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Jimin wishes his eyes would stop filling with stubborn tears. He wipes them away with a frustrated hand, hoping to see the details of the glistening ring on his finger. It shimmers in the dimming sunlight streaming through the rooms high windows and it's so beautiful he can't help but wonder how Jungkook even obtained it. His stomach twists with concern suddenly and he dries his cheeks with the back of his hand again. A smooth, warm breathed kiss covers his cheek in place of the tears he swipes away. Kisses flutter against his skin, blanketing his cheeks and his nose in soft affection. Jimin finds his arms winding around the youngers neck as his waist is surrounded and he's brought into the only embrace he'll ever need.

"Christ, you guys." Hoseok intrudes on the moment, breaking the aura of silent emotion after he can't stand it anymore. Somehow it's pride that collects in his stomach, bringing a dimpled grin to his face. "I think it's safe to say that we're all in need of a hug and a celebration." He announces to the party of nodding heads. They all stand around the blushing pair, teary eyed and smiling like it's the beautiful ending of an emotional roller coaster of a movie. But, it's the beginning of a new chapter of their lives, and Jimin doesn't know everything yet.

"Let them enjoy this a little longer, Hobi." Namjoon mutters with a lump in his throat. He never knew himself to be so easily moved by intense displays of affection until Jimin and Jungkook started their relationship, their journey. It wasn't until their love began to blossom that he realized what love is meant to look like, or so he thought anyway. His eyes cover Seokjin's side profile, pupils dilating as he admires the view. His own love is very different, but for that's he's extremely grateful. No two love stories are meant to be identical and that was his mistake to believe so in the first place. The pieces that make up his own journey with Seokjin will never match Jimin and Jungkook's, but it's going to be beautiful just the same. That's all he can be hopeful for.

Seokjin nods in agreement with Namjoon's statement, turning to meet the man's unexpected gaze. He smiles immediately when embarrassment fills Namjoon's expression. The oldest winks quickly and parts his lips to speak up for the couple in need of saving from Hoseok's impatience. "Maybe they need to hold onto each other for a while." A blush rises in Namjoon's cheeks as his words hurl towards him, knowing he's making a bit of a scene. Without another bat of an eye, he clears his throat to squelch any chance of stealing attention for himself with the sudden reveal of his own relationship. "Lets give them a moment alone."

With that, the oldest begins to usher the gathering away from the couple, but Jimin's voice halts them before they can go.

"Wait, no." Jimin calls to his friends, glancing at the smile lines forming around Jungkook's eyes. The last thing he would ever want to do is celebrate anything without his friends, even something as intimate as a proposal. A group hug is completely acceptable right now in his own book and he knows it would ease a bit of the emotional warfare the thought of getting married is beginning to cause. Amongst this reasoning alone, Jimin is curious of his surroundings and the beautiful ring on his finger and the questions that swirl around in his head are making him dizzy.

Jungkook likes this, the return of how easy it is to read Jimin like a crisp page of a good book. Confusion settles deep inside the smallers eyes and worry lines form. Even in the midst of a happy moment, Jimin worries over the smallest details he can imagine. But, nothing goes unplanned and Jungkook flattens his palms on each side of the boys face, stealing one kiss before his words begin to explain. "Don't think about it too much, you're getting stressed." Words cryptic with plenty of various meanings, Jungkook smiles softly. "It's all yours, because I'm giving it to you. So don't worry about the details, I can explain everything later. Just be happy with me, okay? Promise?"

Jungkook is convincing and Jimin finds it absurd. His wet eyelashes flutter quickly as his confusion thickens. Nothing makes any more sense to him than it had before, if anything it makes less, but he can trust Jungkook. Regardless of any concern he may feel, the man's smiling eyes battle it away. "O-okay." Jungkook's hands fall from his cheeks now and he tilts his head to one side, eyeing the younger quietly for a moment. Hushed laughter, very hushed, rings in his ears as soft background noise now. Jungkook's expression is more full of nervous wrinkles than relief. "What's mine? This?" Jimin lifts his hand to present the ring he'd been given, the one that sparkles in the sunlights warm glow, the one that feels as if it were made for his finger to hold.

Nodding his head, the taller laughs with his friends. He takes the small hand raised between them, caressing it with his thumb before pressing its back against his lips. "The ring, yes. But, also this." Jungkook pulls back, taking a few steps backwards and leading Jimin to the set table behind them. A black box is displayed dead center, untouched and forgotten until now. "It's your last surprise. I love you very much, Jimin."


A/N: it's a little bit rushed, this chapter, but I'm excited to post it because I'm excited for the next bit of this story uwu~ I'm happy that today it's only been time that I'm fighting with. So it's short.. heh

Can you guess what the next surprise is? I'm really curious of your thoughts~

I love you guys so so much, and thank you always! I'm going to try updating more frequently, even if the chapters become a bit shorter. It may be easier that way for me, I hope it's okay ❤️

Ps. I'm attaching the picture Namjoon just posted of Jungkook to this chapter because it just attacked me and I'm not okay..

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