Use me

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"I still need a form of identification to rent you a room, sir. That's our policy. I'm very sorry." A young woman, maybe touching her mid twenties, pushes her pair of thick framed glasses up the bridge of her nose. The shape of them and their dark coloring, almost black, wash out her skin and make her appear tired. She probably is tired, Jungkook realizes, noticing the time when he glances at his phone. It's close to ten at night. They really must have spent more time finding a nearby motel than he'd planned to.

"Listen." Jimin takes the woman's attention, stealing a glance in Jungkook's direction. He's exhausted, completely over the idea of walking and just wishes to occupy the space of a bed for a change. Even if the initial reason for finding somewhere to stay the night is to talk, to try and work through whatever they both have going on in their heads, Jimin is looking forward to laying down on a comfortable mattress. "It's been a really hard day. Really hard. Can't you bend a couple of rules? We'll be gone in the morning and we won't leave a mess."

"We'll pay in cash, up front!" Jungkook chimes in, much too excitedly. The desk woman scans him over once with distrust in her eyes.

She purses her lips, setting her eyes into an intimidating glare. "You guys seem shady, not showing any identification and offering to pay in cash. Why should I bend any rules for you? I could lose my job, and I don't think I'm willing to-"

"Double the normal nightly rate!" Jungkook folds his arms on the raised desk separating himself and the employee. She leans away from his actions, appalled. He works on not appearing phased and smiles coyly. "I'll pay you double the amount a night typically runs here, and you can pocket the extra for yourself."

Jimin's eyes grow wide and he rushes to whisper his disagreement on the matter. "Jungkook, that's-"

"That's illegal." She retaliates. Her fingers fidget around a pen in her hand. It taps a couple of times against a small stack of papers before her as she watches the pair with curious eyes. "I should ask you to leave right now, because you're honestly creeping me out, but,"

"But?" Jungkook urges her to continue. He can hear Jimin sigh beside him, probably frustrated by now.

"It's been a slow night. You're entertaining." The woman mutters, swiveling slowly in her chair, side to side. She watches Jungkook expectantly. "Tell me why you're not carrying any identification on you. Are you trying to trick me into becoming an accessory to a crime you've committed? Why don't I know you? I know everybody in this town."

Jungkook can't help but chuckle at her questions. He looks back to find a sour expression on Jimin's face and instantly the humor of the situation escapes him. They really need some privacy to talk. Jungkook turns his attention back towards the girl and he smiles, nodding his head. "We're.. we're on vacation, just traveling. There's no crime, we just need a room for the night."

Jimin rolls his eyes at Jungkook's lacking response. The man is really bad at lying and that's probably a good thing. He feels bad already for hatching up such a terrible lie on the spot, but an excuse in the form of pitiful words on his tongue fills the room. "We got mugged. Only managed to save the bags we have on us now. We're going home in the morning, if we can." Jimin pretends to be concerned about it, shaking his head as if he still can't believe what happened to them. He doesn't watch Jungkook's reaction, but he hopes it's convincing.

The woman's eyes narrow on them. She tilts her head to the side, an eyebrows raised challengingly. "I thought I heard you say there was no crime. Somebody mugged you, yet there's no crime?"

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