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Leaving in the morning felt like the right thing to do. The night had been long and cold and Jimin wasn't interested in giving his parents anymore time to interject in his decisions, his reasons, his future. Jungkook takes his hand as they descend the porch steps of his parents home, a place he's never known as home, but Jungkook doesn't feel warm right now either. Even with their fingers intertwined, the energy is different than it's always been and this sours Jimin's stomach. He hadn't eaten dinner, had skipped breakfast, and doesn't harbor the desire to eat, because hunger pains could never compete with the stomach churn of worry and regret.

They shouldn't have ever visited his parents.

Jungkook starts his mother's car, engine roaring to life and for a moment the familiarity of it consoles Jimin. They are going home, back to their normality and back to their friends and back to their relationship, knowing more than they knew before. Sure, that's reasonable. Maybe visiting his parents wasn't a mistake, but building blocks for them to use to strengthen their weak spots. He can see from Jungkooks profile that they're definitely not on the same page, or rather not even reading from the same book. Everything is suddenly more dysfunctional than it's ever been and Jimin takes a deep breath to ward away an onslaught of frustration, because he doesn't understand. He's trying, with everything inside of him, to understand. With every calming breath, in and out, he wants to scream at Jungkook, because they were so good, and now he's left in the tallers cloud of unexplained angst and denial of anything being wrong at all.

"Baby," Jimin mutters as he waves to his parents, finally pulling away from their house. He always misses them, but it's a relief to watch their figures disappear in the rear view mirror now. Maybe when he sees them next time, it'll be on his wedding day. It sounds too bitter, even with his mood plummeted the way it is and his opinion of them in the negative review pile. He knew how they would feel, but he never realized how much it might effect his partner to lack their support. "Talk to me now. What's going on?"

Jungkook sighs deeply. Jimin has asked him the same question and it's alternate versions a thousand times already, and he's answered the same way every time. Don't worry, love. I'm fine. But he's a damn liar, because his heart is skipping beats as the truth dances on his tongue. Jungkook doesn't say a word, instead reaching forward to turn on the radio. One of Jimin's favorite songs, mid chorus, belts through the car speakers, clearly startling the smaller.

Jimin creases his brows together at the oddity of the others actions and without hesitation he turns off the radio, introducing silence back into the car. He huffs, seething a little as his frustration boils beneath the surface of his skin. He absolutely doesn't want to explode on Jungkook. It would only make the situation worse, and the last of what they need is anything to escalate into fits of rage and acts to regret later. But, Jimin is dying for something, for anything at all to make sense. He just needs to know the truth. "Just talk to me about it already! As if I don't know there's something to worry about, you idiot."

He could've said worse. His mood is so shot, his intentions so desperate, he could've said much worse.

Jungkook grips onto the steering wheel tighter. His free hand, the one that's usually held and caressed and intertwined with Jimin's during their drives together, travels through his brown locks, pushing the hair from his forehead as he sighs again. He never intended to be convincing, he was just hoping for Jimin to leave it for a while, long enough for him to figure it out on his own. Working together to solve problems in a relationship is definitely the goal, but it feels more like an internal conflict he's experiencing with himself and Jungkook simply wanted to hash it out alone. "What do you want me to say, Jimin? That I'm having second thoughts about marrying you suddenly?"

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