Chapter 8

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Song Recommendation:
Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne

It was half past six when Auriga apparated to Malfoy Manor from the Ministry. She was exhausted and her bag was stuffed full of various reports that she needed to add the finishing touches to tonight. She opened the door and stepped inside, hanging her cloak up before heading up the stairs.

She was halfway up when a voice called down from the hallway, "There you are, sweetheart. I was wondering when you'd be home." Auriga peered over the banister in confusion - she was under the impression that her parents were picking up her brother from King's Cross when he came home for Christmas.

Her eyes met Augustus's green ones and she sighed to herself - she didn't want to speak to him. In fact, she was quite sure she'd been avoiding him, even if it wasn't consciously. "Hello, darling," she called down, "I'll just be five minutes while I put my things in my room." She continued up the stairs quickly.

"I'll come with you," Augustus said, sounding positive and cheerful. Auriga heard the thudding of his feet on the stairs and hurried along the corridor even faster.

"I can manage on my own," Auriga called over her shoulder, trying to sound happy. She was almost at her bedroom door when she tripped as a bit of rope wound around her feet. She let out a gasp as her head slammed into the hardwood floor and her bag flew open, scattering paperwork all over.

Auriga turned herself over and struggled with the ropes around her feet, when suddenly they released themselves and snaked onto the floor. Augustus was stood in front of her, his wand hanging menacingly by his side.

Auriga began getting to her feet when his heavy boot ploughed into her shoulder and she was sent hurtling down to the floor. "Augustus!" she cried, outraged. How dare he treat her like this? "Stop it!" she said, as she began gathering the paperwork that had spilled everywhere.

Augustus crouched down next to her and watched as she worked. "You've been avoiding me," he stated, his tone making her shiver.

"I've been busy with work," she argued. It was true, but she was grateful it provided her with an excuse.

"Then I suppose you'll have to write to Crouch and tell him you've resigned," Augustus said softly, brushing a piece of hair out her face and tucking it behind her ear, "And then you will have time for me."

"I'm not resigning," she scoffed and attempted to get to her feet.

"Crucio!" Augustus shouted. It was pain like she'd never felt. Her blood was boiling, her head splitting and her skin on fire. She screamed herself hoarse and heard her echoes around the house.

And then a door closed downstairs and the pain stopped and Auriga was left panting on the floor, drenched in a cold sweat. "You will do as I say," Augustus hissed, before sweeping along the corridor and down the stairs.

"Is everything alright?" her Mother's voice said, "We heard a scream."

"Oh yes, Auriga just saw a spider is all," Augustus's voice laughed, "Gave us both quite the fright. I expect she'll be down in a minute." There was silence for a moment, and Auriga scrambled to her feet. "Hey there, little man," Augustus said cheerfully, "How was Hogwarts?"

Auriga heard voices fade as they moved further into the house and hauled herself into her en-suite, where she splashed her face with cold water, washing away the tears and sweat. Had that really just happened? She turned the water off and leaned against the basin, staring at her mascara-stained face in the mirror and breathing heavily.

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