Evil and Love

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"It's really funny, you know, how the mind works." Jimin had watched the man's hand glide easily through his tousled, damp hair. The sound of the tallers laugh openly mocked the tears in his eyes. "I know exactly how you think, Jimin. Go back to sleep now, if you can." Yugyeom smirked, the underglow of the bedside lamp casting dreadful shadows across his wicked expression.

Jimin wanted to ask him why. Why him, when all this time he'd been after Jungkook. He couldn't muster up his voice in time to say anything. It was the last thing he'd expected to come from the man disappearing behind the bedroom door, leaving him alone in his head. Jimin wanted to curl his arms around his intruded body, but the ties around his wrists reminded him of how helpless he truly was, how exposed he had no choice but to be.

His tears were beading in the outer corners of his eyes, streaming down onto the pillow beneath his head. A brick sat heavy on his chest, his heart beat slow as he whimpered into the room he couldn't see as anything other than a prison cell. Jimin wondered if he would die here and he whined, coming to a rough decision that it might be his best alternative at this point. Wishing for death, for a peaceful end, is a terrible conclusion to visit. It's dark and hopeless, lonely. It's fear and nightmares that you can't figure out another way to escape from. It's reaching the end of your worth, even if you're the only one who can see how truly worthless you've become.

How did he forget that feeling? How did he fall asleep that night and awake with not a memory to be kept of the horror he'd known just the night before? Why did Yugyeom want to break him, and how did he know that he could?

Jungkook's hands still hold him close by his wrists. He can feel the warmth of Jungkook's fingers transferring deep down into his cold, tired bones. Jimin feels the man's pull on him strengthening and he wishes that he could fall into the familiar arms, the familiar comfort he craves to indulge in. They won't let him. They howl, louder than they've ever been, singing the same old tune inside of his head. You're too selfish. So worthless. You don't deserve it, nothing. Jimin believes them, the voices, and he wants to run away from the way his heart squeezes in his chest. The only way to silence the ugly words inside his head is to give them what they want. They want his lonely, his despair. They want to show him every miserable thing they say he deserves.

Jungkook's voice enrages them, provoking them to the nastiest they can become until their slurs of confinement hush down into a soft, seething whisper. Jungkook's hands leave his wrists to cup the sides of his face. The tallers voice had always been louder than theirs could ever be, and they despise him for it. He always drowned them out, ripped out their hideous vocal cords and filled Jimin's head with the sound of his song instead. He crushed them, he always did. But they're so strong now, so determined to fight back. It's not the same battle this time, but Jungkook is figuring that out faster than they can brace themselves for. His position is strong and Jimin can hear them fading into background noise.

"Sorry." Jimin mutters, speaking once for himself. He shudders in the relief of the voices dissipating, senses returning. He can hear the sound of Jungkook's unsteady breath, feel the same breath on his lips. He can see the stains of dried salty tears
becoming wet again upon Jungkook's tinted cheeks. "Don't cry. It hurts."

"Tell me that you see me." Jungkook sniffs, pressing his forehead against Jimin's and sighing when he feels gentle hands resting on either side of his abdomen. Jimin's small touch breaks his heart and makes it sprout wings at the same time. He lowers his voice to match the lack of distance between them, whispering against Jimin's lips, "I won't cry if you say that you can hear me."

"I hear you." The smaller whines. He does, he can hear him. He can see Jungkook, feel the man's unwavering love, like fire scorching his cold cheeks through hot fingertips. "I can see you."

Jungkook's breath shakes as he speaks. "What do you see, Mochi?"

It could be a tricky question and Jimin ponders the right way to answer it. In a momentary silence, he can hear evil gaining its voice again, but he squelches it quickly with his own. "I see your heart."

"You do?"

Jimin closes his eyes, terrified of the horrible ways his mind will twist his next words. They'll destroy them when he's alone, claw them apart until the only thing he can see is everybody else's repulsion of him. "I see your love." He grimaces. "But, I can't take it."

Jungkook's heart deflates. Hope wants to abandon him, but he clings onto it for dear life. Jimin is before him, with a weak mind so full of evil and lies. But that evil, it can't win. It's never going to win, even when it thinks it has a fighting chance. Jungkook will break it. "You already have it, Jimin. All of it. It's already yours."

"Take it back." Jimin whispers. He pleads silently, fingers aching to wrap themselves up in the fabric of Jungkook's hoodie. He misses Jungkook's hugs, his kisses. He misses quiet nights only full of Jungkook and his bed, cold nights when they relied on each other for warmth. His misses the affectionate way the taller sweeps back the hair from his forehead and replaces the strands with a slow, breathy kiss. He misses Jungkook, but his own hope for salvaging what they had is already gone.

Jungkook groans. "Can't. I can't take it back, because it's not mine to take. You have full ownership rights." He shrugs slightly, lowering his hands to reach for Jimin's. He forces the two into his larger pair and holds them, oddly relieved to find them slack in his grasp. "You can't sell it, or trade it, or give it away. You can't lose it, because it's a part of you, Jimin. It's always going to be a part of you."

"Your love?" Jimin questions, blinking his eyes open to translate the confusion in a soft stare.

"Yeah, my love." Jungkook nods. "You keep trying to fight it, but you're never going to win. It's a whole lot stronger than anything you've ever seen before."

Jimin frowns. "What if I don't want it?"

"Mochi, you don't have a choice."


A/N: I know this is a little short, my apologies guys! Time is a little bit strained right now. I'll try to update the story soon, but next I think I'll answer the questions you guys left on the previous part for a little q&a 😊 I got more than I expected and I'll answer them all in say.. An hour, maybe two.

Thank you for reading this story, and I sincerely love each and every one of you guys! ❤️

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