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Second chances are few and far between. The universe doesn't often grant them so cherishing the opportunity to try again should come naturally. Jungkook chose to cherish what he thought he knew, not the opportunity he'd been given. Third chances, fourth chances, fifth..

He doesn't have any choices left on the table. Everything evaporated while he was still so young and clueless, leaving him behind in the drought of chances left to give. Nothing is meant to fall together the way that he had faithfully believed that it would. The understanding he had promised Jimin was nothing but a figment of his own imagination. He fooled himself into believing in his own false promises until there wasn't any validating them. Jimin vanished with the future he'd envisioned for them.

Nothing remains of it but materialistic comforts and shambled bonds with friends that will always see him in second place.

Jungkook knows how much he doesn't deserve another chance to make Jimin's dreams come true. He worked so hard to build a future with a crumbled foundation and missing participants. It's all become meaningless, but it's supposed to matter even when Jimin isn't here.

It's really hard to make anything matter much when it doesn't feel like it has a purpose any longer. He'll get used to it because he has to, not because his friends tell him he's got to move on. He'll probably never get used to it, because giving up on any kind of future with Jimin feels like losing gravity in the most terrifying way. The amount of insufferable nights spent wide awake staring at numbers on a screen, dollar signs and business suits, it occupies so much head space. But, even if he's swamped at work with a calendar full of meetings there will always be space for Jimin.

There will always be Jimin, even if he's living in Jungkook's imagination.

Real life doesn't make as much sense anymore, if Jungkook has to be honest. If anybody were to ask him he would say it's unfortunate, really. With a fortune sitting pretty in his bank account he knows that many would beg to differ, but they don't know what it's cost him. They could say that he did it to himself, that he chose this and it's true. There wouldn't be an argument to prove otherwise. But, it took more than he kept, a price he wishes he hadn't paid every single time silly numbers and dollar signs light up his phone.

"Are you alright, Mr. Jeon?"

Jungkook blinks a couple of times to clear his dazed vision, returning to a table of curious eyes. He glances around the room as a polite smile raises his lips, head bowing apologetically. He's forgotten about the meeting once already today, it's borderline offensive to his employees to check out now. "I'm alright. Catch me up, Yejoon. Please."

With a sheepish smile and a tiny nod, the auburn haired young employee nudges up his glasses. He pivots his chair to face Jungkook and slides a small stack of papers towards him, fingers tracing the printed words until he finds the portion they were just discussing. "Your assistant, per request. That was the topic we just reached." Yejoon watches closely as his boss leans forward, meeting his finger on the paper.

He's already forgotten his urgent need for an assistant. It's been too easy to get lost inside of his thoughts lately, having somebody to pick up his slack seems entirely necessary. It's an important role, a promotion. It definitely won't be easy; collecting scraps of forgotten memos and half finished thoughts that may or may not make it to a final proposal. Whoever lands the job has a lot in store for them, important tasks for sure. Cleaning up his messes has always proven quite the challenge.

"Ah, yes. My assistant." Jungkook leans into the back brace of his wheeled office chair, his slender fingers coming up to tap curiously at his chin. A little smirk lifts the thin edges of his lips in what could almost be perceived as teasingly. He doesn't mean to tease, but keeping the atmosphere playful with his employees has always seemed like a priority. Having strong and valid relationships with his team is the standard, right next to safety regulations.

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