Chapter 2

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You'll get to know a little bit about Auriga in this chapter - thanks for commenting and voting, I really appreciate your feed back :)

Auriga stepped out the fireplace at the Ministry of Magic and smiled hopelessly at the beautiful atrium around her. She hurried along through the bustling crowds and into a lift, a stack of paperwork in her left hand and her right hand smoothing down her crisp, wine coloured robes. The lift pinged, "Level four, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

She stepped out with a few others and walked along the polished wooden floors until she reached a smart black door with a gold plaque on it that read:

Goblin Liaison Office

Auriga pushed the door open and was greeted with a sound of nothing other than the shuffling of papers and the scratching of quills. Every now and then  something would make a bing noise, or someone would mumble something to themselves or speak quietly to someone nearby. One or two goblins walked around, either conversing with each other or one of the ministry workers.

Twice a week, Auriga spent her afternoon doing an internship with the Goblin Liaison Office. She did the usual intern things: fetching coffee and tea, taking paperwork around and sometimes showing Goblins and other people to various meetings. It was a tiresome job, but by no means without its reward. Having an internship at the Ministry would almost guarantee her a job in one of the top offices and would fast-track her through the entry level job. Of course, her father had been the one that had pulled some strings, but it wasn't like Auriga didn't deserve it. She spoke fluent gobbledegook for Merlin's sake - the job was perfect for her.

It was quite a large office, with about thirty-five witches and wizards sat at desks that were methodically placed throughout the room. At the very end of the room was another door that led to the office Auriga was to report to. The plaque on this door read:

Dirk Cresswell: Head of Goblin Liaison

She knocked and made her way in. "Ah, Miss Malfoy," he said with a smile as she handed him the paperwork she'd brought down, "How are you today?"

"Very well thank you, Mr Cresswell," she replied professionally, taking a seat in the chair opposite his desk.

"I was very impressed with your file summaries from last week," Cresswell told her, while indicating a stack of files next to her, "Perfectly organised."

Auriga beamed, "Thank you very much, Mr Cresswell."

"Yes, I'd like you to sit in one of my meetings today and take notes for me," he said, placing one of the files back down on the pile, "My undersecretary is off sick, but I think you'd be more than up to the job."

"I'd be happy to," Auriga said with a smile. She couldn't believe her luck - sitting in an actual meeting? It was an experience she'd kill for, and here it was being handed to her on a silver platter. "Is that everything, Mr Cresswell?"

"Yes, yes," he said as she got up, "The meeting is at two o'clock." Auriga smiled charmingly as she left to sit at her desk. She had plenty of forms to get through and file before then.


"Ah, Dirk," Minister Fudge said with a smile as Cresswell took his seat at the conference table, "Oh and Miss Malfoy too! I'd heard you were doing an internship with us."

Auriga smiled and moved her platinum blonde hair behind her ear, while taking a seat at the edge of the room, "Yes, Minister," she said, "It's a wonderful experience."

"You're enjoying yourself?" he asked, placing his lime green bowler hat on the desk next to him.

"Very much, thank you, Minister," she replied politely, maintaining her smile.

"Oh good," he said, almost looking relieved, "Your father will be pleased." The meeting continued as normal and Auriga listened intently and took neat and organised notes. Fudge feared the value of the galleon may be dropping again due to the Goblins wanting to push up its value, which was effecting trade. He asked Cresswell to arrange a regular series of meetings with a representative of Gringotts  to show that they were in contact with the Ministry and co-operating.

He also asked Mr Crouch, the Head of International Magical Co-operation, to arrange a meeting with the Egyptian Ministry, as they were complaining of British curse-breakers raiding their tombs. The meeting carried on, and Auriga never once stopped listening or taking notes.

An hour later and the group filed out the conference room, chattering politely amongst themselves, "One moment please, Miss Malfoy," Mr Crouch called. Auriga turned to Cresswell, who nodded his permission.

"Yes, Mr Crouch?" he asked, walking along the carpeted corridor with him.

"I have an opening in my department for a Junior Head," he told her, "I hope I will be seeing your application next year?"

"You will indeed," Auriga informed him, as they headed into the lift together, "I've always aspired to work in International Magical Co-operation. It's why I learned so many languages."

"Yes, your father told me you have any affinity for languages," Crouch said with a small smile, "How many do you speak?"

"Thirteen fluently," she said, "Forty-two in total. Mostly European. I'm hoping to expand into some more Asian languages though."

"Level four," the lift voice said, "Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

"This is me," Auriga said, "A pleasure to talk to you, Mr Crouch." She and a man in shabby, patched-up robes stepped off. She walked purposefully down the corridor to the Goblin Liaison Office until the man tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me," he said tentatively. Auriga turned to him and saw he had scratches and scars all down his face. He was quite tall, but rather lanky, and had light brown hair with streaks of grey in it and he gave a vivid impression of being extremely nervous, "I'm a little lost, I wonder if you could help me?"

"Of course," Auriga said, producing her charming smile. She loved the interaction she had with different kinds of people from all over Britain at work. "Mr...?"

"Lupin," he said, "Remus Lupin." He stuck out his hand for her to shake and she juggled all the paperwork she had into one arm and then took it.

"Auriga Malfoy," she said, and he saw some recognition in his face. Of course, this wasn't unusual - most people had heard of her name before they'd met her. "How may I help?" He let go of his hand and scratched at his ear, before lowering his voice.

"I was looking for the Werewolf Registry office," he said, and Auriga found herself retracting a little bit. Her parents had warned her about werewolves. Couldn't hold a job down, desperate for a bit of money, not to mention the blood-thirsty animal side of things. Don't spend too much time around a werewolf, her mother had warned, else they'll remember your scent and hunt you down. Auriga wished she hadn't touched him now. "I've received a meeting request from Dolores Umbridge."

Lupin had undoubtedly noticed the change in Auriga's body language as his eyes shifted from warmth to disappointment. Auriga dismissed it - it didn't matter that his feelings had been hurt. He was surely used to it by now. "Continue down the hall, it's on your left," she told him shortly, before turning on her heel and back to her office without saying goodbye.

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