminiscing on her days as a prefect when she could patrol alone with just her thoughts. Snape was striding eagerly ahead, and Fudge and Auriga had to struggle to keep up with him.

 Finally, the trio turned a corner and saw Kinglsey stood outside a door next to Macnair and a dementor. His lynx patronus was already there, and Auriga cast her scops owl too in an attempt to reduce the depressing chill that filled her bones. 

 Dumbledore arrived moments later looking grim and casting a phoenix patronus. "Just locking the hospital wing doors for Poppy." Auriga wasn't the slightest bit interested.

 "Right," said Fudge on approach, "Is everyone ready?" There were a few stiff nods. "Then let's get on with it."

Shacklebolt nodded and drew his wand with Macnair. He flicked it once and the door flung open. Macnair stepped inside, wand raised and the others waited for the que to send the dementor in. And they waited. And they waited. But it didn't come. Shacklebolt furrowed his brow and stepped inside too. The lynx patronus disappeared. So did the scops owl. The chill from the dementor grew suddenly, and Auriga gasped.

 Snape frowned too and swept inside. There was a pause, and Auriga and Fudge exchanged an uncertain glance. "POTTER!" The sound of Snape's voice made the both of them jump, and Auriga had to jump again moments later as Snape barrelled through and down the corridor. He'd turned the corner in less than ten seconds and Dumbledore strode after him.

 Shacklebolt's head appeared through the doorway moments later. "He's gone," he said, sounding mildly surprised at most.

"Gone?" Fudge repeated dimly. "What do you mean, gone?" But Auriga was already off, sprinting after the potions master. Clearly he knew something they didn't.

 She reached the hospital wing in under a minute to see Snape in full rant to Dumbledore. "It's Potter and I know it! He's got something to do with this!" Auriga looked quickly to Potter and Granger, who were both staring determinedly at the wall in front of them, looking like two teenagers in trouble. But it couldn't add wasn't possible.

"Severus, I locked these doors as soon as I left," said Dumbledore reasonably. Auriga didn't care. She was so, so angry! All this hard work...for nothing! She could scream, it was so infuriating!

"I know he has something to do with it!" spat Snape, glaring evilly at Potter. Auriga was a little taken aback; after all, Potter was only a child.

 At that moment, Fudge and Macnair came striding through the doors, just as Madame Pomfrey came rushing out her office, wrapping her dressing gown around herself. "Now really! These children need rest!"

"We won't take another minute of your time," Dumbledore assured her. "Severus, if you could please lead the way."

 Snape looked outraged. "I will not stand for this," he seethed slowly, looking as though he may explode. Auriga thought he was being quite dramatic, all things considered. After all - it was her that would have to redo all the negotiations and answer all the owls. And double meetings with France again; they still had to organise the triwizard tournament! Oh, it was all such a mess.

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