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Jimin's eyes grow wide, surprised to be chosen next. He looks at Jungkook without thinking about his actions, almost asking the other for help deciding on an answer, but catching himself before he does. It's only a game after all, but suddenly he feels vulnerable under Yoongi's stare. "Truth, I guess." He's not about to give Yoongi the opportunity to demean him with whatever ugly Dare God knows that man could come up with. He's not a bad guy and has proven to be a great friend more than a handful of times, but Yoongi is rough in his ways and Jimin would rather not test his decency.

Yoongi sighs, his eyes wondering to the floor. He rolls his shoulders back as he looks up at Jimin under hooded eyelashes. He's trying to appear intimidating as he hesitates with a Truth question to ask the man. It's working, he notices, catching the skin of the smallers face flush a shade pinker than before. "You're the one that picked Truth, so don't get mad at me, alright? I'm playing the game."

Jimin's breath catches in his throat. "What does that even mean, hyung?"

"Is it true that Hoseok used to write you love letters almost every single day while you were with him, and that it's the reason that you broke it off with him, because it made you sick? It bothered you, right?" Yoongi smirks, watching all of the color now draining from his targets face. The reaction he wants to see most is from the man he fore mentioned, Hoseok, but he doesn't look in his direction. Small gasps and groans float around the circle.

Jimin blinks a couple of times, stunned by the weight of Yoongi's question, but he doesn't know why he didn't expect something like that to be asked. He feels attacked, and a little hurt because of it. Yoongi is bringing up the past and airing out secret conversations he'd had with the man, conversations he had asked to be kept between them for the rest of their lives. He never wanted to hurt Hoseok with the truth, the truth being that he just couldn't manifest the same emotions his best friend seemed to have for him. When he'd find a new note, shoved in his locker at school or tucked in one of his notebooks, the gesture was sweet and caring enough to appreciate. But, Jimin's stomach would churn with guilt, knowing that he'd never be able to reciprocate the feelings he'd find scribbled before him. His heart would ache with worry over losing his best friend over a messy break up that he knew would be inevitable, but that didn't happen. They made it out alright, and Hoseok is watching him now with squinted eyes and Jimin's heart hurts again, the same as it did the day he told him it was over between them.

"Jimin?" Yoongi laughs, cocking his head with fake concern marking his expression. "Are you going to answer?"

"That's fucked up." Namjoon mutters, eyes focused on his hands. No one responds to him in words, but hums of agreement echo around him.

Jimin swallows the hard lump in his throat and sets his jaw. He looks away from Hoseok so that he won't see his eyes when he answers. "It didn't make me sick, but it's mostly the reason that I ended things, yeah. It just made me uncomfortable. I didn't relate to them, is all. Sorry, Hobi."

Yoongi nods, accepting of Jimin's response. It's not entirely enough to comfort his sudden desire for revenge, still simmering with blanketed anger towards Hoseok and the invasive question he'd asked him before. It will do for now. They vote for Jimin's answer and deem it truthful enough, moving onto Jimin's turn to ask the weighted question to a victim of his choosing.

With a heavy sigh as he still avoids eye contact with the others, Jimin gestures towards Namjoon. If it's only to take the heat off his own back, or Hoseok's for that matter, he develops a hurried plan of attack. He knows that he promised Jungkook earlier to stay away from starting drama with Namjoon, but drama has already begun. He's just participating in the game at this point, so Jimin shrugs. He wraps his arms around his torso as a reflex, to shield away whatever unnerving emotions he's already feeling and with a soft voice he asks, "Namjoon, Truth or Dare?"

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