Chapter 83

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Right you lot, I just need to say it. Snape and Auriga, not the same. Snape joined the Order because of his 'love' for Lily. Auriga joined because the Ministry was wrong and also to protect her family. SHE DIDN'T JOIN FOR REMUS BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T LOVE HIM YET. Auriga was brought up with pureblood ideology and had to battle against it, whereas Snape grew into it and very much chose his path. So don't even try to compare them. Thank you and have a nice day.


Auriga and Sirius had not made it inside before there was a glowing blue light in the yard, and the figures of Remus and George emerged in front of them. But something was wrong. George was clutching onto Remus, who could barely hold his weight. Sirius rushed forward and helped carry a blood-stained George through to a sitting room, where he lay on a sofa.

Sirius's wand was at Remus's throat before anyone could take another breath. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," said Sirius, and Auriga saw Harry grin. She was plainly confused.

"Mischief managed," responded Remus. Apparently, this was good enough for Sirius, who lowered his wand and embraced his friend. "Have you checked Molly?" asked Remus.

Sirius looked to Harry. "I checked Ginny," he said quickly. Sirius nodded in approval.

"You were right," said Remus, turning to Auriga. She was surprised at being directly addressed. "They knew."

"I am fantastic like that," said Auriga, forcing a smile.

The kitchen door flew open, and in rushed Hermione, who embraced Harry quickly. Remus raised his wand to Shacklebolt. "The last words Dumbledore spoke to us?"

"Trust Harry," said Shacklebolt. "He's the best hope we have." Remus nodded and lowered his wand. "Who else is back?" he asked.

"Auriga, Sirius, Harry and Hagrid," said Remus. "And George and me." Shacklebolt nodded, looking grim.

"What happened to George?" asked Harry, poking his head nervously out the door to have another look.

"Snape," said Remus bitterly. "Cursed his ear off."

"Did anyone else see You-Know-Who?" asked Kingsley. "He can-"

"Fly," finished Harry. "Yeah, we saw him."

"Merlin, Harry!" exclaimed Sirius. "How did you get out of that one?" Harry recounted a tale of golden flames from his wand, performing magic without even knowing.

"Fascinating," whispered Auriga, staring at Harry intently. She jumped out of her daze when she saw Remus smiling at her, and felt her cheeks go hot.

Harry looked at her with a confused frown. "Oh," said Hermione, looking at Remus. "Oh, we'll be in the other room. Won't we, Harry?" And before Harry could protest, she'd dragged him from the kitchen.

Auriga frowned after them. "Odd behaviour," she said. "Is that a muggle thing?" She looked around.

"Hermione's not a muggle," Sirius reminded her.

"Oh, you know what I mean," dismissed Auriga. "Muggle-born."

"No, I don't think so," said Remus.

"Oh, Moony," said Sirius, perching himself on the table. "Auriga's patronus had changed. To a wolf."

Auriga watched with curiosity as Remus's eyes grew wide and a battle raged inside him. Eventually, one side won. "Oh," he said lightly. "What was it before?"

"A scops owl," Sirius answered for her. Auriga felt very uncomfortable, stood there in a stranger's kitchen with all eyes on her. For the second time that evening. Even after engaging in conversation with Shacklebolt about the Minister's rota, Auriga could still feel his eyes on her.


"Your parents are lovely," said Auriga, as she stepped out of Tonks's fireplace, closely followed by Sirius. "Really welcoming."

Tonks yawned. "I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic," she said, as Sirius sat down on his sofa.

"I mean it," she said. "They must have been worried sick, and they were still fantastic."

"They'd have had every right to be if you hadn't warned us," said Tonks as they began to climb upstairs.

"People keep saying that," said Auriga. "I could hardly help it, could I?"

Tonks yawned again and stopped outside her bedroom door. "More people than Mad-Eye would've died without you, tonight," said Tonks. "And I don't know if Harry would have made it." And with that she went into her room, closing the door firmly behind her.


Auriga fastened her cloak around her, while Tonks darted downstairs, her makeup half on and wearing a dressing gown. "I'm sorry you can't come to the wedding," she said sadly.

"Oh, don't be silly," said Auriga, smiling her way. "The Minister's more important. But you have fun."

"I will," said Tonks with a grin. Auriga smiled again and shut the door behind her, apparating from the doorstep to the Ministry.

A few people greeted her as she walked briskly through the Atrium and hopped in the lift for the top floor. It was far emptier than usual, presumably because people wanted to stay out of each other's ways. There had been an air of fear since Dumbledore's death, and working at the Ministry was no longer the blissful dream it used to be.

Auriga nodded at Shacklebolt as she took her position next to him on the other side of Scrimgeour's door. He returned it, and Auriga thought back to her previous musing.

She thought about how well she'd done in International Magical Cooperation. How she'd made friends that she'd since lost, how the Black case had propelled her upwards, despite him never actually being caught. The thought put a small smile on her face. What would twenty-year-old Auriga think of twenty-four-year-old her? Friends with 'blood traitors' and muggle-borns and...and werewolves.

A loud crash from down the corridor jolted her to the present, and she and Shacklebolt jumped, wands readied. From around the corner, the body of another Auror flew. He landed in a heap a few feet away from them. He stirred feebly, and Auriga and Shacklebolt trained their wands on him. "Avada Kedavra!" came a familiar voice. The voice of Aunt Bellatrix. The spell hit the auror squarely in the chest and he slouched, unmoving.

"Go!" hissed Shacklebolt. Auriga nodded and quickly and quietly opened the door to Scrimgeour's office, pressing a finger to her lips to silence him. His eyes grew wide and he nodded. Auriga ushered Shacklebolt through and shut the door behind her, locking it. "They're here," she told him.

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