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He knows that he should feel more hesitant than he does, but there isn't time for anything like 'taking it slow'. Jimin's eyes are sparkling in the sunlight that sets the room on fire with its bright yellow glow. Jungkook moves his hand to the smallers cheek, caressing soft skin before smiling into a kiss atop Jimin's nose. It's really hard to feel anything other than impatience to connect when Jimin looks so perfect. He draws himself back from the other to get onto his knees. Hands follow him, reaching for him to return and Jungkook chuckles. His smile drops suddenly as realization settles in.

Jimin manages to grab Jungkook's hand, feeling cold without another body against his. The man's expression is suddenly concerning. "Baby, what? What is it?" His heart sinks, coming to the immediate conclusion that Jungkook has obviously changed his mind about making love.

Jungkook shakes his head, using a free hand to rub one of Jimin's knees pressing into his thigh. He's knelt awkwardly on the bed now, holding onto his boyfriend with confusion evident on his face. What an obstacle to run into at a desperate time as such. Jungkook sighs. "Ah, we.. We don't have any kind of lube."

Jimin's eyebrows crease together. He blinks twice and lets go of Jungkook's hand as he comes up into a sitting position. His cheeks burn red under downcast eyes. "We have it." Jimin whispers, avoiding confused eyes he can already see without looking up again. He can't erase the feeling of being strained for time, so he begins to explain without being asked to. "I mean, it's not really lube, more like a substitute."

The taller reaches out to lift his boyfriends chin, catching embarrassment marking Jimin's features when he looks for a better answer in the boys stare. "A substitute?"

"Coconut oil." Jimin bites his bottom lip, cheeks on fire and he doesn't know why. It's helpful information for the problem at hand, he should feel proud of himself. His heart is beating fast instead and it's suddenly warm in the room. "It should work, anyway."

"Do you have-"

"Yes." Jimin answers. He feels goosebumps rising on his arms, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "I, uh, I did a bit of research one time about this sort of thing.  Aloe Vera works, too. Olive oil, but that one is weird, right? Even egg whites could work. I wouldn't use that one, though. It seems kind of unsanitary, but maybe that's just me."


Jimin sucks in his lips, realizing he's rambling about something that obviously doesn't matter. His heart sinks again and he sighs, anxiety creeping under his skin already. "Sorry." He mutters the apology and Jungkook's laugh fills his ears.

Jungkook leans back on his heels, the towel around his waist struggling to keep hugging his hips. "What do you mean 'sorry'?" He takes Jimin's hand again and laces their fingers together, smiling gently. "Mochi, are you nervous?"

Jimin nods his head slowly. "Maybe." He mutters, looking away from forced eye contact. He watches their conjoined hands. "I guess I just don't want to seem too eager, because.. you know."

Ah. Yes, that does make sense. Jungkook nods, understanding what the other must be feeling. The last time that they were intimate like this, he didn't know what had happened. Jimin had been really eager. He almost begged for it to happen, but this time, with his mind confused with ugly lies, he's trying to hold himself back. Jungkook smiles though, because Jimin trusts him enough to share with him his current thoughts. "I want you to want it, though." Jungkook states softly, the sound of his smile in his voice. He should share his own thoughts as well. "I'm a little nervous about going too fast for you, myself."

Jimin's eyes rise quickly, finding the others with concern. "No, baby, don't be. I'm ready for you. I'm scared that you'll think I'm crazy for wanting you so bad." The words escape his lips as if the life that carries them depends on their freedom.

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