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Jimin would be lying if he said that Jungkook's eyes staring into his own don't scare him a little bit. He hasn't seen his boyfriend angry with him in such a long time, he almost forgot how small that fire in the man's eyes can make him feel. He knows he deserves the look he's receiving, but his blood is already boiling in his veins and his patience with Namjoon doesn't exist anymore. "I won't stop this time until he gets it."

"Gets what?" Jungkook claps back quickly. His brows hood over his eyes as they darken with anger. He's more than disappointed in Jimin, more than just mad at him for completely disregarding a fucking promise he'd made to him earlier on in the day. There's written proof of their conversation, evidence of Jimin agreeing to not do exactly what he's initiating right now. Never once has his boyfriend defied him so intentionally and it pisses him off. Jungkook really believed that they had come to an understanding about not getting anymore involved in their friends lives than needed. "You agreed to stop, so stop it now."

"Stop telling me what to do." Jimin's eyes widen, eyebrows raising as his voice changes in pitch. "You can't just do that. So don't. Don't order me to stop speaking, Jungkook."

"Stop starting bullshit between friends. We talked about this, Jimin."

Jimin opens his mouth and he finds himself speechless for a moment, honestly surprised by Jungkook's tone first, but more so by the mocking use of his name. "Wow, no. You talked. You made me agree to your stupid approach of peace and letting them handle things on their own. It doesn't work like that at all."

"It works like that if you stop feeling for yourself and actually see where somebody else might be coming from for once." Jungkook snaps. "You're always like this. You get so angry and you fight and you never think about what you're doing until it's done, and then you want to say you're sorry because you feel bad."

"I'm always like this?" Jimin scoffs, not able to believe the words coming out of the others mouth. "Me? Always, Jungkook?"

"You start shit, yeah."

"Oh, do I? Funny. You're the one always getting jealous and controlling over the smallest of things. For fucks sake, just the fact that I had a relationship with somebody before you and decided to keep them as my friend made you decide to leave me. I start shit? You started all of that, you did!"

"Jimin, calm the fuck down." Yoongi whispers, feeling a little guilty for unintentionally somehow managing to instigate an argument like this between the couple. He's not sure if Jimin even heard him until the man's enraged set of eyes turn towards him with a quick silencing response.

"Fuck off, Yoongi."

Jungkook laughs, not because anything is funny. He laughs because he doesn't know how to respond to that. It's bizarre and he can't even fathom how Jimin can suddenly be hitting him back with such a low insult. Is he so intoxicated that he's forgotten everything they've gone through? Is Jimin so fucking wasted that he can't even remember how much they've changed for the better? No, he's just angry and Jungkook can't help but bite back with an equal amount of bitter nostalgia. "Oh of course, bring that up again and throw it in my face, like I still have negative feelings about what happened before with Hoseok. I got over it, did you? No, you're just starting shit again, right?"

"You didn't get hurt by that, asshole. I did. I got hurt, because you broke up with me, remember? Are you demanding that I need to be over it? Of course you are, that's all you do. You love telling me what to do!"

Taehyung comes up to sit on his knees, leaning over to grip Jimin's forearm. "Jiminie, please." He pleads quietly. It's becoming too much to see his friends fighting so aggressively in front of him. Jimin's angry, he's just angry. He's frustrated and hurt and probably not completely over whatever feelings he keeps masked below his bubbly surface. Taehyung can see right through the man, even if everyone else is finding his attitude ugly like he assumes they are. Jimin takes the weight of everyone's emotions and carries them on his shoulders, but that's ultimately not what his current outburst is about. He's relating to the way Namjoon is making Seokjin feel, in the darkest of ways. Jimin's mind is turning it inside out and his impulsive nature to fix everything broken is driving him crazy. Taehyung grips Jimin's arm tighter when the boy refuses to look at him. "Don't keep fighting. Just don't."

Jungkook is past his last checkpoint to cool down, to let the argument rest between them. No, he'll finish it. "You act like I'm the only controlling one in this relationship."

"You are. You don't even let me leave my fucking room when you're at school!"

"You got taken, Jimin! The last time you went out alone, you were kidnapped."

"I went out today, moron, without you. Without anybody, to stay with Jin hyung and pick up all of the broken pieces that Namjoon left him in. Did anyone take me? Did I die?"

"Oh, okay!" Jungkook nods with hateful enthusiasm. "Alright, why can't I come see you at night? Why am I not allowed to walk after dark anymore, like I'm a child that can't make my own damn decisions?"

Jimin stares at the other incredulously. "You got shot, dumbass!"

Jungkook smirks. "But, did I die?"

Realizing he let himself become trapped, Jimin narrows his eyes at his boyfriend, hesitant with a response. He's starting to forget why he even started arguing with Jungkook. His anger isn't for him and he knows that. Jungkook didn't do anything to deserve taking his foul mood, but it's too late to apologize when they've already taken things so far. "Fine." Jimin growls. "Then go ahead, walk alone at night. I won't stop you. Just do it."

Jungkook purses his lips, nodding with a mockingly thoughtful expression on his face. "It still sounds like you're telling me what to do. Isn't the point of this to both realize that we should just stop telling each other what to do? I mean, it pisses you off when I try to tell you what's best for you. Personally, I understand why you wouldn't want me to be outside at night anymore after what happened, but I don't think we're on the same page. If you don't want to listen to me and my input, if we can't understand where each other is coming from and be same minded on our decisions anymore, than we should stop trying to be, right? Is that what you want?"

Jimin feels caught again, with nothing to say for a while. His chest rises and falls out of sync. He feels lightheaded through his anger and senses judgement from his friends overwhelming him again. They probably think he's stupid and childish for this, but he doesn't care. They can think what they want. They can start hating him if they want to. He doesn't even feel like caring at this point. "I don't want to sit next to you anymore."

"Then move." Jungkook retaliates.

"Gladly." Jimin picks himself up from the floor and looks down at his friends, deciding for himself who to sit beside. Namjoon, absolutely not. Seokjin probably hates him by now. He can't even stand to look in Yoongi's direction. Hoseok will do, his best friend. He wedges himself between Hoseok and Taehyung, ignoring their quiet noises of protest, probably over being separated by him. Jimin hums, crossing his arms over his chest and folding his legs under his frame to look comfortable and confident between his two friends. "Sorry for disturbing the peace, guys." Jimin mutters, eyes still boring holes into Jungkook's unwavering stare. "Ask somebody the thing, Namjoon."


A/N:'s some more drama you guys </3

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