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"Who's first? Who's asking?" Taehyung half whispers, as if they're in the midst of completing a secret mission. He's already rocking slightly with excitement, side to side, shoulder softly bumping against Hoseok who's feelings are far from mutual.

"Wait. One more question." Jimin holds up his index finger before anybody can be appointed as the first to ask anything.

Yoongi nods, begrudgingly. "Yes. One more. What is it?"

"If you skip your turn after passing on a dare and without having any 'safety truths' left, what happens when you're chosen again to pick truth or dare?"

Yoongi raises his eyebrows. He hadn't actually thought of an answer for that, but he's quick to cover up that bit of fault in his rules. He comes up with something good before anyone can notice his hesitation to answer. "You have to do a dare before you can choose truth again."

Jimin scrunches his face at the response. "Then, what is the point of skipping the dare the first time if you're going to have to do it for your next turn anyway?"

Yoongi's lips part to speak, but Namjoon beats him to answering first.

"No repeat dares."

"No repeat dares?" Jimin's eyes widen as he's gaining a better understanding of the rules of the game.

"No repeat dares. For anyone, with anything." Yoongi continues to explain, cutting Namjoon off now as he side eyes him with a hint of a smirk. He begins another short explanation, leaching off of Namjoon's sudden declaration. "Even if a dare is skipped, it's off the table. It can't be repeated. Example; Jungkook dares Hoseok to spin in a circle three times, but he chooses to skip it and takes his two shots. Nobody can dare another person to spin in a circle three times for the rest of the game. Yeah?"

"Hmm." Jungkook hums, nodding. He pats Jimin's thigh a couple of times and smiles when the smaller looks at him "Alright, that sounds pretty fair."

Taehyung grins, shoulders rising again with hope that they can finally start playing the game. "Great. Now again, who's asking first?"

"Jungkook." Seokjin mutters.

Jungkook raises a confused brow, turning toward the older man. "Why me?"

"You're the youngest, I don't know. Just pick somebody and ask them 'Truth or Dare'." Seokjin urges, waving off the same concerned stare he's been receiving from the youngest all evening. He sighs. "Go on."

With a bit of hesitation, Jungkook shrugs, glancing again at each of the anxious faces around him. He considers choosing Jimin, to start things off easy with a simple truth question or a funny dare he knows his boyfriend would find amusing. Instead he lowers his chin, eyes eventually settling upon Taehyung who just seems a little too excited to be playing a game with so many rules involved. "Tae. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" Taehyung chirps, as if he'd been waiting for this moment for years. He raises one hand to cover his lips, letting it hover over them as he waits for what's to come.

Jungkook leans back on his hands, eyes wondering up onto the ceiling above him. Dare. What's challenging, but not too serious and wouldn't cause any unwanted turmoil between anybody involved in the game? The last thing any of them really need is animosity. "Sure, dare. Got it."

"Give him a good dare, baby." Jimin encourages beside him. He narrows his eyes at Taehyung, suddenly feeling competitive for some reason. Maybe it's the remains of alcohol swimming in his bloodstream. Maybe he's just excited himself. They battle briefly with locked gazes before looking away from each other with amused smiles lifting their lips. It's kind of fun. It's already a little bit fun.

"I dare you to admit that I'm better at video games than you are." Jungkook declares his dare, grinning as he cups one hand behind one of his ears with mocking emphasis. "Admit it, Tae."

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "That's low. Okay. You're better at video games than I am. Happy? Did I pass?"

"That was weak." Jimin comments, slapping Jungkook's knee softly. "You could have at least made him call you hyung or something."

Jungkook smiles anyway. "Ah, no. That felt good, Mochi." He pulls his boyfriend closer. "It's your turn to ask now." He says, looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung claps his hands together rather loudly. His friends look up, some startled by the noise, a couple still managing their best poker faces. He takes his time meeting eyes with each of them, determining who to choose as his first victim by the amount anxiety in their stare. Jungkook's Dare was soft and playful, but that's not what the game is supposed to be about. Taehyung knows he doesn't want to start any drama, not yet, but he feels like there are too many secrets amongst them that need airing and this just might be the best opportunity they all have to come clean. His good mood falters when he thinks of what he's been hiding himself. Maybe exposing his own secrets during a game of Truth or Dare isn't the best idea, but it's already began. Taehyung points to his target instead of voicing his name, but he whispers, "Truth or Dare?"

Hoseok's expression falls. He leans away from his boyfriends playfully wagging finger pointed at his chest, lifting a hand to swat it away. "Really, babe?" He shakes his head. His heartbeat slows a little, comforted by knowing that Taehyung probably won't give him anything to hard to do, or to answer. He debates his answer for a moment before choosing Truth, taking the easiest road to begin. "Yeah, I'll choose Truth."

"Disappointing." Taehyung pouts.

Hoseok laughs at the others reaction. "Just ask me something."

"Fine." Taehyung huffs. He purses his lips, trying to think of something he wants to know about his boyfriend, something he doesn't already. They spend a lot of time together, and already know a lot about each other. There's only one thing he's really curious about. There's only one thing he'd love to hear a straight, honest answer for. "Is it true that you think I'm a good dance student? Do you think I listen to you well and follow your instructions properly when you try to teach me? Is it true when you tell me I'm doing really good?"

Jimin opens his mouth, surprised. "You've been teaching him to dance?" He squeaks.

Hoseok rubs the back of his neck, feeling the skin there turn hot as the questions hover over his head. "Ah, yeah. I've been trying to teach him a bit, because you're always busy with Jungkook and I'm with Tae a lot. So we dance, sometimes."

Taehyung raises a brow. "And am I doing well, my one?"

Hoseok chuckles, a bit nervous. "You do good, babe. You do. Honestly."

"I'm a good student?"

"Yeah. You're good."

"Hoseok." Taehyung changes his tone, speaking the others name a bit harshly to encourage the straightforward, honest answer he's looking for. He knows that he gets distracted easily and frustrates his boyfriend beyond words every time the man asks him if he wants to join him in learning a couple of dance steps. Hoseok is just too kind to show it to him clearly, but he wishes they could break through that barrier. He wishes their relationship could be open in every aspect. "Tell me the truth."

Yoongi puts up one of his hands, drawing attention to himself. "No, wait. We have to vote. He already answered."

"Wait," Hoseok starts.

"Nope." Yoongi drops his hand back to his lap and he smiles teasingly. "Hoseok, I think you're not telling the whole truth and that constitutes as telling a lie in this game. I vote no, your answer doesn't pass. Who's with me?"

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