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"Don't cry, Jiminie." Taehyung whispers close to his friend. He resists the urge to wind his arm around the shorters shoulders and comfort him. Jungkook looks so clingy beside him and it's almost frightening to see the territorial look in the man's eyes. Taehyung knows why it's there, but Jungkook can be pretty intimidating.

"He might need to cry." Hoseok retaliates softly.

Yoongi, having just arrived with a passion in his disposition already, crosses his arms and mutters, "He's been crying a lot already. He needs to understand that we're going to fight for him to stay and stop moping about what hasn't happened yet."

"Do you understand emotions at all, Yoongi?" Seokjin turns his attention on the last to speak and his stare shows his dissatisfaction just as blatantly as his tone. "He needs to get through this, he's been through a lot so this is hard." The eldest argues. "He can cry as much as he needs to and we'll be here to support him."

Jimin heaves a pent up sigh and he pushes away Jungkook's hands from his face. He stands up from the edge of his bed and shakes his head at his room full of friends, his boyfriend silently reaching out towards him as he avoids the touches and rubs away his own tears. Their voices hush, the air is silent as they watch him and Jimin feels uncomfortable in the spotlight. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here." He mutters, but his words sound angry. They aren't angry, he's just frustrated. He feels like he can't breath again. Their words are suffocating him and shoving his own back down his throat every time that they speak over his small voice when he tries to choke up a sentence.

"Sorry." Yoongi shrugs with his quick apology, as if it's nothing to him. He can see the pain in Jimin's eyes and he does feel bad for blowing off his feelings so quickly. He shuffles towards the side of the bed the boy is standing and frowns beside him. "You're allowed to mope. I just want this all to be over for you."

Jimin shakes his head, groaning as he's misunderstood again. "I don't care about what you said. I want to get out of here."

"You want to run away?" Taehyung asks. He already knows the answer to his question, but it's breaking his heart to see Jimin in tears. He almost wants to agree to it if it will make them stop.

"I want to stop feeling like I can't control my own life anymore."

Jungkook moves across the bed slowly, seating himself at its edge and he gently drags Jimin towards him until the other is standing between his legs. He doesn't know how to say what he wants to say without feeling like he would hurt Jimin, but he can't stand watching his boyfriend struggling without comforting him somehow.

But Yoongi isn't one to hide his thoughts, not about other people. He clears his throat and straightens his shoulders. "Alright, Jimin. You need to talk."

Jimin closes his eyes. His voice sounds irritated again when he speaks back. "I don't want to talk to my parents. Why can't you guys-"

"No, you need to talk to us." Jungkook whispers. He looks up at the frown on Jimin's lips and the slight betrayal in the boys eyes he doesn't quite understand, but he sees it there. "I know we talked already, you and me, but-"

"You need to vent." Namjoon leans back in the desk chair he's seated in, his eyes meeting Jimin's for a moment when the younger turns to look at him. In just the snappy flicker of their joined stare his observations feel proven and he can't help the voice that speaks from within himself. "The reason I haven't insisted that you talk to your parents like everyone else has already taken the initiative to do, is because of this. You need a break, Jimin. You need time to process what happened to you constructively instead of telling us that you're fine. We know that you're not fine, the same we that we know Taehyung isn't fine. Talk to us. Tell us how you feel."

At the mention of his name, Taehyung frowns up at Namjoon. He earns a glance from the ladder paired with an understanding head nod and his head drops down. Hoseok rubs his back and stands closer to him. Taehyung shakes his head to clear his sudden wild thoughts, his confusion. It's not the time for anybody to focus on him so he points the attention back onto Jimin, muttering, "Yeah, we're here to listen to you, Jiminie."

Jimin crouches down to lean into his boyfriend who accepts his body weight without moving a muscle. They want him to talk? About what? Anything he can say that wouldn't just be a recount of what he experienced would be his pointless fears. All he can say is that he was afraid, but for more than just his life or his well being. He was afraid to lose this, his friends. Jungkook. He was afraid to never come back and to never be happy and it's all coming back to him. His happiness is hanging over his head again as he struggles to reach it. Can't they understand that without him speaking the words? "I've said it already. Everything that's wrong right now, it's going to stay wrong no matter how many times I say it. I want to leave. I want all of us to leave."

Seokjin lowers his voice. "But, we can't leave. We can't run away."

"We can. Together. I want to get away from this." Jimin clasps his fingers around Jungkook's hand on his waist. He moves backwards, pulling against his boyfriends resistance. His eyes stare down at the man with the same betrayal inside them as before. "Can't you come with me?" He whispers to Jungkook, quietly as his voice breaks.


A/N: Jimin's emotions are just getting the best of him, but he has great friends ^^
Sorry for the long wait guys! I need to work harder to upload faster! Hope you enjoyed! Thank you and I love you as always~

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