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"He said to give him ten minutes, but I can't wait for you to meet him." Yejoon squeals, slamming his ice water down on the bar and squeezing his fists together enthusiastically. He wiggles back and forth in his chair and hums melodically to himself. "Seriously, he's so hot. I'll definitely regret asking him to come get me in the morning, but he's too sweet to hold it against me."

Marius chuckles at the smallers antics. Yejoon is like a high school boy, an aura of innocence surrounding him. He seems so open and free with his emotions. Maybe it's just the alcohol in his bloodstream, but it's such a welcome difference from what he's used to. He can't say it aloud, because Jimin would probably bite his head off the moment he did, but he hopes his boyfriend catches onto the excitement he's feeling being around such an outgoing presence. Of course it sounds bad to want to change the others behavior, but if he could he'd admit to feeling ignored and unwanted so often in their relationship.

"If he's so sweet, why would you feel bad for asking him to come get you from a bar when you're so obviously intoxicated?" Jimin remarks with heavy judgement in his tone. His takes a sip of his third alcoholic beverage and watches Yejoon smirk from the other side of his boyfriend.

Yejoon sighs at the question and his smirk turns into a confident grin. "I'm pursuing him and he's stubborn." He says with a waggle of his eyebrows. Without warning, emotionally inconsistent in a way that frequently makes others concerned, a deeper, much more exasperated sigh exits his lungs. It's as if the entire weight of the world is suddenly placed upon his shoulders. "He can be a little scary, a little serious. He's such a good guy, and so fine. But, it's like he has a bunch of dark secrets or something he's afraid to tell anyone." Yejoon flattens his palms on the table and takes a deep breath. "I wanna be the one he tells. I just need to be persistent, you know?"

"Sounds rough." Marius says with his drink to his lips. He takes a swig and clanks it back down, rushing to continue his response as if the conversation is going so fast he's at risk of losing his chance to. "Maybe play hard to get and see if that works."

"I tried!" Yejoon all but screams. "I'm telling you he's stubborn and he's perfectly content with loneliness it seems."

"Maybe he doesn't feel the same way about you." With his fingers combing through his hair and a cross of his legs, Jimin smirks with his retort. "Maybe you're not his type, you think?"

Yejoon hitches an eyebrow up, accepting the challenging bite of the others words. "What would you know about how he feels?

Jimin shrugs, but the little smirk stays on his lips. "Just making an observation from what you've told me."

Rusty old hinges squeal from the front of the bar, a better notification that someone has arrived than a bell over the door. Two older men walk in, greeted pleasantly by a small gathering near the dance floor. Jimin almost looks away, but somebody else close behind them captures his attention.

Long hair in waves, jet black just like it's always been, is all it takes for Jimin's breath to catch in his throat. Their eyes meet like they're made of magnets and he clutches the bar table with one hand, knuckles turning white. Not again.

"You came!" Yejoon exclaims as he hops off of his stool and gallops in his boss' direction. The man doesn't acknowledge him for a moment, eyes entranced with something behind him now. Before he can peer over his shoulder to glare at whatever his stealing away his moment of victory, Jungkook's eyes fall upon him and a melancholy smile makes up his entire expression.

"Said I would be." Is all Jungkook can mutter, feeling the weight of Jimin's stare heavy on the side of his face. Don't say a word. He threatens himself. Jimin's boyfriend is here and he would hate for this to seem like anymore than a really terrible coincidence. No, he isn't going to ruin anything more than he already has. "Let's get going now."

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