Wait for it

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Jimin did not foresee this happening, and if he had he'd have never accepted even traveling with Jungkook. He would've bitterly asked his parents for a ride home, because the silence is deafening and it's making him feel nauseous. Every kind of emotion fills his head space, as if he's cycling through them all in phases, as if he's grieving for the life he imagined, as if it's all gone. He remembers the proposal and every detail that brought it to life, the planning and execution and the beauty of their emotions. How they loved each other so much in that moment, every memory of that night is laced with its scent. Jimin can't bring himself to slide the ring from his finger, but Jungkook never asked him to. In some moments, he feels guilty for reacting so selfishly, but those feelings fade quickly, replaced by sadness or anger and the bitter taste of deceit. It all feels fragile now, their relationship and decisions. Promises seem irrelevant and of the past and Jimin finds himself dizzy with it.

Jimin's never felt so trapped beside Jungkook, never so isolated within the confines of his never resting thoughts. They've been traveling for a while, two silent bodies coexisting in a car, loneliness growing between them. He never used to count the minutes with Jungkook, was ever only sad when they ran out, but he can't think of anything but reaching home. He doesn't have the spirit to ask for help from his friends, knowing exactly what they would say. Give it time, Jimin. He'll come around, Jimin. Don't worry. But the strongest emotion he's feeling is worry, concern, dread in every variation that inevitably becomes one terrifying emotion spiraling out of control in the pit of his stomach. He doesn't notice when the car stops moving and Jungkook turns off the ignition.

Jungkook's head is just as messy, full of regret and concern, but mostly his new crazy idea of slowing things down. For the entirety of their relationship, they've never stopped moving, never experienced love without good and bad passion or rash decisions that were based upon it, never treated the world around them as if it mattered any at all. Everything was one track minded, and in words it sounds romantic and beautiful, but when he thinks about it any deeper, it's almost obsessive. Of course, he loves Jimin, doesn't want to lose Jimin, would still die for Jimin, but maybe it's time to distribute their energy into other things that matter. It's a exactly what his mother tried to tell them, something he really thought he understood, but this time, it's falling on him like a sack of bricks. As if doors are flying open in his mind, understanding floods in, doubt and concern trailing close behind. Jungkook watches the smaller closely for a while without speaking, noticing the details of Jimin's profile and his hands, his short fingers and clean nails and the unrelenting worry lines between his brows. "Are you mad at me?" He whispers into the still car.

Jimin's eyes lift from his lap. He first looks at Jungkook, catching the mans stare downcast now. His gaze passes the others shoulder. They've stopped in a lonely parking lot, one that seemingly has no purpose, within sight of the light trafficked highway. It's eerie in a way, but doesn't bother him very much, incomparable to the awful thoughts already inside of his head. He didn't hear Jungkook's question, so he shrugs instead of asking what he'd said. It doesn't matter, it'll probably break his heart more.

Jungkook doesn't catch the shrug, taking Jimin's silence as affirmation. He didn't need an answer to know how much it's effecting the other. "Love, I'm sorry. I really am."

Jimin's gaze snaps back to Jungkook. Hearing him apologize sends shivers down his spine in a way he'd never like to feel again. Old, ugly emotions bubble like a witches potion in his stomach. He takes in the full extent of the others demeanor and decides that he doesn't want to feel the distance between them anymore. Without much thought or warning, he unlatches his seat belt and climbs into Jungkook's lap, cupping the tallers jaw on either side and lifting his face to meet his own. Jimin smiles. Looking into the tallers big doe eyes is comforting and warm and the way he can control the man is recharging. The loneliness evaporates and the concerns wash away when he's staring at his baby, stroking his soft cheeks with his thumbs and feeling the warmth of arms surrounding his middle. Jungkook is still all his own and he relishes in this, until the arms that are meant to be holding him gently start to pull him away.

Jungkook returns the smaller to his side, slightly annoyed, but also regretful. He knows this is still confusing and painful, but Jimin is failing to understand how much it's bothering him too. Kissing and cuddling won't erase the epiphany he's suddenly had and it's potentially harmful to Jimin's emotions to even admit his own true emotions. They've always relied on physical contact to heal, but this time he needs to return them to the same page, in one way or another. "Let's talk now and see where we are. The silence is killing me."

Jimin's expression turns grim. He recoils back into his seat, pulling further away from Jungkook. That was rejection. "See where we are." He nearly scoffs, because it is anger that fuels his mocking tone and his retreat from the man.

"I know you're angry-"

"I'm not angry." Jimin snaps, interrupting. He crosses his legs in his seat, straightening his back, pursing his lips towards the other before he opens them to fire off a load of bitter sarcasm in his direction. "You can push me off of you any day, baby. Doesn't feel bad."

"I didn't invite you into my lap, I stopped the car to talk with you about something important." Jungkook begins to explain in soft voice, trying to ease the force of his words with a gentle tone. "Just communicate with me on the same level with me and we'll figure it out."

This time, Jimin does scoff. He was so right to feel nervous about this little trip. He really should learn to follow his instincts better. Now, Jungkook is beginning another crusade of figuring it out. They're never meant to be sound, and running around in circles over what feels like uncertainty in the moment is exhausting. "Just tell me the truth."

Jungkook sighs. He can tell exactly what the smaller is thinking, even though Jimin wouldn't believe him right now. "What truth are you looking for? I'm confused too."

"So, you're saying that we should wait to marry? That's all I need to know."

To hear the words is heartbreaking. To hear the break in Jimin's voice is even worse than heartbreak. He doesn't want to hurt Jimin, but what he knows now is what's right, isn't it? "What's wrong with waiting, Jimin?"


A/N: I meant to write this a few days ago, but couldn't find the inspiration to do so. I've been in a happy mood I guess and oof.. this story. I've been rereading this story myself because of how much time I spent away from it and it gave me the inspiration I needed actually lol. What does that even say.. ahh. I'm going to try updating again before Christmas anyway! Merry Christmas everyone, I'm going to gift you angst! ❤️

I love you all so so so so so so so much ❤️ :)) HAVE THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS MY LOVES! ❤️

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