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"You're making it obvious, Tae." Hoseok whispers close to Taehyung's ear as Seokjin swallows Jimin in his arms half a room away. Hoseok grabs his boyfriends hand and frowns with disappointment. "Please, give him time to explain, okay?"

Taehyung shakes his head to disagree, but his expression is blank. "I won't hug him. If that makes it obvious that I'm mad at him, I can't help it."

Hoseok sighs, but nods with forced approval. With a willpower as strong as Taehyung's, he hasn't much hope of changing the youngers mind. Jimin's eyes glance in their direction between Seokjin letting him go and Namjoon collapsing him into a welcoming hug. Hoseok feels his chest tighten when their eyes meet. He hasn't welcomed Jimin yet, because he's scared of the way he'll appear in Taehyung's eyes and that thought alone makes him nauseous. His fingers must feel tense around Taehyung's, because the man loosens the grip on his hand.

"Go hug him if you want." Taehyung whispers, letting Hoseok's hand go completely. He smiles half heartedly and shrugs. "Just because I don't want to doesn't mean you can't."

The older of the two sighs again, wanting to debate against the words he's hearing because he's already assuming them to be laced with a trap of some sort. Maybe this is a test of how he'll react. He squints his eyes at the man beside him. "Are you sure? You won't think I'm choosing him if I want to welcome him back, right?" His tone isn't sarcastic, but his choice of words could quite possibly be interpreted as such.

Taehyung feels burdened suddenly by the desperation in Hoseok's eyes. It's not easy to watch his boyfriend grow increasingly concerned over everything that he might say or do wrong. The man's distress is his fault and Taehyung feels guilty for it. "My one, I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you, you're amazing." He huffs and wraps his fingers around Hoseok's wrist, pulling him closer again. "You don't have to join me in my madness this time. Be happy he's back if that's how you feel."

Hoseok creases his brows, mostly confused, but also sad and unnerved. "I want you to be happy, too."

"I can't."

Taehyung is so complicated, but Hoseok finds himself understanding him somehow. "I know."

The younger lets go of Hoseok's wrist, stepping back from him with a half smile gracing his lips. His heart may be weighed down with the grief of the unknown, the feeling of betrayal he can't force away, and now the guilt he's built upon the structure of his relationship, but if he's a sinking ship, why should Hoseok sink with him? He's alone inside his head, but Hoseok doesn't leave his side on the outside, instead bringing their hands back together, fingers intertwined.

"The thing is, I can't be happy without you, Taehyung."


There's no doubt in his mind, as he watches Hoseok and Taehyung between the bodies of his friends that take turns crushing him to their chests, Taehyung is mad at him. It makes sense for Taehyung to be angry, but addressing it as a fact stings a bit more than he thought it might. Somebody was bound to be mad, and Taehyung's reaction to his arrival is exactly what he imagined that would feel like. It hurts, but Jimin knows he deserves it for leaving. The guilt he's managed to diminish significantly surfaces and Jimin groans at the familiar feeling of a heavy heart.

Jimin can tell by the shifting of Taehyung's stare that he's completely betrayed the others trust in him. His guilt manifests itself as a hard ball rising up his throat, feeling as if it could suffocate him if he doesn't tend to the scattered pieces of his shattered friendship with Taehyung. Immediately. "I should talk to him." Jimin mutters, pushing himself quickly into Yoongi's arms and rubbing strokes against the older man's back to say hello. He smiles softly as he pulls away from Yoongi's tense frame and his stare reads as apologetic. As quiet as Yoongi can be, he worries a lot for his friends and Jimin knows how much he cares. The older nods.

"Y-you mean Tae?" Jungkook stutters, arm falling from Seokjin's shoulder as he shuffles back to Jimin's side. His lips part with surprise, eyebrows fused together with concern.

Jimin doesn't give his boyfriend time to object his decision, and even though it makes him feel bad to reject Jungkook's obvious and overbearing concern, he ducks through his friends that stand between him and the couple beside the entrance to the kitchen. Taehyung catches sight of his move towards them before Hoseok does and he stares incredulously. He must have assumed Jimin to be a person that wouldn't be forward enough to approach a glaring expression, but Taehyung was due for a surprise. Jimin sets his own expression into one of determination, thoughts set only in repairing what he can before it might be too late. Taehyung deserves his explaination, and maybe he'll even except his apology.

The youngers arms cross his chest, eyes downcast and Jimin reaches the pair. Taehyung doesn't bother holding eye contact. He taps his fingers against his arms, feeling uncomfortable under what he assumes to expectations for a welcoming embrace. "Hi, Jimin." He whispers, caving slightly in Jimin's close proximity.

"Hey." Hoseok greets in a similar tone to his boyfriend, trying to seem unbothered by his friends presence before them. "How are you?"

Jimin smiles, bittersweetly. He sighs through his nose, slow and quiet. "I'm alright." The awkward atmosphere remains between them, untouched until Jimin reaches out to gently squeeze Taehyung's elbow. The man's eyes flick up as quick as the spark of a match, meeting Jimin's gaze with obvious intensity. "TaeTae, can we talk?"


A/N: oof.. I know that I said that this one would be longer, but I can't finish the rest of this chapter tonight and I don't want to keep you guys waiting~

I think.. heh, it's come to my attention that I've drawn out the angst too much lately, huh? I'm sorry~ that's why we're going to nose dive into some good sugary sweet fluff coming soon. I'm sorry if the bad stuff seems to go on for a while in this story, I just feel like negative emotions realistically do last for a while, especially in serious situations. Thinking about you guys and the enjoyability of the story, maybe that's not that great 😅 I'll try harder to bring a wider range of emotions, much more positive ones at that, back into this story! I have something fun coming soon that I hope you'll enjoy, because it will be really fun and cute to write 😊

Thank you for always being here my lovelies~ I love you sooooo much 💕

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