No matter what

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"I need everybody to stop talking right now." Jimin demands through the hushed chatter in the room. He crosses his arms and sends pointed looks at all of the bodies staring at him now. "Tonight has to go by my plan, nobody else's. I want all of you to stay in this room, no matter what."

"No matter what?" Jungkook mutters and earns himself a heavy glare from his boyfriend.

"No matter what." Jimin nods once. "I didn't ask for back up and I'll handle this myself. I don't want anything crazy happening because all of you decided you needed to save me or something. I'm fine. I got this."

"What if he hits you?" Seokjin argues.

"I'll take it."

"Mochi, that's stupid." Jungkook shakes his head.

"It's not stupid. It's important that it's only me out there if he tries anything with your mother. Nobody else." Jimin sighs. "I appreciate the concern from literally everyone, but I'm not trying to fight Jungkook's dad. It's still only me that can if it's needed."

"But it makes no sense. We're here to help, use our help." Taehyung speaks up, moving closer to Jimin's side. "We're here for you."

Jimin pushes away Taehyung's hand that comes to rest on his shoulder. "And I said I appreciate that, but it's still my fight. I'm really tired of being protected all the time. I want to make my own decisions now."

"So this is just about making your own decisions?" Jungkook asks in a bewildered tone.

"Of course it's not just about that, but baby I'm really sick of being told what to do and where to go and now, who I can and cannot fight. I'm doing this alone."

"What else is it about, then? It's starting to feel like you just want control of this situation."

"Jungkook," Jimin groans. "I just want to protect you. Me, not anybody else. I want to protect you and your mother. I can. We've been through this."

"Maybe we should just let him." Hoseok speaks up for first time since he stepped foot inside of Jungkook's bedroom. The group looks at him as if his heads been removed from his body. He ignores their eyes and speaks again. "If he thinks he can handle it, lets trust him."

Yoongi scoffs. "Aren't you the one that told Jimin's parents they were planning on getting married in the first place because you were concerned about his life choices?"

"Yeah, seriously!" Seokjin nods his head vigorously. "You should be on our side!"

"Why are there sides?" Hoseok lifts his shoulders from his slouched position on the floor. "Can't I learn from what I did? I caused this mess! Maybe you guys should learn from my mistake, too. Jimin can make his own choices and we should follow them."

"Thanks, Hobi." Jimin mutters, smiling slightly when Hoseok looks at him.

"He's not right, though. What the hell are friends for if we can't have your back?" Yoongi chimes in again, becoming a little upset by the defiance in Jimin's words.

Jungkook points at Yoongi and nods to acknowledge his question.

"I thought you didn't care, hyung." Jimin retorts, raising one of his eyebrows.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "You're right then. I don't."

"Stop acting like idiots. This is stupid." Namjoon dusts his fingers free from chip crumbs and stands up from the floor. "If Jimin wants to take care of shit on his own, let him do it. We'll still be up here if something dangerous happens. We won't be far away." He turns to look at Jimin. "But you have to understand that if we think you need our help, if it gets loud down there, we won't leave you to get murdered because of your stupid pride or whatever it is that won't allow you to let us stand him down with you."

"I don't want to fight Jungkook's dad."

"Nobody is looking for that, Jiminie." Namjoon continues. "But you have to accept that we're here anyway, just in case, just like you. You didn't want to leave Jungkook or his mother alone, right? We don't want to leave anybody alone if we can help it either. Suck it up, people care about you."

The room grows quiet for a while until Jimin sighs. "Just... fine. Don't interfere unless it's absolutely necessary."

"What's absolutely necessary, love?" Jungkook challenges.

"I'll tell you when I know. Can we just do something else while we wait for the chaos to begin?"


A/N: I'm sorry it's short, the next part should come soon! Finding time is my biggest weakness. Hope you all enjoyed this build up chapter haha~

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