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"Well, it needs some help. Some, uh, renovations here and there." As the awkward phase of the moment passes, sighs of relief filling the stale air that surrounds them, Jungkook motions around the old place. A shy smile takes over his features and he looks towards the others varying expressions.

Taehyung pipes up suddenly, smiling brightly as he saunters towards Jungkook's wary glances. "The walls need paint, the door hinges repaired, maybe more windows for better natural lighting and definitely some light fixtures throughout the place for sure. This place is a little scary, to be honest." With pursed lips, he loops an arm around Jungkook's shoulders, shaking him gently, so full of pent up excitement. It isn't like renovations are his thing, but he's desperate for a happy distraction from the recent qualms of the past, the worry that still remains in his gut. It's a taste of something better for the read ahead and it brings a lighthearted smile to his lips. Taehyung nods his head towards the floor. "And this old dusty wooden flooring-"

"I love the floor." Jimin interrupts in a voice full of unexpected dedication for a cause nobody knew he'd been waiting to support. The old beauty the wooden planks beneath his feet make his heart warm, but he doesn't know why. He just knows he wants to protect them. His lips extend into a full pout, eyes worried. "I don't want to change them, please?"

Namjoon approaches their cluster of discussion, ruffling a soft hand through Jimin's fluffy locks to dispel his sad expression. "The floors are dirty, but they might be in good shape if we clean them up a bit, don't you guys think?" He looks at the smaller boy with a grin and a scrunched nose when Jimin nods at his suggestion and clings onto his side with intense agreement. It's nice to feel normalcy radiating between them again. The older chuckles lowly.

The condition of the planks, covered in years of wear and tear, of memories and passion, already inspire Jimin to create. He would hate for them to disappear. "They'll be perfect after we clean them, I know it." Even if they aren't, he's becoming attached.

Jungkook looks at Jimin, the pretty smile on the boys lips the reason for his heart beats existence. He wants everything to be perfect, safe, and beautiful for Jimin, but as long as the smaller is happy, he will be happy too. "So, we clean them up. Whatever you want, my love."

Taehyung hums in agreement as well, nodding his head. "Whatever you want, Jiminie."

Jimin's eyes narrow with focus as he surveys the room, finding every face that watches him with a cheerful expression, happy the strongest emotion to surround him. He realizes, with a bit of surprise, that he hasn't felt so at ease in far beyond the mental capacity it would require to remember. He hasn't been this excited in much too long.

To be excited is something incredible. The first moment you obtain a goal, one that you know can only be driven by passion to reach the breaking point of success. Jimin can't wait to live out the rest of his life with Jungkook, to have him at his side through every good time and through every bad. He can't wait to grow together with him, to dance across the very floor he's fallen in love with already, as the only man he's ever loved sings to match his every step. Most of all, Jimin can't wait to find the peace in knowing that every moment they share from now until forever is only a fraction of their lives, time moves on and they will be moving on together in an environment of beauty and trust.

Together. With a promise for forever. Jimin grabs Jungkook's hand, lacing together their fingers. His hand is swallowed in Jungkook's own, his favorite feeling. "I just want you." As soon as the words leave his lips, his cheeks tint pink with embarrassment. A tiny laugh follows when the taller pulls him close. Jimin hides his blushing face in the crook of Jungkook's neck and circles his arm around the man's middle, coming home to the embrace he'll never not need. He's spent all morning without it and all that he needs right now is his boyfriend, no his fiancé. Jimin's cheeks burn hotter as Jungkook's throat vibrates with a laugh. "I mean," The smaller begins in a muffled voice. "Can we talk about what to do later and just be together right now?"

They don't need another clue, nothing else to let them know it's time to part ways with the couple. Namjoon straightens his expression and turns to his friends with a pointed look. They take the hint quickly and the room fills with an onslaught of congratulatory responses and rushed goodbyes.

"I seriously can't believe it. I'm here and I still can't believe it."

"We should get out of here, you need some time alone after all of.. yeah."

"Tell us when you get home safe, okay? Don't forget."

"Have fun!"


When the chaos that comes with a gathering of loud boys dissipates into two, the large space of the room becomes larger. They're swallowed in its mass, huddled together in each other's arms on a single blanket to cover the wooden planks beneath. The smaller giggles in the silence. His fingertips tickle the others bare chest that he rests his tired head against, breathing in the memories they've made in the form of a familiar fragrance. Jungkook smells like home. Jungkook smells like his.

"What are you laughing about?" The taller whispers in the quiet, tracing the outline of Jimin's hipbone with the gentle caress of his fingers. They were only dancing together, sex the last thing on their minds, but the body works in mysterious ways. A smile evokes a chuckle from his own lips as he takes into account their current position on an uncomfortable floor laid atop the silliest excuse for a blanket he's ever seen. Still, he wouldn't change a single thing about it, not this moment. Not his boy, or the look in Jimin's sparkling eyes as he stares back into his own.

Jimin bites his bottom lip to stifle another giggle. He leans into the other until the fingers that tease his hips circle around his frame. "I'm just happy."

Jungkook suppresses a grin, bringing Jimin closer to his body. "Mm, yeah?" He asks. Before he's ready, the smallers lips catch his own in a short, sweet kiss. It's playful, but innocent. The kind of kiss only Jimin can pull off. Jungkook sighs, content and overwhelmed all at once. He could overthink everything if he wanted to. He could drive himself mad with plans and ideas and the thought of how much he's really going to miss Jimin, how hard it will be to get used to not seeing him all day. But nothing matters more right now than the short fingers holding his chin still as kisses rain down upon his lips. "Me too, Mochi." He says between them.


A/N: I feel like I'm keeping this chapter hostage at this point, so I'm going to post it, ahaha. I haven't been able to write in a while. Quick update on my health situation, it really sucks to be a female dhsnsusnhs. I had a semi dire situation last week and I'm fine now I believe, but it was the worst pain of my life. Don't joke about your ovaries, friends. They can hurt, bad. They can hurt so bad :((

Anyway. I sincerely feel as if I've been waiting for my life to get back to normal, and I've come to the conclusion that it's not going to happen. So, with that in mind, I have to work around this ongoing obstacle in my life and I want to continue writing as I used to. I think it will be for the best, because crying about this isn't helping and pretending it doesn't exist as I focus on other things doesn't help either, so. Writing has always
helped me when I feel bad, but this is some next level depression. I don't know, guys. I'm going through it. I'm sorry for ranting, I just.. I'm so backwards. It's hard to even explain.

I love you, and it's always a comfort to come on here you know. I just feel at ease, so I don't understand why I stray away. I'm so sorry.. I think I'm reaching a breaking point here and I'm spilling it all over the authors note of a chapter, aha. I'll go, but I hope you enjoyed this and I love you so much. I hope you are so happy and I hope you feel so loved, because you are. I love you so much. Thank you always~ ❤️

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