A Drink

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I can't.

Jimin lays his forearm over his eyes, other hand leafing through Beans black fur as an agonized sigh passes his lips. How many times is sleep going to temp him tonight, only to flutter away at the rough edges of an obsessive thought?

What if he is still there, waiting?

Marius groans in his sleep beside him, eyebrows furrowing from what Jimin can only assume is a bad dream. He envies the way his boyfriend is able to fall asleep, even jealous of his nightmare in the moment. He watches the rise and fall of Marius' chest, hoping to find some sort of content in the peace and quiet.

Marius has never made him feel afraid, lost or even the slightest bit concerned over his intentions. He feels like a security blanket, a constant. He's funny and kind and thoughtful. He puts others first and has an unspeakable amount of patience. Yet Jimin lays beside him, eyes wide open and full of regret, and he doesn't want to pull him closer. He doesn't want to apologize for being so closed off and restrictive with their relationship. He feels guilty for it, unable to stop himself from wondering what Jungkook might have thought seeing them together.


"Still awake, sweetheart?"

The sound of the others voice shakes Jimin out of his head and he snaps his eyes up to meet Marius' own. Another wave of guilt crashes over his small frame, sending a shiver up his spine.

"Didn't mean to scare you." Marius says with a soft chuckle. He sighs deeply as he turns again to face Jimin, slinging an arm around the mans middle, pulling him close to his warm body.

"I'm just thinking." Jimin mutters, letting himself settle into the others embrace and taking a deep breath to steady his thumping heartbeat. He feels as if he's just gotten caught doing something bad but reminds himself that Marius isn't a mind reader. It doesn't bring much comfort.

Marius closes his eyes again and presses his lips against Jimin's shoulder, relaxing into the intimacy he so rarely gets to enjoy. "About what?"

"New choreography."


A bold faced lie feels like poison on his tongue, but Jimin is far from comfortable telling his boyfriend the truth.

"Aren't you off tomorrow?" Marius mumbles into the others skin. He lifts himself away from Jimin, leaning into his elbow to hover slightly above him on the bed. He barely catches the smallers nod in the darkness. "So worry about it later and sleep."

"I can't." Jimin whispers. His eyes suddenly well up with tears so fast he snaps them shut, goosebumps sprinting to his arms despite the warmth of his boyfriend against him. He's never been so appreciative of the night and it's ability to cover up such unpleasant mistakes. Like crying over an ex boyfriend at the thought of worrying over him.

Marius exhales through his nose, leaning away from Jimin with a small pout coming to his lips. This won't do. He can't possibly sleep if Jimin is distressed and that can only mean one thing. "Let's go get a drink, then."

It isn't the first time he's heard this suggestion. Typically it sounds awful to Jimin. Why would he leave a warm bed to venture out for a drink that won't do anything but make him act like a fool, or worse, open him up like a book of dark and dreadful secrets? On a normal day he would shoot it down faster than the words could climb up the others throat, but in the moment it sounds like a perfect escape.


Marius' eyebrows shoot up, sleepy eyes now wide with astonishment. Jimin has never taken him up on the offer, not even in their first stages of dating. "Yeah? You want to?"

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