Chapter 71

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Sorry I've been a little absent over the weekend. It's been busy. Anywho, here's a lovely little chapter for you :)

Auriga frowned over her file on the Bell incident. The poor girl still wasn't awake, and it seemed there were no witnesses to the actual attack. Smith hadn't been to the bathroom with her, and when Auriga had asked Madame Rosmerta if she'd seen anyone suspicious, she'd apologised and said it had been too busy that day. It made sense, what with all the Hogwarts students. So Auriga had no real leads. Except the one with her pesky brother. And he still hadn't returned her owl.

She flicked through and frowned again at the report she'd received from Snape after he'd analysed the necklace. It was an old curse, first and foremost, and one intended for an inevitable and agonising death. And not single-use either. No, this curse would last on that necklace indefinitely. But that meant that Draco wouldn't have been able to put the curse on the necklace, because it was so old. And how would he have means of acquiring a cursed necklace? Unless he was still in touch with the Death Eaters? But, no, that didn't make much sense either. The most likely answer was that it wasn't him.

Auriga glanced at the clock on the wall. Almost half past six, so she should probably head off. But she'd take the file with her to look at at home.

She stood and walked over to Robards' office door, knocking lightly and letting herself in. "Ah, Malfoy," he said pleasantly. "Are you off?"

"Yes," said Auriga. Slowly because of the other occupant in the room. Augustus had turned around when she entered and was now smiling at her pleasantly. She smiled briefly back. "I was hoping to take my case file home with me?"

"Oh, yes," said Robards, "Of course you can."

"I was just leaving too," said Augustus, standing and gathering his cloak from the peg. "I'll walk you out?"

"Oh," said Auriga, her hands becoming a little bit clammy. But she didn't really see a way out of it. "OK then. Bye, Sir."

"See you tomorrow, Malfoy," said Robards, already looking down at the sheet of notes in front of him. Auriga grabbed her file from her desk, wand clutched inside her pocket, and she and Augustus walked side-by-side down the almost empty corridor towards the lift. It occurred to Auriga that this was the first time they'd been alone together and he hadn't assaulted her. Yet.

"Long day?" asked Augustus, eyeing her file.

"So-so," she said. "I quite like my job, actually. But it doesn't get half difficult when you haven't got any witnesses." Augustus let out a low whistle. "What've you been up to with Robards?" she asked as they waited for the lift.

"I've managed to give him a few more names," said Augustus, peering around the corridor. "Problem is, I can't give to much away without giving myself away."

"Yeah," said Auriga as they stepped into the lift. "It's good that your helping though. Really good."

"I've got you to thank," he said, and Auriga felt her face become a little hot. "Robards wouldn't have given me a second look if you hadn't put a word in for me."

"Yeah, well," said Auriga. "I got my second chance. You should too." The lift pinged open and they stepped out into the atrium. "I'll see you later then," said Auriga as she walked away.

"See you," Augustus called after her.


"Sorry I'm late," said Auriga as she sat down at the table in Grimmauld Place. "Caught up at work." She hadn't even managed to remove her cloak, she'd been in such a rush, so she shrugged it off now.

"Yes, I understand you've been given Miss Bell's case?" asked Dumbledore from further down. Auriga nodded grimly. "Any ideas who it was?"

"No, Professor," said Auriga. "My brother's still suspect number one but Professor McGonagall told me he was in detention and I heard back from him today saying he'd be here for Christmas. I don't know what to think."

"Yes, well," said Dumbledore. "Onwards and upwards. Any other updates from the Auror department?"

"Well," said Tonks, shifting in her seat and casting a nervous glance round. "That Carrow bloke's been getting awfully pally with Robards." She cast a glance at Auriga, who had her mouth open to speak. "If we're not careful he'll get himself imperioused."

"We don't need to worry about Augustus," said Auriga. "He's there to help. He's been passing on information."

"What?" exclaimed Tonks.

"Isn't that that guy that tried to kill you?" asked Sirius at the same time.

"He wasn't trying to kill me," protested Auriga. Snape and Sirius scoffed at the same time, before glaring at each other. "He wasn't!" No one looked convinced. "Look," she said. "He came to me saying he wanted out and he needed help. And who am I to say no when you've given me a chance?"

"Oh," said Sirius. "Why don't you try victim of an engagement to him? Or was it two?"

"This isn't a personal matter," dismissed Auriga. "I'm perfectly capable of handling myself, as is Robards. And if he can give us information on Death Eaters - information we desperately need - then we'd be stupid to turn it down." They still didn't look convinced, but apparently Dumbledore was, because the meeting was ushered along.


"Hello, Squirt," said Auriga, embracing Draco in a hug as he stepped through the crowd on Platform nine and three quarters. He stiffened a little and didn't hug her back, which she thought was odd. He also had puffy eyes, and his hair was messy and unkept. Presumably his NEWTs getting to him. Hopefully. "How was your term?"

"Yeah, it was good," said Draco quietly, pulling his trunk along as they found a quiet place to disapparate.

"Did you hear about that Katie Bell?" asked Auriga. "I've taken up the case."

"Really?" he asked, seeming disinterested. "Is that your first one back?"

"Yeah," said Auriga as they arrived on the front steps of Grimmauld Place, letting themselves in.

"Welcome back," called Sirius from the kitchen, poking his head round. "The others aren't here yet."

"Why don't we go and unpack?" suggested Auriga.

"I can manage," said Draco, already making his way up.

"I need to talk to you about Christmas arrangements," pushed Auriga. It probably looked like she wanted to go through his stuff. Which she half did.

"Fine," said Draco. "Fire away."

"Well, Sirius and Harry and the Weasleys are heading to the Burrow for Christmas Eve to Boxing Day, but we're staying here."

"Why?" asked Draco, whipping round and narrowing his eyes.

"I thought it would be nice for us to spend some time together," said Auriga. "And I didn't think you'd fancy seeing Harry or his friends?"

Draco nodded, not questioning how she knew about the break up. "So it's got nothing to do with the fact that the werewolf will be there?"

"I...what?" stammered Auriga. "Remus? He won't be there..."

"That's not what I heard," said Draco, turning and climbing the stairs once more.

"What did you hear?" asked Auriga, hurrying after him.

"That he'd be there," said Draco. "He's managed to get out that mission for a bit."

"Oh," said Auriga. "Well, no that's not it. It doesn't matter to me anyway. It was more for you." Draco didn't look convinced as he shut his door behind him.

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