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"Shh, shut up." Hoseok throws behind him in a hissy whisper. A choir of hushed giggles trail behind him as he finally reaches his dark living room and he wonders why he even let Jimin and Taehyung come with him. He can't hold back the grin that lifts his lips when his boyfriend pulls on the back of his shirt and whines for him not to be mean to them. He's worried about waking up his parents, even though he knows that they can't possibly hear them and are unlikely to check up on a bit of laughter that might sink through the wood of their bedroom door. He turns to face the clingy mess behind him, Taehyung stopping suddenly and his fingers falling from Hoseok's clothes. Jimin has his arm secured around Taehyung's as if he might fall without the youngers support.

"We made it?" Jimin asks, straightening his stance.

Hoseok nods, chuckling slightly at the two of them in a state of intoxication induced hysteria, where everything is so funny and intriguing. Namjoon brought a lot of alcohol, but he didn't bring enough and Hoseok is looking to keep the mood in good spirits for the night. He's already a little bit buzzed himself from sipping on a single beer, his own tolerance lower than the deepest parts of the ocean. He decides that their best option, as everybody in his room is already under the influence and they shouldn't be venturing out in the night to con some more illegally somewhere, is to raid his parents liquor cabinet. It's a feat he's never dared to attempt, but it can't be that hard. "Pull yourselves together and help me choose one to take."

Jimin clears his throat rather loudly, causing Taehyung to look back at him with exaggerated wide eyes. He waves his hands to try and keep himself from laughing again at his friends expression and takes a deep breath. "Okay, we need something good. Whiskey!"

"Jiminie, your voice!" Taehyung scolds the others excitement with an equally loud tone. He clamps a hand over his lips and breaths a heavy laugh into his fingers, eyes crinkling into crescents as he does. Jimin slaps his arm before mimicking his motion and they turn away from each other to try and calm down.

"For the love of God, you guys." Hoseok bites his bottom lip to keep himself collected. He hasn't seen Taehyung laugh this hard in a while and it's so refreshing to see he doesn't really want to make it stop. He's trying to be cautious and he understand now that his boyfriend and his best friend were not the pair he should have allowed to accompany him on his adventure. "Lets grab it and go back to my room before my parents come out. Christ." The mention of his parents seems to put a little sobriety into them and their giggles cease. Jimin nods. Taehyung bites down on his knuckle, breathing in slowly through his nose.

"Got it." Jimin whispers into the silent room.

After a little help from Jimin to manipulate the simple keyhole on the cabinet door, and no help from Taehyung who's concentrating on his breathing, Hoseok's hand claims a nearly full bottle of Macallen. He looks at Jimin. "Can you safely make it to the kitchen to grab a few cups? Plastic, not glass. I really don't trust you with glass."

Jimin pushes his eyebrows together, offended. Not because Hoseok can't trust him to carry glass objects in his current state, because he's not sure of himself either, but he's offended at the notion of going by himself. "Not alone. TaeTae can come with me."

Taehyung leans into Jimin's pull on his arm, but Hoseok stops them both before they can begin their own trek to the kitchen. He sighs. "No, you two together doesn't sound like it can possibly end well. Here." He carefully places the bottle of whiskey into Jimin's hands and watches him sternly, forcing the other to hug it close to his chest with a firm grip on its circumference. "Take this to my room and give it to Yoongi hyung, alright?" He looks to Taehyung and raises an eyebrow at him, sighing again when the younger finds that funny, too. "Both of you, go. I'll get the cups."


"Okay, damn. This night just got real." Yoongi comments, standing when Jimin and Taehyung shuffle into the room. He takes the bottle from Jimin's arms and turns it around a few times, nodding his head in approval. "I didn't expect you guys to do such a good job. I'm surprised."

They all gather back into a circle in the floor, a forgotten game of monopoly spread out in the middle of them. Seokjin mumbles something about cleaning it up, because they all know that Jungkook has already won, owning more than half of the properties available after displaying excellent negotiating skills, or just manipulation skills, with the others in the game. Or just being generally lucky, but who can tell? Jungkook declares himself the winner and they grumble at him in bitter agreement before Jimin starts picking up the small pieces and the fake money strewn across the game board. Hoseok tumbles through the crack of the door, left open for his return. His face is a bit pale, but he seems to relax after sealing the door shut behind him.

"Did you see a ghost out there by yourself?" Yoongi snickers.

Hoseok shakes his head and avoids answering the teasing question. Finding himself alone in a dark house just never could sit right with him. He takes a seat on the floor between Taehyung and Namjoon and places a small stack of cups down in front of himself. "We're finished with the game?"

"Jungkook won." Jimin answers.

"He didn't!" Taehyung argues, skeptical of the defeated expressions surrounding him. "You all gave up."

Namjoon nods. "Yeah, it was going on too long anyway and we all know Jungkook was going to make us go bankrupt in the order corresponding to our next turns. It's smart to just let him have it and move on."

"Maybe, but-" Taehyung starts again, tone whiny as he reaches forward to grab his game piece. "It was fun."

"Lets play another game." Jungkook suggests. "Something even more fun." His eyes fall down to the bottle of whiskey beside Yoongi's knee. "Maybe some kind of drinking game to continue the night."

"Jungkook." Yoongi sucks in through his teeth, smiling to the younger with appreciation. "That actually does sound fun. Lets do that." He points at Jungkook before snapping, showing rare enthusiasm for the idea.

Hoseok shrugs, agreeing effortlessly as Taehyung starts to cheer up again. They finish putting away the board game and he works on distributing the cups he brought. Hoseok asks into the sudden mindless chatter around him, "What game are we going to play, then? What is considered a drinking game?"

"Anything can be made into a drinking game. We just have to set the rules for it." Namjoon answers.

"Lets set the game first." Jimin agrees. "Somebody suggest something and then we can decide on the rules for when we take a shot or not. That's a drinking game, Hobi." He finishes by teasing his friend again. Jimin settles down beside his boyfriend after pushing the monopoly game safely away from the group. He leans against Jungkook's arm, only slightly remembering that he's not supposed to be showing too much affection for the other in Seokjin's presence. He can't help it much, though. Jungkook's body heat entices him closer, especially when a hand naturally finds itself gripping onto his thigh.

Seokjin leans forward with his elbows on his knees, inhaling softly before breaking his bout of silence with his own idea of a game they can play. His movements attract their attention and he accidental makes eye contacting with the only person in the room he wishes he hadn't. Namjoon smiles meekly from their short glance and Seokjin quickly looks away. "I have a suggestion."

"Lets hear it." Jimin says in an encouraging high pitched voice, leaning over Jungkook's legs to pat the elders knee.

Seokjin weaves his fingers together, quiet for a minute until he realizes that he's making them wait. "Oh. Okay, yeah. We should play 'Truth or Dare'. But, how can we make that into a drinking game?"


A/N: Truth or Dare as a drinking game? Haha.. any idea how that works? I have a few, but please give me your suggestions~ I love you!

Also.. Bangtan at the AMAs, ARMY screaming those fanchants.. I'm so emotional I can't stand it. It was so beautiful and overwhelming to see. I feel amazed, proud, ecstatic all at the same time. Watching history in its making is such a beautiful thing.

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