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"You don't have to hold onto me like I'm going to disappear all of the sudden." Jimin can feel the tension in Jungkook's grip on his waist. The excitement from their friends presence is gone. His parents voices drift, muffled, into Jimin's room through his locked door and he sighs into the otherwise silence between them. He had expected it to feel more comforting to lay in bed with Jungkook, to feel the man's arms around him this way, but untapped emotions and unanswered questions sit heavy on their shoulders. Even with tired eyes and an even more exhausted body, they can't ignore them. "I'm not going anywhere, ever again."

Jungkook remains silent for a while. His fingers grow slack around the fabric of Jimin's shirt, the grasp he held it in something he hadn't been aware of. He slides his anxious hand under it instead, stroking the skin beneath softly with his thumb. He can't help but avoid eye contact with the other. He can't help but want to pull all of Jimin's clothes off, just to make sure he's truthfully unharmed. Jungkook traces a soft line with his fingertips down Jimin's side, putting every nerve in his body towards the feeling beneath them. They eventually meet with Jimin's elbow resting at his hip. He continues his slow journey down the length of the limb and stops at Jimin's wrist, eyes following his sense of touch. The taut skin surrounding it is raised, irritated. It's pink, unlike the milky tone of Jimin's forearm. "What is this?"

Jimin chews on his inner cheek, feeling guilty somehow for what Jungkook found. He readjusts himself against the other and sighs. "It's from the binds. The," He pauses to swallow, trying to come up with the least upsetting way to describe why there are marks on his wrists. He wonders why he should care to downplay the torture of being bound against a bedpost, but he knows it's only for the sake of his boyfriends mental state. "The ties around my wrists, so I would stay where he wanted me to." Nice, Jimin. He rolls his eyes at himself. That's obviously still incredibly triggering, he can tell by the downcast expression on Jungkook's face. "They didn't hurt. I just couldn't stay still, so they rubbed-"

"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

Jungkook sighs. "Stop trying to spare me the details. I want to know them. Stop trying to convince me that it wasn't so bad to be held hostage by a lunatic." He absentmindedly caresses the blotchy skin as he talks, maybe trying to soothe the marks away. "I know you were scared and I know that this hurt you. So stop it."

Jimin frowns. He moves to take his arm away from Jungkook, but the other refuses to let go and he doesn't fight it. "He didn't hurt me, baby."

The younger is quiet again until he looks up to find Jimin staring at him with a worried crease lining his forehead. He breaths audibly out through his nose and brings the others wrist to his lips, kissing it softly before he drapes it across his own waist. He brings Jimin closer in his arms. "Okay. He'll be dead if he did."

"He didn't."

"Fine." Jungkook lets his head rest back against the pillow on the bed. He keeps it turned to watch the worry still ruling Jimin's eyes and he searches them for understanding. That's all he needs, just to know so he can work towards taking it all away. "Tell me about it."


"No, I mean it. Really tell me about it. Tell me all of your thoughts and your feelings and I'll tell you mine."

Jimin pulls in his lips, uncomfortable at the thought of bringing it all back so soon. He's not sure if he can handle hearing a first encounter of what Jungkook felt like throughout the entire ordeal. What little he's been informed of already is enough to start bringing tears to his eyes. He blinks them back and takes a breath to compose himself again. They need this. "During, or what we're feeling now?"

Jungkook's smile is a bit melancholy. "Everything. All of it."

"All of it?"

"All." Jungkook turns again. His body feels so on edge with the topic, but he knows it's necessary to put it all out in the open between them. He presses his thumb against the worry lines on Jimin's forehead and nods. "We need to talk about it, even if we don't want to. The things that hurt us are the things we both need to understand, so we can get through it together. I need to know what hurt you and how you're feeling so I can help you. We'll just keep reliving the same nightmare if we don't talk about it."

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