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"He should take me. He could use the back up, if you know what I mean. I'd love to get my hands on that kid right now."

"You're not getting your hands on anyone. You shouldn't be there, with your temper and all. Don't get involved."

"I'm already involved." Yoongi leans back on his heels, arms crossing his chest as he raises a challenging eye at Seokjin on his left. "Did you think I came here to tell Jungkook that every little thing is going to be alright, pat his head and tuck him into bed so he can sleep? If shit is about to go down, I'm going."

Seokjin mimics the way Yoongi's arms cross, straightening his broad shoulders and hovering closer to him. Yoongi's gruff exterior can be intimidating, but he's still older and he uses it to the best of its advantage. "You'll just cause trouble. We're wasting time, when Jungkook comes back in here, he'll want to go right away. Don't fight with him about who wants to go with him. It should be Hobi."

"He won't be any help at all. He might even cry." Yoongi argues. He looks to Hoseok, who's eyes are on the floor as he purses his lips.

Seokjin groans. "Your mistake is thinking that your help will be needed. The police will handle it. They're the ones trained for situations like this, not you!"

"So what?"

"So let it go, Yoongi. Jimin's parents are here and they know Hobi best, and Jungkook will want him to go, too. It's a sensitive situation, can't you see that?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "This is why I like sleep more than any of you."

The bedroom door swings open, a dazed expression appearing from behind it. Jungkook points at Hoseok and he huffs. "Let's go now." His words are breathy as if he'd just run a marathon, but it's only because his heart is beating so fast. "We're leaving now."

Hoseok nods without a word and shuffles past his boyfriend. He glances at Taehyung as he passes, but the other is still avoiding his eyes. It doesn't matter right now. He tells himself as his hand falls on Jungkook's shoulder. They turn away from the others to group with a pair of officers by the front door, together with a set of worried parents.

"It's a bit of a drive, maybe an hour." One officer is muttering into his phone. The other ushers them through the front door, following closely behind.

"Kid, don't look so worried." A deep voice mutters close at Jungkook's side and a low chuckles follows. "I know it feels like it's not over yet until you see him, but he's already safe. I can assure you of that."

Jungkook stares blankly at the car they're approaching. He doesn't respond, at a lose for words. How could he even speak loud enough to drown out the banging in his chest. His palms are sweaty and his stomach is churning. The man laughs beside him again, but it's softer. A hand claps on his back.

"We'll get to him."

Hoseok leans against the police car parked in front of his house. Jimin's parents hover anxiously near them and he sighs, catching Jungkook's attention with a whisper when the officer moves from them to gather his partner. "Jimin is safe?"

Jungkook nods, tilting his head down towards Hoseok and clearing his throat. "That's what they told us."

"They have him?"

Jungkook's jaw tightens. He nods again. "Yeah."

Hoseok's shoulders loosen, slumping downward. He feels a bit of tension ease his stiff muscles. He's relieved, but the expression on Jungkook's face doesn't mirror his sudden emotions. "Isn't that good?"

"Of course." The younger mutters. He draws in a sharp breath and blinks towards his friend. "Of course it's good. Jimin is okay."

Hoseok's stare falters some with his confusion. "Why don't you seem more enthusiastic to see him, then?"

Jungkook fights the urge to look away from Hoseok's eyes, watching them react to the pain that hasn't left his own since the last time he saw his boyfriend. "I need to see him, Hobi. I want to,"

"Then why-"

"But when I see him, when we see him today, we're also going to be saying goodbye."

Hoseok's heart stops for a second. His brows furrow, confusion deepening as he waits silently for an answer. Jungkook looks away from him as his thoughts race.

"His parents want him to leave with them, today. Letting us tag along to see him after all of this is just their kindness. They're just letting us say goodbye."

"What-" Hoseok starts, his voice loud enough to draw a bit of attention from the others.

Jungkook stops him again, shaking his head as he does. "They're right. Jimin should go with them. They're his parents, and obviously I can't be trusted to keep him safe."


"Okay, lets roll." One of the officer calls, drowning out Hoseok's attempt to understand. The car clicks loudly beneath their leaning bodies.

"Jimin can't leave." Hoseok whispers again, hastily. He wraps his hand around Jungkook's bicep to stop him from climbing into the car just yet, but Jungkook moves away from his grip, ignoring his words. "Jungkook."


A/N: Guys! God, to find time to write lately is so hard. I know this is all quick and everything, but bare with me please~ I love you all so much! <3

P.s.. MIC drop triggers me so much. Like, I can't stop hitting that replay button.

(JIKOOK) Texting Story SnippetsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora