Waking up

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There's been a sort of mind numbing sense of pain for the last enternity. He can only dream in fractions and sometimes it's of beautiful things, like Jimin. Most of the time it's nightmares. Jungkook's eyes blink open and he doesn't know if he's really awake. It's so bright and the only thing he can truly see is white. It seems like a world with no color and the pain sets in and brings him back to reality. The weight of something on his hand catches his attention and Jungkook blinks a few more times to let his eyes get used to the lights around him.

It's a pain to move his head to look down at his side, but so worth it as he sees Jimin resting there. His boyfriend must have fallen asleep waiting for him to wake up. He feels guilty for it, because Jimin must have waited long for him. It's already daylight Jungkook can see from the sunlight streaming in through a large window in the room.

Jungkook moves his fingers under Jimin's hand grasping his own. A smile sits on his lips, even though his torso is aching. "Mochi." He breaths and his voice is hoarse. He wonders if he should wake Jimin, but decides to even if it makes him feel a little guilty for that too. He wants to see his favorite face. Jungkook moves his fingers again, annoyed from his lack of strength to move anything else.

It's not so necessary, Jungkook realizes, to have to move much of his body at all for Jimin to notice him. The smaller boy stirs in his sleep, lifting up his head as he rubs at his tired eyes. It only takes him a moment to find the source of his disturbance.

Jimin's eyes widen and his breath catches in his throat. "Baby," He whispers, voice trapped still in sleep, but he clears his throat and moves closer to his boyfriend, making a point to keep from pressing against the other. "Baby, you're awake?" His eyes are starting to water again already and the pace of his heartbeat is picking up. He gently places a couple of his fingers against Jungkook's forehead, smiling down at him. He lets his fingers fall back into the soft wisps of Jungkook's hair and he watches his eyes, looking back at him. "Are you in pain?"

"Mm," Jungkook mumbles. "Yeah, Mochi."

"You don't have to talk. I love you, so much baby."

"I love you."

"Shh," Jimin turns around to look at the door to the hospital room and he looks back at Jungkook. "I should find your doctor."

Jungkook nods his head. He watches Jimin stand up and stumble over the chair seated so close to his bedside. He would laugh at his clumsy boyfriend, but is afraid of how much it would hurt. Aside from the burning sensation radiating from his wound, his limbs feel numb. It scares him to think that he won't be able to move them, so Jungkook tries, first wiggling his toes and then trying his hands again. So far, so good. A man with a white coat startles him as he enters the room, apparently in a hurry.

"You're awake." The doctor marvels, genuinely looking down at Jungkook with a bright smile as he comes to his side. Jimin trails in behind the man and stays towards the side of the room to give the doctor space to care for his boyfriend. "I didn't expect for you to wake up so soon, how are you feeling?"

"It's burning." Jungkook answers, wincing as he speaks. "My side."

The man nods. "Your IV is well equipped with medication to make it easier to bare. It's also supposed to make you really drowsy, which is why I'm surprised you woke up so soon." The doctor looks behind him and motions for Jimin to come closer. "I won't sugar coat it, bullet wounds come with a lot of pain, but you should let yourself sleep so you can heal up faster."

"Is that all?" Jimin's expression mimics his confused astonishment. "Is he okay?"

"He's going to be fine. It just takes time. You were one of the lucky ones." The doctor says, turning to Jungkook. "It was an easy surgery to remove the very few fragments that were present. Not much risk involved."

Jimin looks down at Jungkook and notices the other watching him. He smiles. "That's good news, baby."

The doctor hums. "Rest." He comments again and lays his hand on Jimin's shoulder before he moves to leave. "He needs rest to recover, so visit for a moment and let him sleep."

Jimin nods, bowing slightly to the man as he watches him go. He looks back at Jungkook and pulls the chair closer to the bed again to sit beside him. "You're going to be okay, bunny."

"Mm," Jungkook mumbles through his breathing mask. He takes a deep breath into it, keeping his eyes focused on Jimin. He looks so tired, so worn down. "Love, sleep."

"You should sleep. I'll watch you."

"Can you stay?"

"I'll stay as long as they let me."


Jimin smiles bitterly, knowing how much he needs to stay at Jungkook's side. He doesn't know when they'll make him go, but thinking of Jungkook waking up and finding him gone breaks his heart. Still, even though he shouldn't make promises he's uncertain of, he whispers. "I will, baby. Now, go back to sleep."


The shorter boy chuckles softly, but obliges, leaning forward and pressing a chaste kiss to Jungkook's forehead. He brushes the strands of hair back that splay across his forehead and Jimin kisses him again.

"My lips, Mochi."

Jimin pulls back, giving him a pointed look. "How? You have a mask on to help you breath."

"Move it."

"I can't do that."

"Mhm, please?"

Jimin sighs. "I don't think I'm supposed to." He lowers the tone of his voice, suddenly feeling like he's about to do something illegal, but nobody is watching. He leans closer again and carefully pulls down the plastic cover over his boyfriends mouth, bending further to let their lips touch, but only for a second. He pulls away and smiles again as he replaces the mask. "Now sleep."

"Yes, Mochi." Jungkook breaths. His eyes flutter closed again. He feels Jimin's fingers locked between his own and the pain is fading again as he lets the medication in his veins do what it's supposed to. Maybe this time, he can only have good dreams.

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