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The sun is still shining bright in the sky, but it's only getting later as they arrive. Warm sand feels good under Jimin's bare feet, the shorter of the two already abandoning his shoes at the car. "We're at the beach, I won't need them." He shrugs when Jungkook gives him a pointed look.

"What if you step on shells?"

"I'll be careful. Are you my mom?"

"No, I'm your concerned boyfriend. You're clumsy and soft, Mochi."

Jimin rolls his eyes, but tags a lighthearted chuckle behind it. "I'm fine. Come, let's get in the water before the sun goes down!"

"How good of a swimmer are you?" Jungkook asks, grabbing Jimin's hand to slow him down. He hadn't expected for the other to be so excited about swimming in the ocean.

"Good enough."

"That's not comforting."

"I'm not going to drown."

"Are you sure about that?"

Jimin stops and moves to stand in front of Jungkook, grabbing his nose and pulling it side to side. He giggles when his hand is swatted away. "Stop being weird, baby. I'm a good swimmer."

"I'm not being weird."

"You're worrying a lot."

"Because, I love you. Stay beside me, okay?"

"Of course." Jimin smiles. "Can we have fun now? I haven't seen the ocean in a long time. I forgot how beautiful it is!" He says with a tone of awe in his voice, turning towards the massive expanse of water. The waves grow louder as they approach the shore and Jimin can already taste the salt in the air. He stops again and closes his eyes for a moment, cherishing the feeling of his existence beside Jungkook while they're standing in front of an endless ocean, the warmth of the others hand in his own. Jungkook suddenly pulls away, dragging Jimin from his thoughts as he does.

"Then, let's get in. The water should be warm." Jungkook mumbles. He lifts the bottom of his shirt and pulls the fabric up and over his head to reveal a bare torso, his scared injury making its first debut into the light of day. He smiles when he can feel Jimin's eyes on him before he can even catch the boy in the act of staring. "Problem?" He asks, cocking his head to the side.

Jimin clears his throat and looks back at the water. "Mm, no. No problem, baby." He follows suit, moving to free his own skin to the mercy of the sun. It won't be long until they're watching the sun set from the sandy beach. Maybe they won't burn, neither remembering to bring sunscreen for this spontaneous outing. "We might have an hour or two to swim, before it's dark."

Jungkook hums in agreement and he chuckles, taking the lead as he walks into the push and pull of waves. The water is warm on his skin, as he predicted and it feels good. He stretches his hand out for Jimin to grab onto and watches his boyfriend smile brighter than the sun when the ocean reaches his toes. He hasn't seen Jimin so giddy in a while, such child like joy in his expression. The beach was a good idea, even if his true intentions were naughty at first. A pair of arms wrap around Jungkook's shoulders as they wade deeper into the water. Even passed the grin lifting the others lips, Jungkook can feel the tension in Jimin's body. He holds him closer. "Are you scared now?"

"No." Jimin looks up at the taller, confused. He laughs. "I was just thinking about sharks for a second."

"I won't let a shark get you."

"You won't?"

"No, love. I'll sacrifice myself for you."

"Don't be stupid. We'll die together."

"No. Save yourself."

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Shut up, I wouldn't leave you to be devoured by a shark, all by yourself!"

"What good is it if we both die? Huh?" Jungkook argues. He shakes his head. "Don't try to save me if I'm already dying."

"God, baby why are you being so morbid? Stop talking about death!"

"You're the one that brought it up!"

"Just because a shark attacks, doesn't mean we have to die!" Jimin huffs and he pulls away from Jungkook's hold. His hands find the water and he splashes some on his boyfriends bare chest, making the mans skin glisten in the sunlight. He sighs. "I'd be happy if you would just save me from the shark, you don't have to let it eat you. Idiot."

Jungkook scoffs. "I was trying to sound heroic."

"You've already been heroic enough for this lifetime, okay?"

"Mochi, I would always save you. No matter what. There's no being 'heroic enough' when it comes to taking care of you."

Jimin's expression softens. "Baby, I still don't want you to die. Can we stop talking about that? Can we not talk about sharks when we're standing in their home? It's like.. bad karma or something."

"Right." Jungkook laughs again. He sighs, moving closer to Jimin again before lowering himself into the water, sinking down until only his head is above the surface. "Come here, then." He mumbles and pulls on Jimin's arms until the other's face is level with his own. "We'll go under together. Hmm?"

Jimin nods, his smile returning to his lips. He squeezes Jungkook's hands. "Yeah, baby."

They count to three and sink, coming back up to rub the stinging, salty water from their eyes. Jungkook can taste it on his lips. "For some reason, I don't remember the ocean being so salty."

"It's not as salty as you're going to be." Jimin comments and he grins while avoiding eye contact.

"What does that mean?"

Jimin purses his lips, shaking his head. "You think I haven't figured out why you brought me here?"

"To have a nice day at the beach with you?" Jungkook fakes an offended tone, but he sighs, chuckling. Jimin was bound to figure it out, anyway.

"To show off in front of me, to make me want you. I bet you thought about what would be the best excuse for you to be able to take off your shirt in front of me and this is what you came up with!" Jimin scoffs, looking down to pat at the rolling waves. He brushes back his wet bangs and smiles. "It's smart, I'll admit. You know I love your body."

"You love it?" Jungkook raises one eyebrow with his question. He smirks. "Are you admitting defeat?"

Jimin looks up again with a narrowed stare. "Hell no. I'm still going to win. But, good try, baby."

"The day isn't over, love."

"Oh, really? So there's more than showing off your body, then?"

"I guess you can wait and see."


A/N: I'm sorry for the wait you guys, my internet was knocked out last night so I couldn't post this! I'll keep trying to update more frequently!~

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