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"Run away with me."

Jungkook stares silently at Jimin. He doesn't respond to the request, neither denying or accepting it. He watches the other blankly to hide the drop of his heart.

Jimin can sense the friction he's caused and he stares back at the younger, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. He says nothing, almost afraid to speak another word into the loud silence he's created.

"Lets go home." Jungkook mutters, finally.

Jimin shakes his head. "I don't want to. I want to run away with you."

The morning is so beautiful, even when its cold rattles their bones. It's early and they've managed to keep their word to the desk clerk. They don't have many belongings on their person so it was easy enough to evacuate the motel quickly. Now, a small flurry surrounds their metal bench conversation. They have nowhere to go, nowhere to run to except for home.

"Where would we go?" Jungkook asks gently.

The smaller shrugs. "Anywhere is fine. Just not there."

"Not home?"

Jimin's eyes show offense. "You are my home."

Jungkook's heart suddenly swells from the statement, warmth traveling through his chilly veins. He smiles without intention and snakes an arm around Jimin's shoulders, bringing the boys cold nose into the crook of his neck. His phone buzzes once on his thigh, drawing his attention as it's dead battery finally finds the power to bring it to life. Jungkook sets the phone down beside him on the bench to let it continue charging and he pulls the smaller up into his lap. "Mochi," He coos softly as Jimin settles on his legs. He hasn't held the boy in his lap in a while and somehow the feeling has already grown nostalgic. That makes him feel a bit disheartened, but he smiles. "You're my home. And, I already told you that I'd go anywhere with you. Just tell me where."

Jimin hides his face again in Jungkook's shoulder. "I don't know where." He mumbles. He's aware of the gravity of his request. He knows that they should go home, and they will, eventually. Maybe after a few days he can muster up the courage to face his friends again, to tackle the mess he left behind of unanswered questions. Right now, all Jimin wants is to hide, hide from the world. Hide from the eyes of those that say they love him, especially Jungkook. But, Jungkook is impossible to hide from, the younger has made that clear.

Jungkook hums softly beside the others ear. He strokes his fingers across Jimin's thigh on his lap and smiles into a feeling of content. This is what love feels like to Jungkook. Yeah, it's all pretty overwhelming. Jimin's request, he can even call it scary and it might sound like an understatement. Jungkook is afraid. He's afraid of being left behind, fooled, lied to again, but if he can find something grand in the others proposal it would make his own trials worth the weight of it. He's found it in a realization that this is the time that they can spend learning more about those words spoken so often by loose lips and careless tongues. I love you. I understand. Jungkook already knows the lonely roads that Jimin travels in his mind, unaware of his everlasting presence walking close beside him. The smaller chooses to see himself as alone when he's wounded. Knowing this information on its own gives Jungkook a set of keys, keys to unlock the inner workings of the rest of his boyfriends mindset. All Jungkook needs is time, and time he's being handed.

"Well," Jungkook begins, taking a slow, chilly breath. His lungs fill with the frosty air and he shakes, rubbing his hands against Jimin's sweatered arms to encourage warmth. "How about we get on the next bus that comes in, like we planned to already. We can see where it takes us. Anywhere but.. home."

"You are my home." Jimin says again, tucking his arm around Jungkook's waist to cuddle into the tallers chest. His heart calms beneath his ribs, its yearning to curl completely against the others warmth satisfied. His thoughts are quiet as well and Jimin is thankful for the silence and for the warmth that only comes from being beside Jungkook. His eyes are so heavy still, he can't seem to keep the open in the comfort of Jungkook's lap.

Jungkook chuckles softly. His breath ruffles Jimin's hair before he claims a kiss to the boys nearly bare forehead. "I don't actually know what else to call the place you don't want to go." He whispers lightheartedly. It feels wonderful to speak his mind with a bit of ease, not having to process his every thought before words tumble from his lips. "Ah, love." Jungkook clicks his tongue, feeling foolish as he realizes the smallers attire. He grabs for his bag at his feet and manages to retrieve it with only a bit of a struggle. He pulls out a bright red beanie. "Why didn't you dress warmer for this morning?" Jungkook criticizes as he nudges Jimin with his arm, coaxing the boy to sit up for him. "Are you tired?"

He forgot. Jungkook forgot, how could he forget? With the morning coming so fast and their lack of sleep and emotional highs throughout the night, Jungkook managed to forget about the most important thing above all. Health. Physical health. Jimin's fever. Jimin groans in his arms, not asleep but so tired and weak it pains Jungkook's heart. He feels frantic under the weight of his realization. "Mochi, you're so hot!" He cries out, much too loudly, his cold hands touching the smallers forehead. Jungkook shoves his hand into the back of Jimin's sweater, remembering his mother and the way she always claimed to possess the ability of checking ones temperature with her knowing motherly touch.

Jimin yelps softly from the cold hand on his back. He huffs. "Well thanks, but-"

"You have a fever." Jungkook interrupts the others joke. He should find it great to hear Jimin joking, but his worry lines are too set for finding humor in anything at all. Jungkook frowns. "I need to take you to the hospital."

"No!" Jimin suddenly sits up, eyes wide, horrified. "No, no hospital."

"Why not?" Jungkook stares down at the other with disbelief in his eyes.

Jimin grabs the front of Jungkook's shirt, looking away from their eye contact as he leans back into the man's chest. Jimin sighs in relief when he's held again, happy with the heat of Jungkook's limbs surrounding him. He knows he's sick. He can feel it, of course he knows. Jimin sighs again, snuggling closer. "They'll find us if we go. We can find somewhere warm, get medicine."

Jungkook frowns deeper, confused. "Who will find us?"



Jimin nods. "Anybody. I just want to be lost. With you now."

The taller sighs, slowly letting his head fall back until the tiny snowflakes cascading around them drift down gently onto the pink skin of his cheeks. He moves his arms up and down, creating friction for warmth, fighting the cold that he can feel almost threatening the life in his arms. Jungkook knows what should happen. He knows what needs to happen. They need somewhere warm to stay. Jimin needs something to bring down his fever, and constant care. They should go home, but that's not going to happen. Jungkook closes his eyes, bringing his head forward again to rest it atop Jimin's own. "Okay. We'll be lost, but let me make you better."

Jungkook hears his phone buzz again beside him, vibrating aggressively against the metal bench. He picks it up just to check and his heart skips a beat. Hoseok.


A/N: I disappeared for so long guys TT


I'm just now starting to feel a bit better, and I hope I don't jinx it. This flu is nothing to mess with! PLEASE stay healthy. It took all of my energy I had just to complete my day to day schedule since my mini vacation ended. Whenever I got home, I just wanted to sleep. I'm so sorry for not updating. It physically hurt to try and use enough brain power to concentrate on this story. My brain still feels like it's trying to implode, but less so now. Updates may still be a bit slow. Thank you for waiting my loves. You are all so precious to me ❤️

I'm going to sleep now, but I'll respond to comments when I can ❤️ I love you all so much, and I mean it. Stay healthy, take care of yourselves. I'm serious, this is not fun at all.

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