Hospital visit

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"Are you cold?" Hoseok notices the bumps on Jimin's arms. He watches the younger boys solemn expression, Jimin's eyes flickering to him, but there's no life inside of them.

"Huh?" Jimin didn't catch Hoseok's question. His thoughts are loud in his head, they block out his surroundings.

Hoseok nods understandingly and moves to take off his sweater. "I just asked if you were cold. Take this." He lays the fabric on Jimin's lap and places his arms around the boys shoulders, pulling him into another side hug.

"Thanks, hyung." Jimin looks down at the blue sweater and his eyes are wet again. They're already sore from crying so much, but the tears just keep coming. "I used my hoodie to try to make him stop bleeding." He says suddenly, without thinking about the words or the way his voice breaks as he says them. "He kept bleeding so much. I think I told him I love him a thousand times."

Hoseok stay quiet for a while, rubbing his hand against Jimin's shoulder to comfort him. He clears his throat to free it from the emotion setting in. "What you did, what you said, he felt it Chim. You were the person he wanted with him, I'm sure of it."

"I wish it was me in that hospital bed. I wish he didn't come get me." Jimin chokes, his throat feels like it's closing in again. He's breathing heavy, and Hoseok tries to dry all of his tears before they can fall from his chin. "He's in pain, Hobi."

"The doctors are taking good care of him. He's sleeping. He's just dreaming right now."

"But when he wakes up, he'll be suffering and I can't even see him to tell him that I'm sorry."

"You don't have to tell him that you're sorry. He doesn't blame you."

"He should. He should hate me just as much as his parents do."

Hoseok sighs. It's frustrating to see Jimin beating himself up so much, blaming himself for Jungkook's injury. "His parents are angry that their son got hurt. They'd blame anybody, but it's not your fault. Jungkook knows that, Chim. That's what's important."

"I deserve to be the one that got hurt."

"Stop saying that. Nobody deserves to get hurt, only the man that did this to BOTH of you. You were hurt by this, too."

Jimin's breath is shaky and he pauses to maintain control on his voice. "But I'm the one who should have gotten shot, not Jungkook. I should have been walking by myself last night. Hobi, hyung I asked him to come get me so we could walk together because I was scared. It's because of me, because I was scared."

"Jungkook wanted to protect you. He did. He protected you because he loves you."

"What if he doesn't wake up? How can I live with this? I can't."

"Don't say something like that!" Hoseok raises his voice a little, earning a few displeased glances. He smiles sheepishly under their accusing looks and lowers his tone again. "Don't say that. He's going to wake up."

"But what if he doesn't?" Jimin turns to look at Hoseok, anticipating an answer even though he's afraid to hear one. It's on his mind, it's the only thing he can think about.

"Chim, he will wake up. He will."

"Hey!" A voice calls to them, an undertone of annoyance heavy in it as a taller man approaches them. His expression is sour. "I thought I told you to leave. Why are you waiting here?"

Hoseok grips Jimin's shoulder as he leans forward a little to show the younger boy that he'll speak for him. "We're here for Jungkook. We're going to wait until he wakes up."

"And who are you? I'm speaking to this one." The man scowls at Hoseok, pointing at Jimin.

"I'm Jungkook's friend. You can't make us leave."

The man puffs up his chest, his face growing angry now. "I don't actually care who you are. Jimin, is that your name?" He asks, looking down at the boy cowering under his assaulting tone. He doesn't wait for an answer. "I want you to leave. You did this to my son and you shouldn't be here."

"Stop this." A woman mutters as she comes to the mans side. Her hands falls on his back and her expression is almost apologetic. "We're in a hospital, don't fight here." She looks at the two seated in front of her husband and smiles grimly at them. "I remember you, you're Jungkook's boyfriend, right?"

Her question takes Jimin by surprise and he looks up to meet her sad gaze with one of his own. "Yes, ma'am."

"I knew that. I could tell." Her voice is soft, unlike her husbands. "He's just upset, don't listen to him. You should stay." She says, motioning to the man beside her. "You didn't do this, sweetheart. We know that."

"I don't know that." Jungkook's father grumbles, but he's quieter. His eyes abandon their glare, growing sad as he looks down at his feet. His shoulders slump.

"I'm sorry." Jimin whispers. He watches the woman's eyes mimic his own, tears filling both pairs as they look at each other. She reaches out to him and places a cool hand on his cheek, smiling down at him. He flinches a little when she touches him, but she keeps smiling in the same melancholy way as before.

"Jungkook will wake up. You don't need to be sorry." She takes her hand away to dry her eyes with the back of it and she sniffles. "He's only sleeping because of the medication for the pain. He's so strong. He'll wake up soon." She nods when she finishes speaking, as if to confirm to her own heart that he will be okay. "Do you want to see him?"

Jimin opens his mouth, jaw dropping a little before he catches it. He notices the glare returning to the mans eyes, Jungkook's father looking in the woman's direction, but he doesn't protest against her offer. "Yes, can I?" Jimin sits up in his seat.

"Come with me." She stretches out her hand, ignoring the look her husband is giving her at the same time. "I'm sure he wants you next to him more than he wants us to be."

They stop to ask permission from a doctor, and with an okay from Jungkook's parents they let him pass through the emergency doors. A long corridor stretches in front of them, walls and floor a pristine white. Room 304, Jungkook's room. It's not far, but it feels like a mile, their footsteps thudding in the silence of the hospital hallway.

Jimin's heart is racing in his chest. He's not ready to see Jungkook in the hospital bed, hooked up to wires and tubes, patched up from a bullet wound. It hits him hard when he does and Jimin stays by the doorway for a moment, watching his boyfriend. He chokes back another sob and tries to take a deep breath to enter the room. There's a vase full of beautiful flowers on Jungkook's side table. He wishes he'd had time to bring Jungkook something.

"Sit here." Jungkook's mother calls softly, pulling a chair closer to the side of the bed. "You can stay with him for a while. I'm going to take Jungkook's dad to get something to eat before he collapses. Did you eat anything, Jimin?"

Jimin nods. "My friend brought me some food before."

She smiles again. "Good, okay. Take your time. Talk to him." She pats Jimin's shoulder as he sits down in the chair. "I'll go now." She turns away to leave the room, leaving Jimin alone with his sleeping boyfriend. His injured boyfriend who will eventually wake up in pain.

Jimin's heart is heavy as he looks over Jungkook's body. He's still, covered in a white sheet. His chest rises up and down, his breathing assisted by a machine. It's more painful to see him like this than Jimin realized it would be and he finds himself wondering why he wanted to. It's more so that he needs to, to be by his side. "I love you, my baby." Jimin whispers. He lifts his hand up and places it on Jungkook's flattened own. "I'm here."

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